The New SOE All Access Plan & FAQ

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. muellersascha Well-Known Player

    Hey Mepps, how about you guys hurry up and make this "All access plan 1 year introductory offer" available to playstation players? I am actually considering going Legend for the first time. This would seal the deal!
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  2. Wquakenb New Player

    I honesty would love for yall to put FF14 into this category for games we can play. That would seal the deal with me for many years to come if you did. Hell I would give you my checking account lol. Please see if you can make that happen make FF14 A Realm Reborn in the All Access Pass!!! I would really love to play that game since it costs the same as DCUO Legendary
  3. Victuswolf New Player

    I currently have a 1 years subscription running on auto renew.

    If I buy another years subscription while already subscribed will this increase the amount of subscription time I have? and will it change the renew date to be a year later then it currently is?

    Do I need my subscription on auto renew to get my monthly station cash? and other benefits?
  4. Wquakenb New Player

    From what i've read about that and the answers given your current subscription will run it's course and as soon as it's done your second sub will kick in immediately afterwards.
  5. kiba New Player

    ty u tell me :eek:
  6. Ultimate Emperor New Player

    Yah I Bought IT Too