The New Loot System has Ruined the Nexus Paradox Raids!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RJTally31, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. XODUIS Committed Player

    ok thats your opinion, but the countless tells i get a day of people asking me to troll Wave and Nexus says otherwise. ps i wouldnt be cussing, that'll get you banned ;)
  2. One Shot New Player

    I'm trying to get the thread closed actually... and if i get banned i'll make a new account again, i will speak my mind
  3. XODUIS Committed Player

    it has over 1k views i doubt it'll get closed
  4. Clip New Player

    Look at some pages back there is a thread i created about it. Even in this thread deadmeat descriped it wrong until crafty crafter explained it.
    If you would have read it you would know what you need to know pal...
  5. One Shot New Player

    So your crying that a post on a subject that was still at test stage was wrong? lol omg
  6. Clip New Player

    He even stated it wrong after it went live... Omg read it first before talking about it...
  7. One Shot New Player

    theres been many notes and threads talking about it long before it was released to live.. or you just came here to QQ cause that's what people like you do?
  8. Evil Leaper New Player

    I understand people have spent time and money on this game but the Dev's tried really hard to come up with a system where everyone gets rewarded for the completion. I get that attitudes and tempers run high in this game but can't we have a civil discussion in this thread without the need to name call put down other people?
    The new loot system will stay in place. Change is what allows a MMO to stay fresh you have to embrace it or else your not going to have FUN and having fun is the reason we play right??
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  9. Clip New Player

    Jup but when deadmeat says that each individual receives the loot of a whole group before that loot update leaves not much space to think its a bad change.
  10. Clip New Player

    I only said my oppinion but everytime fanboys like oneshot comearound with lol omg blablabla
  11. TDSK Committed Player

    You don't joke about rainbow unicorns. They're just to awesome.

    But back on topic, today I got: Prec Trinket, Healer Trinket, DPS Gloves, and a Staff from Trigon's Prison. Before, I wouldn't have been able to get that Healer Trinket, since I was playing in DPS role (healer role needs one more piece to be ready for T5 alerts). This system is very helpful in that respect. But it's the same thing as solo's. We will get gear we can't use, it's been going on for every solo mission since level 10.

    It would be nice if for leagues they could have this option as an alternate system. I personally don't like the old system to much, but I can understand why people in leagues would.
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  12. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Shut it about this loot... this isn't even a problem... you did not list a single reason y u do not like the system just saying read the foursms and change it .... here are some positives about this new system:

    More Loot .. the overall loot is in abundance and this lessens the chance of you going an entire nexus run only to see 86 tank and chest waist drop on last boss

    No more "ninja" ... this has Killed the idea of ninja looting in it self and for me a person who loves pugging some time i dont have to worry about ninjas any more

    role vs dps gear.... I trolll more than i dps but however i still do both a lot this new loot has made it so i do not have to choose to troll to get troller gear and dps to get dps gear i can dps and get troller gear and dps gear ....

    so explain to me the negatives because i bet they are stupid once u think about it
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  13. One Shot New Player

    Why cause it shuts the trolls up with a bit of truth? I'm done with the forums any-ways, this crap is boring the life out of me
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  14. Clip New Player

    Bye, have fun :D
  15. Evil Leaper New Player

    Well aren't I allowed to give my opinion as well? This loot makes it possible to get to the CR 97+ to even run the highest raids.
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  16. Clip New Player

    I said nothing about your statement- just that deadmeat stated it wrong and it made me mad to see they release stuff that works not the way they announced it.
    If you love the new system, have fun with it- it wont be changed back again. So be even more
    Happy about it :D
  17. One Shot New Player

    you can be as thick as you like there's no rules against it, but other's will also tell you shut up when your being stupid, as i have done..
  18. Clip New Player

    Well you put words in my mouth that i didnt use- so once again im mad they release stuff in a other way they announce it. And again check the thread and you know what i mean :D
    This lootsystem wont change so be happy with it- and i dunnp why you argue with me! I only want that they announce such a big chang correct.
    But if you want to keep argue with me have fun :) but please dislike what i say and not what you think i might say or might QQ about.
  19. One Shot New Player

    I understand that, but what i'm saying is, its not worth it, its not worth the hassle of even typing about it to complain, this isn't even the right thread, your just QQ'ing, know what i mean? just focus on the discussion at hand

    as i said before the "new loot system" is only new to the live server, we have been talking about it for ages..
  20. Clip New Player

    I thought u wanted to leave the forum :D
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