US and EU PC Server Downtime - January 21, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by RadarX, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. ReAni Mator New Player

    People love thinking of 'banning' as a super power all of it's own. I see it in trade chat, groups of friends ganging up on some witless poster, threatening to 'report them' and whatever else. Get off on it I guess.
    When it comes to glitching, somethings are worse than others obviously. F'ing up an entire communities economy is at the hi end of the 'being an ****' spectrum, and I think anyone who 'stumbled' across this glitch would have had to have instantly known it was a pretty crappy and deviant act to be engaging in. But what may really have gotten SOE's goat was duplicating item's that would otherwise earned them money, you know, respec tokens etc..Where as the clown box glitch that many frustrated para players endulged in after they had endured countless useless drops playing legit seemed relatively harmless. I watched a guy in a raid attempting that clown box thing and it seemed like more work than doing it normally at times. Anyways, we are all entitled to our opinions on the matter and we are equally entitled to disagree.
  2. Darkchild2222 New Player

    Anyone having problems with crashes?
  3. Milici New Player

    yeah me too