Summer Kick-Off Sale!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 22, 2014.

  1. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    yawn, where's the replay badges, the respec tokens( ALL types), DLC (all),

    like you have done before? these little sales your doing is a waste of ppl's time imo. give us the good stuff already geez
  2. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    Im the same, I was nature when i started this character. what other powers I've been on this character you ask?

    BACK to quantum
    now Im a ice tank

    changed powers so many times ppl cant keep up with my role now lol, I have ppl thinking I am still a celestial DPS, and others that think Im still quantum troll lmao (from the 1st go)