Time to do something about modding Devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mazahs, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Currently i do not mod,simply because the gear is constantly being upgraded and the cost is not worth it. I will mod elite top end gear or my secondary spec while i gear out my main...the rewards of modding are just not worth the amount of materials and costs for me at this point. Especially while pushing 290 sp
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yet mmos are suppose to be a grind
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  3. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Not necessarily. It’s just that they all follow established patterns of grinding for everything.
  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    And dc is no different.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I don't even want to open the R&D menu sometimes because of how glitchy it is
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  6. majosea Dedicated Player

    it lag so bad , game crafted the wrong style , wasted 5 anit- matter motes
  7. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    I would love to be able to actually archive and it work... the whole ui is gltchy as hell when it comes to r and d as well as the broker
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  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Aspects of mmos are supposed to be a grind. Not every single part. Some things need to be simple and fun to break up the monotonous. Otherwise it feels like a job not a game. The skill points, the gear are the grind. Modding should be a bonus, encouraged, engaging, and fun. Modding now, despite everyones varying opinions on the specifics, in my opinion isn't fun.
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  9. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    At the start of a dlc, you're not salvaging gear for that material, so at the very start you're not even getting a good head start because you have to use that gear, then Start salvaging everything afterwards.
  10. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I think that a good place to start would be with making MODS percentage based. This would have the added perk of making it even more beneficial to acquire skill points to raise base stats that would then be further enhanced by the MOD percentage boost. You could even SCALE the percentages. For instance MIGHT MOD TOP TIER could scale 1% increase of you have 90% of your might skill points speced, 2% at 95% and 3% at 100%. The same could be applied to mixed mods as well. Just a thought.
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  11. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The R&D menu is such a mess that most people use the Archive Function in the opposite way of it being intended. With Time Capsule crap plugging the top of the menu and the rest going in order of DLC, it gets out of hand very quickly. At the VERY LEAST the menus need to start collapsed.

    For all the stuff that's added to R&D, the pacing is still stuck in the old tiers (T1/T2/T3) way of thinking. Adjustable gear is a good thing, it means we're usually getting useful rewards, but the gear turnover is killer on mods. Even the 20 MoV Removal kits aren't enough. Consider that it costs 200 MoV to go through one cycle of gear (all 10 pieces). Remember that players will probably go through several cycles of gear before they either top out on drops or get the vendor gear. Even if priced at 5 MoV it would be difficult but the effort would match the reward a lot more.

    So I guess my wish list for R&D would be
    1. Collapsed menus
    2. Removal Kits priced at 5 mov

    Btw, Tactical Mod Removal kits should be lowered in price too. I've never bothered with Tactical Mods for this reason.
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  12. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    The tactical mods you get from the mainframe upgrades are free, with an unlimited supply in your base’s dispenser. No need for a removal kit for those. Just dispense a new one and overwrite if you want to switch or if you upgrade your gear.
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  13. VariableFire Loyal Player

    *Sigh* Not those, the ones from Time Capsules. You know, the reason removal kits were added to vendors at all.
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  14. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    I would be fine with only the gear you get from the vendor to be the only one with exo slots, the drops are just temporary anyway. The white base mods can stay, but the drop box white mods you should be able to move in and out without a cost.
  15. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    wasn't about if they were worth it, it's about wasting my time. By the time I get the mods, we getting new gear. The amount of material became way to high.
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  16. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    They can't fix something without knowing what you specifically have in mind. What is the exact nature of the bug? Do you have documentation/screen shots so they have something to work with?
  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    No documentation needed. All the devs have to do is get in the R&D screen and try to use it. If the devs get on a toon and fill up R&D with all of the plans from Alphas, betas, all the way to end game Like I have done. They will see exactly how bad the menu is. I just stopped on one character and had to start crafting with another because of the R&D mess.
  18. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Just archive everything you are not using. I have no problem with using my R&D. I only keep my beta and the current end game content. No lag no problem
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  19. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I agree to a point. Percentage based R&D like the colas extremes would be a great start.

    In my opinion all R&D colas, mods, buffs should be percentage based like the cola extremes. T1 mods should take the same number of items to craft as end game mods. Just as all the materials need to be looked at so that the devs can condense the mess called R&D. All these essences, bytes, catalysts need to be condensed into 1 type for each. Then everything gets converted to percentages. Doing this can cut R&D down by 90%.

    People like to play the game for fun, not as a monotonous job just trying to keep up with the Jones. The ones that do like to live on the game cannot afford to support the salaries of all the devs because they are far & few between. On top of that. Since these players are living on the game. They are obviously not working & earning a reliable income or fixed income. Without a reliable income or being on a fixed income. How do these players plan to pay everyone's salaries?

    If we are all living on the game & grinding to our hearts content.
    Who's making the cash to keep paying for the game? Our mommies? I've seen people lose their homes because they were grinding in games just trying to keep up with the Jones. I been in more than a couple FB groups where this has happened to people. This is not healthy or fun.
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  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    DCUO could Fix the archive function and R&D would still be a mess because there is way too much redundancy from the start of the game all the way to the end game.

    There should be one of each R&D item that scales from the start to the end of the game just as soda colar extremes do.