In Progress XBox Crashing

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Diamond Luvs44, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Is there a rough idea of how long this could take? It's currently relatively uncomfortable to play.
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  2. ZeusBlack New Player

    eu simplesmente entro no jogo e não consigo logar com meu personagem principal (LordZeusUBR), pois quando eu entro o jogo fecha e volta pra tela de inicio do xbox. Começou a acontecer isso quando viajei pra Ilha das Amazonas (themiscyra). To perdendo vários itens do jogo, isso prejudica e desanima bastante.
  3. Bluedreamx13 New Player

    Pls only have one toon ever since new update messed up my character shows it in menu an when I pick it loads to loading screen then freeze/ crashes on me taking me to Xbox dashboard pls help or what should I do ?
  4. Batmanll New Player

    Having trouble logging in on one of my toons, but others work. Can anyone help?
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  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have identified the cause of this issue and will deploy the fix as soon as possible. Until then, we will be reducing the number of players allowed in several zones to mitigate some of the crashing.
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  6. Batmanll New Player

    Is there a way to move my character to the watchtower?
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  7. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Jokes aside, that sounds very promising already. Obviously, we will have this problem solved soon. Thank you.
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  8. Shadowshadow New Player

    As the title suggests, i'm having an issue using one of my characters. I've got a cr 417 with about 120sp that i've spent the last several weeks grinding, and was participating in the wb raid early thursday morning, i made it as far as infernal khandaq, but the game crashed while moving from hol to ik, and now selecting the character will take me to a load screen that will even start playing the environment sounds as normal just before the load completes, but consistently freezes and crashes (it makes the robot stroke sound where it plays a sound but gets stuck playing part of it). I have 5 other characters including one that is almost cr430, and can log in with all of them just fine, but i specifically created this character to be better, and i've worked hard grinding it up.
    I've tried everything i can think of (restart game, restart console, soft reset console, deleted and recovered the character, deleted and reinstalled the game, cleared the game cache, deleted the save data, power cycled console, and i try several times in a row a few times a day just to be sure). I have submitted a help request to support and have an open ticket, but it's the weekend and i probably won't get a response until at least monday, so i figured i'd ask here to see if anyone can help me come up with a solution

    I'm playing on the xbox series s
  9. Bilenci New Player

    Unaware of the current bug on xbox server i went to infernal khandaq and my character has been on an infinite crashing sequence ever since not allowing me to lay the game at all and i cant submit a ticket but need help and my character removed from the area so i can play the game. My name is pain on xbox server i need a dev or someone to get me out of area also please fix this as soon as possible Email me when fixed plz

    (Part 2) i also just got word that now even cursed gotham is bugged and having the same issue PLEASEEE FIX THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IDC IF THERES ANOTHER DOWNTIME FOR 18 HOURS
  10. theU77 New Player

    Traveled to cursed gotham and got infinite loading screen. Logged out then back in and same issue
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  11. Soul Scarred New Player

    So there's a chance that when you crash in the Hol your character can not be played. If you decide to go to pick that character it will send you to the title screen as if u just started the game asking you to press a button to start. This is on Xbox and it happened to a person called "Phoenix Goddess" and they can't get on that toon
  12. Soul Scarred New Player

    In short ur character is in jail cause of a crash in hol
  13. Bluedreamx13 New Player

    Took my character too kahndaq before new update still stuck in there can’t play my toon name is TGODXx13 pls help me recover him back I tried everything after the new update
  14. Bluedreamx13 New Player

    Same same only got one toon can’t play keeps crashing Xbox
  15. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Nearly 4 Days and still nothing? What means soon? Like in movie trailers?
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  16. ZeusBlack New Player

    Oi, sabe me dizer se o seu problema foi resolvido? porque eu tive o mesmo problema e ainda não foi arrumado
  17. Bazza6768 New Player

    I to have a problem I can't log into all my characters except one my mane fire tank I log in with Fireball67 and it starts to load then stops and sends me back to my home page on my xbox s please help
  18. OvaRated New Player

    I agree. This is ridiculous. I have league members who won’t even touch the game at the moment because their toons are still stuck in Khan or wherever else. This is taking a long time to fix, and I believe that they will still push the valentines event before fixing this. Will the people be compensated? Something!?
  19. Bluedreamx13 New Player

    So am I asked out on my toon all my hard work gone to an update !? Definitely not fair pls help us been a week already
  20. Bluedreamx13 New Player

    Pls help just want my toon back….. HELP bring my toon back TGODXx13 is my name don’t think it’s fair I invested so much into this character an I’m a member paying for an account I can’t even access to help ! Xbox pls thnx