Tell us what Base items you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Hellclown127! Well-Known Player

    Can we please get the vertical coolant beams as a bigger version for the bigger lairs? Also really hoping we can get the big cryo tank with nora from the mr freeze mission. A large version and a small one.
  2. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Are those glowing wires throughout the Clocktower not base items??? I thought for sure they would be. If not, just reskin the panopticon wires with that effect.
  3. Hellclown127! Well-Known Player

    Also in the alert we have the 2 thermal things that get busted by the bombs. Can we get those as wall items for our bases and make them able to be placed on the hallway walls in like the brainiac base and others that can have wall items.
  4. Cannondade Level 30

    Maybe as a league hall item, a “Ship in a bottle” type object? Like a yacht from the science spire’s dock inside a glass bottle. Maybe as a summer item?
  5. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    As it stands, if we don't want our base items to be removed when we relocate our base, we have to place those items into the specifc positions marked by the colored circles. Now, it'd nice if you guys fixed this and made it possible to relocate our base without having to replace the items, whether they are placed in those spots or not. I mean, sometimes there''s a specific idea behind a base set-up and it's a bit annoyng and time-consuming to start over :D.
  6. impulse1 Well-Known Player

    Hello. I am sure thus must have been asked for before...

    Can we please have a large-size power battery in all relevant colours for our Lantern-themed bases.

    Thank you.
  7. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I really wish we had songbirds that was singing to make the base more a live,like blakcbird and song trush :)
  8. Robot Savage Level 30

    i would love for the limit of base items be raised from 80 to at least 180 or 200 in areas of the league hall, seeing that 80 items per area can often leave a huge gaps of untouched areas in rooms cause we are limited to just 80
  9. Robot Savage Level 30

    We really missed out on a LARGE CHERRY BLOSSOM TREE OR ANY TREE That are huge in scale just like the huge Christmas trees.
  10. BSEison Well-Known Player

    A higher item count for both bases and league halls would be great.

    Free placement on amenities or at least more markers is very needed.

    More "tech" items like always nice. The stuff in the BOP loot is great but still need more of that type of gear.

    More practice or training items. I don't mean sparring targets, just display items like targets and gym equipment.
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  11. Brit Loyal Player

    My lair is the Britcave. I want it to be a prison, where I capture and detain criminals. But, because it is impossible to have any NPCs captured in my base, it's mostly just a combination of empty cages that make me look like a bondage enthusiast or the world's worst zookeeper, and then an upstairs office where I have monitors watching all over town, and a bedroom with pictures and paintings of my schoolgirl crush: Lex Luthor.
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  12. Hellclown127! Well-Known Player

    Can we please get a higher limit of base items allowed in our bases? 500 is not enough. An extra 100 or 150 I would think could be enough.
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  13. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    I'd love if you'd add some Green Arrow Cover Posters.
    Needless to say, I don't do the Spring Seasonal with Swamp thing in mind
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 1 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 2 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 3 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 4 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 5 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 6 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 7 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    [IMG]GREENBOW'S GROVE 8 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
  14. DestiniesThirdEye New Player

    *Jor-El and Lara Fortress of Solitude statue where they are holding up the globe of Kriypton.
    *Lots more computerized keyboard consoles and wall electronics, displays etc.
    *Alien animals behind glass habitat wall barriers.Like Superman's Fortress 'alien zoo'. Make them like a flat window you just 'stick' to the wall.
    *Atomic and Cosmic power generators with readouts and controls.
    *Lots more Laboratory tables, cabinets, with chemistry glassware layouts, energy construct layouts, weapon parts layouts. etc.
    *Robots, robots, robots. Parts, arms, androids, bubble headed and blinky, even retro clunky with arms legs and blinky bug eyed heads.
    *Also ...Robots like the repair bots on the Watchtower.
    *Tables you can actually put things on. The blue crystal sample (example) etc., one can only put the thing on the floor where it obviously doesn't belong.
    *Lots of animated displays and screens as well as control panels. Can't have enough of those. Electronic machinery, dials, readouts, blinky lights, keyboards. Computer mainframes and lots of advanced tech.

    ***Rectangular and square 'windows' that show other large 'rooms' with robot construction going on, weapon constructions going on, hangar decks with crews working on space-ships, mechanical machinery, factories, supers working out, electronic gear and equipment, labs, tool shops, etc. One could just stick it on the wall like a picture and it would be a 'window' to another huge room of activity.

    ***Large ceiling lights sconces, lots of them...and also lights that actually light up the area. The bases are way too dark.
  15. Clawed Active Player

    How about zoo animals to go with the zoo themed base items that came out several episodes ago?
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i would love to be able to have lions roaming around my nature lair.

    and bat poles

    i wouldn't know how to make something like this work but i would imagine if you place it in the right spot in your lair and interact with it you slide down to the lower level.
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  17. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I like the Treeline base item from the summer seasonal this year. I'd love to see some variants for Halloween and Xmas Seasonals respectively.

    A Stormy Treeline, with a darker forest and thunderclouds with intermittent lightning.

    A Snowy Treeline, inspired by Lapland, northern Sweden and Russia, with snow falling and thick snow on the trees.

    Some potential here for sure. :)
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  18. VMG New Player

    Hi Devs how's it going,

    Personally I'd like to see straight and (left/right) curved pathway sections which I think would be great additions especially for the Spring Seasonal. I think you could really get creative with paths too as far as size, type, and styles go. For example pathways that are cobblestone, brick, concrete, etc. I think it'll be cool!
  19. Avelox Active Player

    I don't know if this is the right space for this suggestion but maybe give us a new shaped lair. I was very excited with all the options the Brainiac/Atlantean lairs created. It wouldn't necessarily have to be bigger or smaller than the standard base. But just a different floorplan. Maybe one that is more shaped like the Titans survival mode room. Just a single room with a different shape and scale than any current lair.

    Also when creating new lairs please don't forget iconic locations. Seems like the last few were not given a whole lot of exciting locations.
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  20. shotgunPR Active Player

    We have the cave lair theme, we have tech lair theme , and we even got the Atlantis Lair theme. When are we gonna get the FoS lair theme?? As an Ice player i want a lair that fits my power. I know there are items to make you feel you have an ice lair but i think it will be cool to have a Fortress of Solitude like lair theme.
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