The New Loot System has Ruined the Nexus Paradox Raids!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RJTally31, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Senshirou Committed Player

    Your just mad your not getting loot for your role every time. This new loot system is awesome. They need to implement it for the rest of the new content thus forward. Placing this for the old content might not be a bad idea either since I saw an "I got ninja looted from dawn" complainer yesterday.
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I'm an Ice DPS working on getting my Tank gear. With this new Loot system, like you, i'm getting my Tank gear without depriving any tanks from getting theirs. And since it's Lvl84, It means i don't HAVE to go into say Family Reunion or BIA in green gear just to earn better gear or marks to buy even better gear. Same goes for my troll working on DPS gear. Loving it.
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  3. RawR New Player

    Also if they made it to where you can only need on your current role getting into group will be so much harder because. If someone need a DPD style they won't run the instance as a healer. Your League and friends will ask you to solo heal or troll something cause there is no other healer/troll around. You'll say no because you don't want to miss your chance on getting that DPS piece if it drops. Everyone will be a DPS trying to get an iconic piece as well.
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  4. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    I demand that the devs drop everything this second and code the game so that when I kill something, I get the EXACT loot I want and need.

    I should be able to kill a zombie in Chinatown, then pick through a list of T5 items I need. Maybe even items that haven't been made yet?

    And rubbish. Why can't all rubbish be worth 10k per drop? It's only worth, like, 5 Gold. That's worthless. At LEAST 10k per piece to make it fair. It's what the majority of players are asking for.

    I'd also like cars/mounts, a first-person option, and a letter from Spytle thanking me for taking the time out of my busy schedule to play DCUO.

    Oh, and a rainbow-unicorn.
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  5. crownclownking New Player

    yes sir i'll shut up, I mean all im writing is how bad the new system is and what not and constant QQ lol i guess you still miss this part i'll write it for you again " But the new loot does reward everyone so at least thats good imo.” There you cant miss it now
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  6. XODUIS Committed Player

  7. XODUIS Committed Player

    theres no arguing with these people 90% of them are PuGs and dont understand how League runs work.
  8. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I will say that with this new loot role I've actually gotten two Exp plans. I've seen at least 50 prior to this and have only gotten one. I've missed a roll on about 15 traces/Time Traveler pieces to other roles. I suppose it's nice to know those odds have been reduced to zero and everything else will feed my GRINDING MACHINE TO MAKE ME MOAR COMPLEX! MOAR!
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  9. Gokaigerbay New Player

    Its better for leagues, because as a whole, they will end up gearing faster, instead of just 1 or 2 guys getting something upgraded. There's a better chance for more people to get upgrades.

    The only time the old system was better if you were getting carried, and your leeching off your league and expect to get every single piece that drops. And even then, the only difference you be seeing is the last boss. All the other bosses drop 1 piece only anyway, so all this greedy complaining for 1 extra loot you would only get in a league run if you were being carried.

    The increase in 88 pieces seem to have been increased anyway too.
    Did Paradox and Nexus under the new loot system, many people got 88 pieces. Not everyone, but half or more got one. It being their role or not, that's just crazy seeing 4/8 of the drops being cr88 pieces offf 1 raid

    When under the old system, you could run these raids 8 times and you maybe see 1 traces in time or time traveler piece (that's always DPS 'role')
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  10. XODUIS Committed Player

    You dont know how League runs work do you? Its not better, lets say im doing a league run fro everyone. Traces DPS legs drop know since we're all civilized league memebers we decide who out off the 3 dPS needs it the most. We decide that the lowest geared DPS should get it. So we all pass on it to let him have. Now say we're doing a league run width the new loot system. The Traces DPS legs goes to the wrong person we intended, now our league mate doesnt progress, the person who has the legs has no means for it and salvages it. We all go home with salvage trash vs. helping at least one person out. The whole reason for league runs is to CONTROL the drops, otherwise there's no reason for league runs other than to have fun.
  11. BlackOpz Well-Known Player

    PASS/GREED allows ANY piece to go to ANY member of the raid if you're running with your league or friends - NO MATTER THE ROLE. I've done this many times before using a RESPEC token to change my power. I was a Healer collecting Troller gear that I couldnt NEED on just by having my buddies PASS any Troll gear ad me GREEDing it. Role Locked raids would still allow that mechanic to work.
  12. One Shot New Player

    only 98 sp with a cr of 98 your words have no worth... They are not changing anything, so **** and deal with it, god dam replay kings....
  13. One Shot New Player

    and yet again the only people unhappy with the new loot system are the ones that can afford replays or already won most of their gear by luck, ive been running nexus since release and still don't have one god dam exp plan.. please tell me how was the last system better?? I ran it with my league every week and got nothing week after week, not even a god dam 85 wep, so please tell me now i have 4 new bits of gear 2 new weps, how was the last system better? it wasn't, end off, you clearly know nothing about the system or you wouldn't be talking such ****, go back to cleaning toilets.
  14. Gwalir Loyal Player

    What you are not taking into effect though is that those legs now have eight times the chance to appear than they did before, due to each player having the chance of them appear. The devs have stated that the loot has the same odds of appearing they always did, and from what I've experienced with my League, that seems to be the case.

    I don't know what their drop rate is, but lets say its 1/40. Under the old way, it would take you 40 tries, but when they did drop you could immediately give them to the lowest DPS like you mention.

    Using the new system though, based off each person having a 1/40 chance, the odds of it dropping in the Instance are actually 8/40, or 1/5. However, when it does drop you have no control over who to give it to. The low DPS though, would still have the same 1/40 chance for getting the piece that he had under the old way.

    Please let me know if I made a miscalculation, but I don't believe I have.
  15. XODUIS Committed Player

    Yes you made a HUGE miscalculation as the Devs stated the odds of gear dropping doesnt change
  16. One Shot New Player

    Are you smoking crack? What the hell are you talking about?
    Dude your only trolling or you are so thick you just can't understand the system OMG
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  17. XODUIS Committed Player

    we've had 3 moths to get full t5, it takes 20 days with no replays, your fault your not geared
  18. One Shot New Player

    I've had both 85 sets for a very very long time bro, i want to advance from the same old crap and get better gear but when it was down to rolling against others, i ALWAYS lost, you don't get 152 sp from being a nub bro.. but with your baby 98 sp its easy to see why you don't understand a god dam thing about dcuo or its new loot system
  19. XODUIS Committed Player

    wtf are you even talking about? im fully speeced for troller, so i could care less about what you think, i've been playing for 2+ years so you telling me im a noob is laughable, you're taking this way to seriously. and your calling me a replay king but yet you have two 85 sets lol, bro your pathetic, confused, and just a nonfactor on my decision
  20. One Shot New Player

    Are you that thick?? Really? I'm saying your a ******* nub, do you lick windows in your spare time? and looool pls try 3-4 months

    And if you could read, you would know this thread is about nexus/pw and the new loot system... Which is the only thing i'm talking about or did you forget cause it was to hard to keep track...