Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Toshknight Loyal Player

    Reverse flash emblem. and the Ezra miller flash suit. would be amazing :), since we got BVS stuff for promotional stuff. and since the snyder cut was just announced to be coming out with HBO max. its OFFICIAL, we should get either the superman chest piece from Henry cavil's superman. and or Ezra millers flash suit.. something about that suit is freaking awesome

    even if you don't like the snyder vision. you goto admit its unique.


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  2. Mo Kenway Well-Known Player

    Daily Reminder What I want and Flash Comics Fans Wants

  3. tokidokij Active Player

    Catwoman inspired gear. Still waiting for that
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Well, at least we have her goggles! And also a whip wrapped around the waist as a belt, if you can come by it. But agreed that she deserves an Iconic Style Set.
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  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Do you not recall how that worked out last time, when they gave us the Batman v Superman Swag Bags and the Supergirl TV Series Legends Avatar? Do you not recall why those items were only available for a short time?

    Basically, what I'm saying is... don't get your hopes up. The probability of Daybreak Games doing a licensing deal with Warner Bros. again seems to be nil.
  6. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    an embelm like this one
    [IMG] a cowl like the one in red [IMG]
    a new batman cowl
  7. Krull1999 New Player

    How about an answer, on the Gorgon Slayer Style being purchasable from vendor 22.
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  8. Ascended Well-Known Player

    Oh yeah? That's cool.....I am the intrigued! :D

    As always, thanks for popping into the thread, it's nice to know the devs keep tabs on the community.
  9. Eve YouTuber

    Is new Black Lantern styles a possibility? I know we are basically past the blackest night story, but even in a time capsule -
    would be cool to have Black Lantern Wonder Woman style, a zombie-like skin, etc.
    And Weapons with Emblem slot, or Black Lantern Weapons. :)
  10. Mo Kenway Well-Known Player

    and please don't make it into a full glove, instead make it into braces like mera and shazam, a flash bracelet would be awesome along flash belt
  11. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    Some auras that we have the ability to alter the color of.
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  12. DrakeBall Well-Known Player

    Add materials to the color slots would help out so much
  13. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    one of this elseworlds batsuits
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  14. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I nominate the third one in the top row, the one labeled "Possible", because that would give us the long-eared cowl and a utility belt that would work for Rebirth Batman's costume.
  15. DCspawn87 Well-Known Player

    An over the shoulder cape style, similar to Batman or Martian Manhunter New 52
  16. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    There's no need to repeat this one, the Devs have been aware that players want this for YEARS, and they've been including this feature in new style sets for awhile now!

    These are the styles sets that I know already have the cape as requested:

    1) Mid-Nite (but the collar/part over the shoulders is attached to the cowl, so you have to use the Mid-Nite Head Style to have that look.)
    2) Armored Detective (On this one, the collar/shoulder covering appears to be built into the cape/back style, and is probably the one that's good for the largest number of characters.)
    3) Dystopian Amazon (also built into the cape/back style itself, but this cape is a very unique design that won't work for every character.)

    So, since this thread began, they've already made 3 like this (that I know of.) They'll undoubtedly make more when it makes sense for a costume. If none of the 3 we currently have are what you're looking for as far as the design of the cape, maybe it's time to be even more specific about what you want (for instance "I want a Batman cape that covers the shoulders".) ;)
  17. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Any back that isn't a cape or regular wings. Maybe a style that incorporates 3-4 wings? A dragon wing style?

    Floating disks that move about 6 inches from the back in an infinity pattern.
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  18. Justice4All New Player


    Lex Luthor's Aura please. This is the only aura I actually liked after OG Plasmic. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! :D
  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    A parrot on your shoulder - shoulder style :)

    And plox make it animated a bit. ^^
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  20. DrakeBall Well-Known Player

    I want a taller brute body make it like captain kruel hes 25% taller than brutes
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