The New Loot System has Ruined the Nexus Paradox Raids!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RJTally31, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. RJTally31 Active Player

    I am asking these who read the forms please like this form so that the devs fix it to were u can have the option to the loot ( i.e.) add an option to set the loot table to group loot - individual loot - master loot- round robin. If they don't want to do that then set the individual loot to your role and off role. I am just throwing ideas out there besides the one in place now.
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  2. WonderValkyrie New Player

    no, even if they added the option then ppl could set it in grps where ppl, like me, would still rather have personal loot. After this update and being able to experience personal loot i am never going back to the old loot system i'd sooner quit this game now. If they can find a way to add a option for individuals to roll against other individuals who would rather roll for their loot fine but it better not touch my personal loot
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  3. Epic Wins New Player

    Big no to this... NO.
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  4. BlackOpz Well-Known Player

    No need to quit, just dont join groups the advertise their using a system you dont like. Or heck - QUIT in protest that others DONT like personal loot and want "Role Based" loot. Quit soon, Quit early, Quit often.
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  5. Whiteroom New Player

    Lol! Because the loot from the raids was great before...
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  6. RJTally31 Active Player

    Please fill me in on how this is better I don't get it? You going for salvage feat cause the math on this doesn't add up. Great for pug groups League raids or even friend runs no so much. 1 in 3 old system new one 1 in what ever the loot table is for the boss. Even then its a item in a role u cant use. Please explain
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  7. Sh0wtyme New Player

    I don't see how it ruined anything. First run since dlc dropped I got a few lower level dps things, and last boss I got a troll neck.. No problem. Today I got a 87 dps neck and exp plan at last boss.. You have a 1 outta 4 chance of getting something you can use, gear wise. 2 outa 4 if you play both roles. You get more loot this way, you just might or might not be able to use it..
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  8. The Johnny army New Player

    Last night, league run on Nexus, 2 guys got Expert plans in the last room, I got troller Traces in Time legs, which I can use :) and main troller kept getting tank gear, but the loot is pretty much the same, people have to realise what changed is the way it drops, not the drops themselves. I've done Nexus without getting anything (either because I "had" to pass or lost the roll), if I get something now, I appreciate it, even if I can't use it. Silver linings, guys, always look on the bright side and all that :)
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  9. One Shot New Player

    The only people upset by the new loot system are the ones that could afford to use replays everyday to run nex/pw, they are only upset because now everyone else can get gear and start to enjoy nexus and pw instead of worrying about drops.

    The elite's will no longer be elite.. lol
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  10. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Love it leave it as is! Kill's the ninja looter XD style and I am more than happy to settle for what I get. Far better than getting burnt out of something I could really use by an %$#@ grabbing all he/she can get regardless of need.
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  11. GateofDestiny New Player

    The only ones upset are those that can't do math.
    2random drops shared by 8 people vs. 8 drops for 8 people.
    Come on. Its not hard.

    All this complaining about someone getting an expert plan, and you didn't. How many times did an expert plan drop and you didn't win against the other 7 rolling.

    How many Nexus runs have gone by where the things that dropped were neither of your roll.
    Complaining about how some other guy in the raid got something is the same as complaining about the drops that an entirely different raid group in the old system got.

    Sounds like a bunch of ENVY to me, just because you didn't automatically get what you wanted, when in the old system, the chances of you getting something was even lower.
    Just because its automatic loot now, people seem entitled to get exactly what they want each run? Yea okay.
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  12. Pumped New Player

    The only problem with your story is that it doesnt how much gear a player has the casual will still crumble in PW unless they are allowed to 20 man it... lol

    Best regards!
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  13. Sh0wtyme New Player

    That's why I don't get why people are complaining. You have the same chance, if not a better chance of getting something good.. For example, lets say there's 16 pieces of armor at the last boss that could drop. 4 for each role. If you play 1 role only you have a 1/4 chance of getting something you want. Where as before you had half that chance of getting it cuz you had to roll against someone else.

    Now if you play both roles, you have a 1/2 chance of getting something you need without running the risk of ninjaing someone. But there will always be people that aren't happy with something. If they just made it so dps can only roll on dps gear, people would complain about having to go into instances under geared to get dps gear. Or having to buy a dps set. You can't make everyone happy
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  14. Notangie New Player

    The old loot system SUCKED for people who play both roles. You have to guess which role the rng luck gods would favor, usually guess wrong and not be able to need on drops you helped the group earn because you were currently playing your other role. Also, there are more style feats for gear that drops dps-only, so support can't get as many sp...

    If only I could down vote your original post...
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  15. Notangie New Player

    Role-based loot would also suck if someone is dual-specced and the group needs them to play support (since there is an inordinate amount of dps-only) and dps gear that they need drops, but they can't roll because they did what was best for the group.

    I'd rather get wrong-role gear than change the new loot system. I can't wait till they fix ALL tiers to loot-for-all.
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  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The new loot system is flawless (bugs aside), the problem lies with the loot tables and the fact that the best armor set drops at random, rather than being purchasable that is the problem.
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  17. WonderValkyrie New Player

    my off role is troll and i have already gotten 3 pieces of troll gear from the new alert, pieces i would have gotten yelled at if i rolled need on it, i am building my troll set even faster with this change
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  18. Notangie New Player

    Another thing that sucks about the best gear being a drop: you can accidentally salvage it. Earned gear has to be manually deleted, so it should be the best.
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  19. crownclownking New Player

    I really doubt those are the only people. I mean great now everyone gets loot but hey guess what that loot might not be for your role or be a dps gear. So if youre not switching powers then that gear is useless and it becomes nothing more than a savage piece. Also not everyone was enjoying nex and paradox before considering they said they nerf them and what not. But the new loot does reward everyone so at least thats good imo.
  20. Cirocband New Player

    I personally like the new loot system, I think it'll be better if you had the option to trade within your instance.
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