synthetic mods and how no one is using them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RSL, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It would probably be better if they had made completely new vendors for the mods. As it is they are stuck at the bottom of gear vendors. People who don't come to the forums will likely never scroll far enough down to ever even see the mods.
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  2. RSL New Player

    oh before someone takes me as saying you need to mod yr sub t5 gear to the highest mod level you can, i'm not [necessarily] saying that. if it's gonna take you a while... i'd say yeah you should probably. if you're on the fast track with your league or friends or even strangers, working that ladder to raven gear, i'd still say that you get a tremendous benefit from putting betas [which you can recover completely] as well as showing yr teammates that you're not just there to be carried completely. not modding at all to me is like saying "i just don't give a ****".
  3. Statman New Player

    Big deal. People will do what they wanna do. If they don't wanna use mods, regular or synthetic, who cares. That's on them to not have extra stats, not you.
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  4. RSL New Player

    said "stat" man. lol
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  5. Statman New Player

    Yeah it's a reference to something else, not worth explaining, lol.

    I just see no point in worrying about what other people are or are not doing. It's a waste of time.
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  6. cloud3 New Player

    ik I run nexus with a lot of unmodded people however it only takes one wipe before people start kicking
  7. RSL New Player

    all good just was funny you closing on stats.
  8. SuperBell Loyal Player

    You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
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  9. TheD4U New Player

    At 5 MoR's a pop in t5, I don't see any good reason not to take advantage of them. I went from cr 89-95 so fast I almost feel guilty!
  10. DaiKaiJu New Player

    To an extent I agree, but when you go into a fight with no fighting experience and We are supposed to work as a team, that another person the team has to carry.

    Kicking people should be a last option but you make it sound like:
    " You got no mods, that's fine"
    'five wipes later'
    "You have to go man. You suck" or " This group sucks so I"m ghost. See ya!".

    I'm not saying that "IS" you but it feels like that in you post. But I do agree to some extent.There is not much we can force on others s player other than the /kick feature.
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its crazy its like some of these people dont even know how to mod their gear. Some either dont have the marks to mod them or are too lazy to do so. Crazy part is that people dont even care that these people dont have mods in their gear. At this point in time, there is no excuse.
  12. Echephyle New Player

    I use em. They're great =D
  13. Statman New Player

    If you don't want to play with, and carry those who don't have mods, kick them. If they're hindering the team, kick them. Others will kick them without a second thought based on these reasons, and they'll learn one day - so if they're gonna refuse to mod, regular or otherwise (like I've already said) that's on them.
  14. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I keep seeing you say things like this and it makes me wonder... how fat are you? If you are even slightly over weight, why are you not trying to be the best you can be? Why are you trying so hard to be "the best you can be" at a video game instead of hopping on a tread mill and being the best you can be in real life?
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  15. Tirion Fordring New Player

    That's one heck of an assumption. Oddly enough, I've never been told off about not wearing mods. Didn't know you can be pigeonholed for not wearing 'em. *shrugs*
  16. shaun10656 New Player

    I use em ill mode my rings with them ill mod my belt with them etc I don't see why we need to have might power and prec power cant we just have a plain mod I mean I will put them in there if I have enough for it which will be the blue and yellow slots..... wait I see where this is going its because people are going to mod their gear and put plain power in the yellow slots and dominance in the other in dps role I see now but im not doing that ill just mod my rings and my belt less farming ill have to do
  17. Little Sister New Player

    I've been using them on my PC toon.
  18. D Miles Active Player

    I love the synthetic mods! Yesterday I qued into a T5 alert and found myself in a group with 2 trolls so I changed to dps. I would never have done that without modded gear . It was actually the first time that I have run as damage role in an alert. Add armories to the mix later this week and I will start to dps for the first time ever since I will be able to actually spec into the role properly. Bring on the synthetics! They are great for people like myself who want to run their alternate role when needed.
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  19. Gunny New Player

    Oh wow...first theres no time to farm bits...

    Now, theres no time to farm ridiculously easy content for marks for synths?

    the effort among the playerbase is near nonexistent.
  20. Vyltran Loyal Player

    First of all, i don't meant what you are thinking about, looking for some ***eekk*** attention. Second, not all players know about that, that's why i haven't replied back.. Third, farming bits lol... i was talking about marks.. it does not apply only for bits lol.