Tell us what Base items you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

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  2. Falloutburn New Player

    It's been about a year ago that I posted this, but my wife and I would LOVE to have the ability to place NPCs in our League Hall/Bases.

    Here's the link to the old post.

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  3. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    There were some Zatanna posters hanging on the walls of the House of Mystery in the Fellowship of the Arcane raid that I desperately want in my base! Some Supergirl-related base items would be nice too.

    What I really want most though, is more base items that seem like they have 'depth' to them. The 'Treeline' item from the current summer event being a great example of what I'm talking about.
    We've been getting more and more of them lately, like the back wall of the new Lava 'dive' theme, Atlantean portholes and windows with a 3D effect that look out over Gotham/Metropolis/Thanagar etc, but what I would like to see is larger versions of those windows (maybe even ones that can cover an entire wall), only instead of them being windows they're "open" double doors that look like they lead out onto a balcony that has views over different cities. (maybe even have open and closed versions that look out over Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, Atlantis, Thanagar etc)

    Now, obviously we won't be able to walk through those 'open' doors and actually go out on to the balcony, but it will "look like" we can.

    Something like this is what I'm picturing (only, picture Gotham or Metropolis as the backdrop lol)-

    On the subject of there any possiblity of making doors that actually open and close? (preferrably ones that are designed to fit into the tunnels between rooms)

    Or seating that we can actually sit on? That would be nice lol
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  4. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    Underwater base like the Atlantis city environment you swim in.
    Open sky cloud floors base. Spectacular view of whichever city the player chooses.
    Funhouse base with wonky architecture.
    All three with /really/ unique looking mainframe/generator/amenities.
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  5. Dark warlorck Active Player

  6. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

  7. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    Guess I'll just leave this here...again?

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  8. shotgunPR Active Player

    Boxing ring to add to my league hall gym, and maybe a basketball court or at least the hoop.
  9. Ascended Well-Known Player

    Oh I like the idea of the boxing ring and basketball court!

    And I'll once again throw my support behind base NPC's. Nameless people like random scientists or businessmen or civilians, whatever, some iconic stuff like Kelex the kryptonian robot, Titanic Trenton even! All I ask is that the nameless NPC's not trigger those winged drones from last year's Extra Life charity event; my League Hall is full (straight FULL) of those drones, and I can't place my Wonder Dog in the Hall anymore because the drones won't leave the dog alone. It's kind of funny watching a cloud of drones chase the dog around, but those little robots are supposed to be protecting the Hall, not playing fetch! So if/when we get more base NPC's, it'd be cool if I could populate my Hall with some hard-at-work scientists and guards without them attracting the drones' attention.

    Anyway, I logged in with a question/suggestion. We've talked about having more vehicles before; more Batmobiles, Superman's rocket, the invisible jet, all that stuff. Well, it dawned on me that DC is real picky about the stuff DCUO is allowed to use, right? We all remember the fiasco with the Batman v Superman movie emblems. So I'm guessing DC might be equally picky about iconic vehicles as base items. So the question is; is DC the reason we don't have more iconic vehicles? And my suggestion is: why not do generic ones instead?

    If DC being picky is why we can't have different Batmobiles, then would players accept just a cool looking black sports car? If DC being picky is why we don't have Superman's rocket, then would players accept a generic sci-fi rocket instead?
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  10. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    Combat training dummies for Healers and trolls to test how well their rotations heal or return power.
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  11. sweetbabysabes Active Player

    I like it, I'm down for whatever to make it easy to chill in my own lil space! :D Also would be cool if they listened at the beginning and made it where I can place all of these in the same room, or have them set up to where they make sense, not just up on a column, or in a cubby that could be used for something else lol
  12. Nodens Dedicated Player

    I'll admit that I'm hust going by what I've been hearing from my friends and leaguemates, as well as chat in the game, but it seems like the Treeline was an incredible hit among the players, so let's expand on that: How about a similar window effect for the taller walls in our lairs, to help complete the forest theme? If they were framed in ivy, or something similar, that could help enforce the illusion.
    I'm well aware that we already have patches of ivy, as well as tree branches that jut out from the walls, but they don't really cover much space; nor do they present an expansive 3D effect.
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  13. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    Teekl is probably my favorite base item, because it walks around and isn't static like furniture. So something along that line. Maybe a mini beebo pet.
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  14. M2ThaDot New Player

    arcade cabinet
  15. M2ThaDot New Player

    interactive television
  16. M2ThaDot New Player

    your own Alfred
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  17. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    I just picked up a copy of Justice League of America #78
    [IMG]JLoA #78 by Michael Kramer, on Flickr

    and I started thinking, we have all these nice trophy case items like Wonder Woman's Bracers, Aquaman's trident, doctor fate's Helmet (etc, etc...) Could we have a hanging model of the original Justice League satellite?
    [IMG]JLoA Satellite by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    I'd really like it to be a medium sized hanging model

    Roughly the size of Alexander Luthor's interdimensional craft would be nice (but at the very least, much bigger than the Thanagarian Capital ship)

    (and having the cover shown above available as a Base item wouldn't be bad either!)
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  18. Brit Loyal Player

    Similar to this, I would like to see one of these 3D window-wall style pieces be made, but have it be a barred jail door with a prison cell behind it. Preferrably with a criminal locked inside the cell.

    No need to actually be able to open and enter the area obviously, just as we aren't allowed to fly out through the broken Brainiac Attack hole or the Thanagarian Space ceiling. Just something that gives the appearance of a detention cell for us to put the criminals we catch.

    You know, since we're still not allowed to get generic NPCs to actually put in the cages or anything, this is an option that allows us to make due.
  19. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    Can we get more iconic rare drops from running content like wonder woman's shield or her waist which would be her lasso kinda like we got from the BoP solo with Lobos chain weapon.
  20. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    My bad put tht last comment in the wrong spot. A constantine amenity he works for both factions it'd be nice for people with all the other amenities I have a watchtower in my base besides needing constantine, loyalty, booster gold/quark vendor and the walk-ins (while on the subject I think we should be able to warp to specific wings of the WatchTower from my teleporter and into walkins maybe a new tele mod to do so?) we have everything else the WT provides. People would farm in game for this buy it with mc or however you obtain it 90% of the community would get it. It'd benefit the game and community.