The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Is it noted anywhere that when you go 1-2-3 then EMP Distract EMP then Stealth, then hit a power eg Bunker Buster or Sticky Bomb, if that power shares the same loadout spot as Distract, then it will not trigger?
  2. TheDark Devoted Player

    What will not trigger? You're distract, emp or BB/SB? I need your last part to be more specific.
  3. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    1-2-3 then EMP Distract EMP then Stealth then Bunker Buster (or any other power) etc. If Bunker Buster shares the same loadout spot as Distract, when you do the rotation above, Bunker Buster will not trigger.

    Edit: Cant replicate it atm. Will try to replicate error.
  4. TheDark Devoted Player

    I've ran into issues before where my Bunkers wouldn't register but that was either due to server lag (as always), if I was performing the rotation too slow for some reason, or if I just slipped a button. That's with BB not being in the same spot as Distract.

    I find these things are most related to server lag. Keep in mind that not only have my powers like Cfoam, Gauss,Defibs, surprise attack, & BB's not registered through, there were also times where server lag let me get off 2, even 3 uses, of powers just transitioning out of stealth. It mostly happens with GG especially in conjunction with BB and that's with no clipping in stealth.

    Big thing is if the overall rotation is performed slow like 3PI into stealth, definitely 3PI emp then Distract emp then Stealth and power, you definitely shorten the window by point seconds on your availability to hit a power in stealth. It can be done but has greater variation. Usually 3PI emp then stealth and insert power then emp will give you a better success rate.

    The rule with stealth use is if you use a power outside of stealth then transition into stealth, that previous power determines when you will be brought out of stealth form. Some powers register damage immediately so that can actually take you out before you even hit anything while others like EMP and CryoFoam have slight delays. Same from within stealth. Depending on when a power registers its yellow damage determines when you will be brought out of stealth. So as long as you clip/maneuver before that period you aren't exploiting and shouldn't experience a bug. If you're brought out immediately or damage isn't registering then something is up.

    That's overall stealth use. With regards to the AM, you can squeeze in offense before the damage tick registers on a power as long as each EMP/PDart use registers 1 tag during 1 AM set up.

    Try to record it if you can replicate it.
  5. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Thats probably it right there.

    Will try to replicate error.
  6. TheDark Devoted Player

    Here's a video with a tip on how you can take advantage of Holographic Decoy in the God of Monsters raid. It's focused on second boss. Some groups have trouble finding a second tank for it but you can actually do it without one. That's due to how they designed the Phoenix.

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  7. TheDark Devoted Player

    Here's 2 more since I have alot of time free this holiday weekend.

    The one below is like the Gadgets DPS tips video in the Olympus Elite raid guide but it's focused on tips for Gadgets controlling. It includes NPC info on their overall breakout profiles, possible healing debuff use for minimal assistance, switch hit, and how you can use Distract and/or Neural Neutralizer/Stealth int he last boss fight.

    The second video is talk on overall controller power healing especially in long boss fights. That starts after tips on the second boss in God of Monsters Elite. I'm waiting on posting gome first & last boss video since i posted so many already too soon.

  8. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    The Personal Dampening Field Chart image in Post #27 is broken.

    The damage cap on Personal Dampening Field Olympian is 5178. I was wondering how that compared to the previous versions.
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  9. TheDark Devoted Player

    I fixed it. Must've just bugged because my PDF thread didn't get a broken link. I got the same number. The jump isn't that big. It's 246. I think the mods also have a lousy increase.
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  10. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Lousy stat increases are all we can expect as long as stat flattening is still in place. I'm still modding Olympian now (was using VI-X, Synth VI and beta mods over the last year). I consider it an investment in the future with the assumption that the stat revamp will be released while these mods are still high end.
  11. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    For my DPS gear, I'm using Betas/Synthetics and saving my materials. It is too soon to tell how Stats Revamp is going to affect the Gadgets DPS modding. After Stats revamp, it maybe necessary to go back to a damage rotation that makes extensive use of weapons. If so, Might & Precision may give better performance than an all-Might built. From my perspective, there is too much grinding involve with the Olympian mods to be making assumptions at this point.

    I was testing out Static Grenades in South Gotham yesterday and noticed some odd things going on with enemy defense values. The smaller enemies were taking ~2.5k damage from my Static Grenades. Some of the bigger ones like Sunstone Dominator were taking ~11k damage. Have you observed any similar variations in Static Grenade damage output in instanced content?
  12. TheDark Devoted Player

    I haven't used them since the Paradox Wave days into NGN days. I think I still have 7s or 6s. It sounds like the damage is based on percentage now.

    I figure we're most likely going back to weapon use in some form after the stat revamp & adjustments to Gadgets AM are made. I just don't want to mod Might & Prec yet just incase the Supercharge approach works well or AM damage isn't significantly reduced. I was talking to my leaguemates the other day and I decided I might as well just go all level 8 mods in these slots until stats revamp is on test server. The increase in precision and might is only 10 for each piece. Even if you add them up across the the pieces, I find it minimal. So I'll do 8 mods all over also because the resources are minimal. I should have a stockpile of Olympian stuff by the time S.R. is released.
  13. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I'm using my weapon with the AM anyway so I'm modding full Prec&Might now. Considering I never used anything higher than VI-X, it will be a noticeable difference for me. Keeping Olympian materials and just modding VIII for now is a solid plan as well, I just figured when the revamp finally hits the next episode will probably be close enough that I personally wouldn't bother remodding at that point.

    About the SC playstyle I'm particularly curious. They made such a big deal out of it, those Head mods can't be the only tool they give us for building around SC. I'm carefully speculating that they'll either let SC regen scale with some stat, or add SP innates that increase SC regen in some form. Anyway I fully expect to return to a balanced Prec&Might playstyle after the revamp considering that I already kind of do that now. Of course since we know literally nothing about the current state of the revamp we may end up anywhere between full Prec, full Might and pet based lol.
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  14. Damascus New Player

    @TheDark, I'm really glad to see you keeping this going. I was around when DeadPool5241 was here back when we had the bomb lol. I stopped playing before bases came out and I'm slowly getting back into it. Crazy how much content there is now. My Gadget Dps is my main character that I am working on ramping back up. Your guide and YouTube videos have helped quite a bit. I'm currently using the 1-2-3 EMP District EMP combo, can't quite get the stealth part down (need to retrain my fingers). Looking forward to ramping back up.
  15. TheDark Devoted Player

    Hey welcome back and I remember you. Thanks for feedback. Play with the AM because there's an update coming next year that's applying changes to it.
  16. Damascus New Player

    Thanks man, yeah I remember you as well. I don't think there were to many gadgets back in the day.

    AM? You talking advanced mechanics correct? This is my rotation Bd, vortex cannon, gauss, fear gas, jump cancel to EMP then distract back into EMP. When distract is on cool down I'm only using 1 EMP in that rotation. I should be recieving the 3PI's correct?
  17. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea AM is Advanced mech. Yea that variation works. It's your standard EMPII.
  18. Damascus New Player

    Is there a more advanced version of EMP II? I know EMPIII involves stealth.
  19. TheDark Devoted Player

    For AoE nope. Anything else, like the burst powers would only come in a close second.
    There is something that completely ignores GU36 standardization for FG. If you PM me i can tell you about it if you're curious. Basically only players who know how the game's current damage mechanics are suppose to operate will be able to identitfy it as a cheat. Thing is it can be done unintentionally especially if you're a mobile player. If you're a on keyboard it's more noticeable.
    Aside from that you should play with EMPIII more often when you get the chance. It's more fun imo due to the risk of losing Battle Display if you're not aggressive.
  20. Damascus New Player

    I will shoot you a PM. I will eventually try out the EMPIII problem is most of the time I get grouped with higher level CR's and everything is dead before I get a chance. My old league is gone so having to just queue up for most missions/raids.
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