Stat clamping and those against it

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saint Nutella, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    STAT clamping would have nothing to do with cr differential. STATS would be clamped. STATS. S T A T S.
  2. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    True but my suggestion wasn't really forced clamping but just optional clamping. You're gonna trigger some people who see this lol. Jokes aside yea stat clamping does mean *stat* clamping but I just wonder how it would be implemented.
  3. Xibo Loyal Player

    CR will no longer work in terms of damage and what will be your damage differential now? so it's supposed that when you go on Paradox Wave you wouldn't take a lot of damage as you did before unless they put a SP requirement in each instance. Just invert the things.
  4. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Create a base flatline stat for every role across the board dependent on what the CR would be for you once entering said content. Done. They do it in pvp. You're welcome. STATSSSSSSS
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  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    It also can be but i don't believe if it'd be accepted.
  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Its clear people want this and even more clear how it would improve dcuo

    Dcuo however only focuses on forcing us into easy replay spammable content. Why expand and grow the legendary numbers when u can milk the few we got to death? Its sad how far our population dropped over this and they still don't get it
  7. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Just go away.
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  8. X3n0 Level 30

    Why not just stat clamp the free content and not the episodes you pay for.

    I think it would be a cool test to try out to see how it does.
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  9. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

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  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    That's the insightful point of view of the player base we want. Loll wonder where we get a "toxic" reputation from?

    Rudeness is always the counter when your point has zero base so good day sir and hopefully I am not bothered by your empty pointless rudeness
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    was the thread locked yesterday not enough for you guys, you had to open another one?

    You thought the situation had changed in less than 12 hours?
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  12. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Apparently its a highly requested topic and no I had no part in this thread starting. I am pleased as punch it did and obviously the "majority" opposing is not as overwhelming as some few try and sell.

    Clearly there was a lot of feed back. Clearly the topics still on the brain and well wanted. Who cares if they lock a thread. How many best gear in vendor threads were locked and removed? You lobby for what you want

    Its past the point of a small minority wants this and its to late to say players are not passionate about it.

    The worse part proxy is I saw zero, not one logical argument to oppose clamping. Its a pretty long list of things to benefit dcuo but nothing of substance to debunk it.

    When a side has nothing its the same rederict. Players will hate it and quit. Most everyone hates it.

    How does it actually hurt the game?
    Early on you learnt or lose. We had a very healthy population
    Six years of content to be playable as intended as opposed to now being able to be able to be soloed by a 5 year old not able to do the AMs.

    New players being able to experience and enjoy the journey so many prior to them fell in love with

    News flash. What we been doing ain't great. The "majority" left. Its time to tap into the core of dcuo which had players falling in love with the game. Fun rewarding contents a very large part of that
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Im not for or against stat clamping tbh. Recently leveled up a new atomic toon, once I hit 30 it was nothing but walking or rather shadowing higher ups. No practice in tanking whatsoever. But I expected it to be that sadly. The developers have created this mess. Until they fix it it will always be this way. But sadly it wont be with stat clamping as they are to afraid of ppl leaving in truck loads and losing all that money in the process.

    However reason Im not for it is b/c I remember how some of that older content use to terrorize me when it was new, so I love going back and pretending as if Im in god mode which I pretty much am at higher CRs :p

    Like Gates and PBG, my 1st runs of both I solo Queued into both and holy Christ I learnt never to solo Q into a top raid again lol. Was in those for about 4 hrs on Prime and 2.5 for gates before leaving both.

    Mind you this was when I knew diddly :p
  14. stärnbock Devoted Player

    im totally pro stat clamping IF:
    1.) clamping is an optional thing, not something thats is forced.
    2.) you can only get clamped if you have gotten over the max CR for the raid
    3.) you get marks for clamped raids
    4.) there is a new way to enter instances except from the usual Q for 8 ppl
    5.) clamping only if all 8 ppl are clamped aswell
    6.) you can only get survival and speed feats if noone in group
    is exceeding the max cr for the raid

    also: there could be options on how you are clamped like
    all group members get clamped to max CR (easy), middle cr (hard), or min CR (elite)
    where in the harder versions, OP items would drop more frequently, or better loot/reward.
    this would bring some variation to older raids with choosable difficulties...
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  15. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    And I agree with this. In my suggestion I really wanted to make the clamping optional, not forced.
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  16. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I respect this opinion. Though my goal wasn't to really stat clamp but more give people the option of what type of levels they want to run with.
  17. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Could you tell me what that is?
  18. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I don't remember a thread like this being locked. This wasn't some revival thread, just wanted to post my suggestion.
  19. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Well the problem with that is its not 2013 anymore. We're in 2017 with 190 CR with people who can solo NGN, HH with little to no ease. Again please read the full OP, this is not a forced clamp. The point of the thread was to suggest giving options to players so they can choose who they want to run with.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats basically stat clam but a twist on words.
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