Tell the Devs what Weapon Styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by oasenhoheit, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    brass knuckles
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  2. ElectricPhoton New Player

    Id like to see an arm blade style for Martial Arts and Brawling like this:
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  3. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    1h or 2h the leg lamp from christmas story
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  4. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    1h large fish dw 2 fish
  5. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    whats the real diff between boxing and brawling? You want to throw combos jab, jab, straight, left hook.
  6. Sirlongshanks New Player

    Martial Arts - Cloth on the fists covered in glass
    Brawling - Brass Knuckles or Roll of Quarters
    Dual Pistol - Dual Cross Bows
    Bow - Cross Bow
    One Hand - Whip
    Dual Wield - Hammers
    Shield - Stop Sign
    Two Hand - Trash Can
    Staff - Mop
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  7. MasterRedDeth New Player

    That would be so genius. It'd look cool for acrobats if they edited it to look like they're using them to climb!
  8. MasterRedDeth New Player

    That'd be a nice one. Maybe make something like a specialized bracelet (for villain/hero girls) or a gauntlet (villain/hero guys) that if you were going into combat it would automatically activate a glowing transparent shield. I wouldn't mind that going alongside some kind of matching weapon like an extending wrist blade or a wrist laser.
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  9. WintryKnight New Player

    Why not nunchucks as a new weapon
  10. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I agree with these. We also need this for one-handed:

  11. Brice Allen Loyal Player

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  12. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    Crossbow would not work with the current bow animations.
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  13. LuuKen New Player

    Boat Sword!! (pacific rim) :p
  14. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Correct. That's why crossbow should become a rifle or dual pistol (Huntress) style.
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  15. ElectricPhoton New Player

    Megaman Hand Blasters

    And to avoid copyright issues, put them on both hands.
  16. TMadness Well-Known Player

    Isn't Cyborg's blaster just a different skin of this?

  17. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Sort of, I think.
    That's how the ingame-version looks like from Seni's epic iconic drop list from the archived forums:

  18. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    BTW, isn't boxing what u do when u have no weapon equipped? Just equip no weapon and buy the marketplace boxing gloves and voila...
  19. ElectricPhoton New Player

    Oh wow I forgot about cyborg...
    Well, my idea is ruined..
  20. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    possibly in energy weapon form too. Red Fish...Blue Fish. :D
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