State of the Game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeitySupreme, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I am sorry that you feel that way. But if you feel this post was made from a selfish standpoint than you have not been paying attention to those around you. Can you honestly tell me that this game has as many active players that it had before? Did you even read my post? I clearly said that I understand why they haven't added since ps3. I even said the same thing you tried to explain to me with the limits of the ps3. I even said that I would understand if this point was not changed.

    As for the claim of more content. That is obvious. A game would obviously have more content the longer its been out because it gains new dlc and keeps older dlcs. Again, this is obvious. I never said that this game was lacking content. I spoke on the quality of the newer content compared to older content. It is clearly different. Are you denying that?
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Agreed. I can fully understand why they had to scale back in terms on how much they can produce. You can't fault them for that. Having to have a raid play out differently for heros and villains is a big task that I can see why they do not want to do it. Or better yet, why they can't. However the quality of what they can give us can be better. These mechanics in these newer content tend to feel cheap. If you don't do this you just straight up die. Either block or go to x marks the spot. Older content had better quality mechanics that did not rely on one shots to be hard.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No it didn't go out the window. The stats revamp was exactly what they said it was going to be replacing combat rating differential and advanced mechanics: "...your stats and your skill determine your effectiveness in-game, not your combat rating."

    Time Capsules came out way before stats revamp hit test, even before they announced a stats revamp. Artifacts were probably already on their to-do list just like Water but like Water were waiting on the right time to implement the new addition. Artifacts were hinted at in the producer's letter directly after the stats revamp went live.

    Devs never said SP was going to be the be-all/end-all before the stats revamp went to test, that was just the community elitists wanting their stats (SP) to mean more than their combat rating. They got their wish but with a hefty price tag.
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  4. ALB Dedicated Player

    Artifacts is the worse part of DC.
    The stat revamp were about artifacts. Nothing more. Nothing less
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That's selling the revamp short. The stats revamp was about removing CR differential, removing advanced mechanics, making stats more important and rebalancing the entire game to account for these changes. You can refresh your memory here:

    Really the only people that wholeheartedly dislike the stats revamp are players that enjoyed ROFL-stomping old content, PvPers and anyone that was Ice, Sorcery or Mental before 2017. Basically everything YOU complain about on here.
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  6. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    100% correct.
  7. ALB Dedicated Player

    Hey, I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale cheap. DM me for details
  8. ALB Dedicated Player

    FYI, guess you took the sorcery balance and ran with it. Never said anything about any of that other stuff, but those are legit problems with the game. You won't see it though. It's dark where you are
  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I will say that with the time that they put into making “ elite “ version of missions and gear types n whatever this beyond elite mode is going to be.. we could definitely have gotten a power, weapon or even have dlcs launch with 3 sets and a time capsule
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Awesome, you can use it to fund the Nth Metal for your alts.
    Sorcery terrible:

    Sorcery and Mental bad:

    Ice broken:


    You keep yourself pretty busy when you're not begging for Nth Metal and trying to alienate dev/tester relations. And I'm still to this day dumbfounded as to why you were asking for nerfs to weapons and then get upset when they actually nerfed weapons. Crazy.
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  11. Heywiar Committed Player

    My biggest issue is that the game slit the troll role's throat big time. From stats revamp to artifacts the role SUCKS. Its usefulness is diminishing with each DLC.
    Stats revamp also sucked.
    Like really bad.
  12. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I also have a friend that claims his power sucks ( electric healing) but refuses to switch n instead comes here to try to get changes, doubt he’ll ever get them.. look man just switch your powerrr my homie wants electric to get an aoe like sorcery and it seems like you want sorc to dps like electric or gadgets..

    I dont believe you pulled up every thread this dude made about sorcery... thats alot of time u got over there..

    But i will say, this is the kind of banter and discussion that i miss.. recently the forms have been on some weird sjw stuff.. i miss this
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  13. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    It’s a simple search. “sorcery” “mental” “ice”
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  14. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Hmm i didnt know you could do that.

    He did have a point in the balance thread though.. we definitely need something new besides dlc even if its just new powers added to trees
  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Or just go to the user's profile and look at all their threads.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    thanks for the early morning laughs:p

    I had a few neighborhood kids here who know of DCUO, i love wooping out the ol rocking chair and tellin the Justice League Jr / Intern Evil of the days of old. [IMG]
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Controller has always been a tough nut to crack, though. For the longest time the big complaint was that it just served as a glorified (and at times abused) battery for other players. Having any power now trigger the PoT has helped with that aspect, but the even trickier part of their role is the debuff/control aspect. If you make the debuffs and control aspects too strong you trivialize the content for players, but ideally you want those players to feel like they are contributing.
  18. ALB Dedicated Player

    Dang, you a stalker. Pvp and CR differential wasn't anywhere to be found. I got billions and plenty of Nth metal for alts. Like I said, all legit problems. Ice and sorcery is still behind. Mental is better though.
    Still don't change the fact stat revamp was about artifacts.
    I would do a search about what you post about, but idc enough to. I don't even reply to your post much. Nice to see I have fans
  19. ALB Dedicated Player

    Your friend complaining about electric is like the old woman claiming she hungry with a Virginia ham under her arm. Electric is one of the best dps powers and Electric healing is one of the best. Saying that, I don't see a problem with wanting balance. Sorcery don't need to do gadgets or electric numbers, but it shouldn't be bottom tier. I would take fire damage, or just certain powers hitting everytime.
  20. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    That’s what that is and then a keyword search amongst those posts. :)