Whats a easy top of the line dps power?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by 6ix9ine, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. 6ix9ine Well-Known Player

    i need something simple for my alt that does high damage my alt got 270 sp and will be used strictly for dpsin'g

    im switching from my nature healer because my main toon a healer now and i dont really like nature dps on this alt so what to switch too now for strictly dps? ill use anything with great numbers as long as its not a complicated rotation.
  2. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I think people are just spamming gadgets now lol.
  3. Xibo Loyal Player

    Open World, Solos and Duos: Earth, followed by Munitions, Celestial and Water
    Raids and Alerts: Celestial, followed by Earth, Celestial and Water.

    But if you want something easy and strong so choose Munitions or Water.
  4. OC-GG New Player

    Celestial you have to have a very specific interactive LO, Ive not seen a top of leaderboard celestial dps, only very very good healers. Water DPS is horrible man, I think the way to go OP is Earth, easier of them all and arguably strongest dps.
  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    PcDl is OP, that is why Celestial is very strong. Jackhammer is OP and Unstoppable can be clipped. Water is not OP but strong when well-used.
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  6. 6ix9ine Well-Known Player

    wouldnt mind munitions but i already have a munition toon

    looks like earth might be the move, ive actually never been that power before so ill give it a go anyone have a loadout?
  7. OC-GG New Player

    I had a killer one, not sure if it works for everyone but i used debris field clipped with unstoppable then jackhammer till cool down then heat vision rinse amd repeat until sc earthquake and tap meele 4 times for max dps. Remaining power slot its up to you, but with jackhammer being your main aoe its nit even necessary, maybe robo pet.
  8. Razzbuu Well-Known Player

    Look every power has its pros and cons
    Earth and rage is strong for the most parts of the game (the melee friendly raids,alerts) but its average in elite raids (end game)
    The well rounded powers in my opinions ( munitions,celestial,gadgets) electricity is good but not as good as it used to be
    The powers i mentioned above is good for adds and single targets
    But the best single target power for elite stuff like (zoo elite, panoE) Hard light hands down the best single target as dps (hand clap is so op)
  9. OC-GG New Player

    Xibo sorry, whats PcDI?
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  10. Xibo Loyal Player

    Plague Corrupted Divine Light :)
  11. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    lol you're right most of my friends have switched to gadgets #thegadgetsspamisreal
  12. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    plz don't recommend HL to ppl, they will regret it.
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  13. Xibo Loyal Player

    High tier (not in order): Earth, Munitions, Celestial, Gadgets and Rage.

    Medium Tier (not in order): Water, Ice, Fire, Sorcery and Light.

    Low Tier (not in order): Sorcery, Mental and Atomic.
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  14. Razzbuu Well-Known Player

    Why would you say that??explain the "they will regret it" part
  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Plague combo'd into divine light.

    Celestial combos are abreviated with the initials of the powers and a "c" in the middle meaning combo.

    Sorry had to log in to correct that, was bothering me lol
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  16. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    not being negative, it actually used to be my fav power but it's very horrible to play now it's annoying and not fun anymore plus dps is weak.
  17. Razzbuu Well-Known Player

    I disagree with you mate, it is good and fun power
    Since revamp i tried many powers HL is far from weak mate ,,
  18. L T Devoted Player

    Why do you consider atomic low tier?
  19. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    If they're might, not precision lol.
  20. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    He means new players wont be able to use it. Some people don't even like clipping, which is odd but i guess they need easy am mode lol