Sore's Nature Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Sore, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    That other one is Cross Pollination which has amazing uses as a Healer. Voracious Plants is extremely useful especially in a human form loadout while maintaining your Poison Spores. You would use it as a clip and rely on it to keep your Poison Spores active so that you don't have to continuously restack (and thus lose damage). Voracious Plants already hits harder if you have either Poison Spores or Terror on your targets.

    If you put it on Impaling Thorns then you won't get the execute (<35% damage) damage. Executes are being buffed with these balance passes as well. If you make Impaling Thorns work like you describe it would become Geiger Beam from Atomic. While you use Geiger Beam in an Advanced Interaction rotation you lose the execute damage. Not a bad idea necessarily but since Nature could make good use of an execute, and looking at Gadgets' improved Photon Blast, Nature would benefit a lot from getting to use an execute as intended in, say, a human form rotation. This use of Impaling Thorns is shown in the Wolf->Human (Loadout Extension) loadouts of the first post.

    What else would you put it on? You can't put it on Carnage, Hive Mind or a form. You can't put it on Swarm as that is your 4th DoT. You can't put it on a Poison Spore applicator or Roar/Serpents Call. You don't really want a pure beneficial heal to use it as you won't be able to clip something else with it (as it will now be harmful in both roles). So that leaves out Blossom, Metabolism, Cross Pollination, Bloom and Swarm Shield. Putting it on a Supercharge makes the mechanic very limited. You are left with Thorn Burst.

    I've read players making, or wanting to make, good use of Thorn Burst in a melee rotation. So change that and you take away a melee refresher. Thorn Burst is a prime candidate for being a melee enhanced refresher in a melee range rotation in the upcoming balance pass. Which leads into it being a melee trait. You'd have to have the expectation of your removal to be melee based if Thorn Burst were to ever be used.

    A suggestion is useful if it doesn't directly affect something else in the powerset. Nature's traits are such that every one of them has a specific and useful use. There is next to no redundancy in Nature. Thus your suggestion takes away something useful that is already in place for a mechanic that does not even help strengthen its DoT Advanced Mechanic directly.

    Also if we were to compare your suggestion to other games with a similar mechanic those games don't remove the DoT's outright. The burst damage is simply amplified off of the existing DoT's. This is more in line with what Harvest's burst already does or how Voracious Plants would already be used. So in this regard the simplest solution would be to increase the damage these specific traits already do with Poison Spores staying active 100% of the time.
  2. Capt. Volcano Level 30

    I thought cross pollination was where bloom was so that is my mistake. Like I said it was off the top of my head

    To say for it not to affect something else though is a bit harsh as even changing forms and doing everything perfect, Nature is still consistently one of the weaker DPS powers, so is it not possible that something may have to change to make the power more competitive. I'm aware Voracious Plants does extra damage if there are dots on there but I'm merely suggesting an alternative (which FYI is unlikely to ever even make it to the discussion table), yes it may change natures playstyle but then it may also not especially if they have multiple AM's (Shapshifting and poison stacking\removing). My full suggestion is:

    Vine lash\savage growth as your first spore. VL for range, SG for mid range\melee
    Briar for second
    Thorn Burst\Harvest as your 3rd dot plus spreader (no reason the application of the 3rd dot can't be combined with the spreading mechanic)
    Impaling thorns as your single target remover that does say 10-20% extra damage per Dot on your target. That means with 3 spores active your damage would be increased anywhere for 30-60%. If you use it without poison spores it could still be an execute
    Voracious plants could then become an AOE remover with the same buff as Thorns but 5-10% to take into account the multiple add situation

    Like you say these things are currently used in rotations and playstyles and you don't want to change things in the powerset where you see no need to and while others might agree, others may not. Theres no harm in discussing ideas but sometimes things do need to change even if you dont want it to.
  3. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Okay but the whole point of these balance passes is to increase the damage up to the standard for each powerset. So it is quite logical to assume that the damage out can simply be raised overall DoT's included. For example you can increase all DoT strength, Voracious Plants + Harvest burst damage, weapon damage, pet damage and execute damage all at the same time. Why would you need to add another mechanic or take away something useful for Nature to be brought up to the standard? Simply adding in Advanced Interactions does not solve any problems that exist in a DoT only rotation (and BTW shapeshifting is not a completely different Advanced Mechanic. It is an extension of Poison Spores).

    I'm just saying you are making a suggestion based on essentially past information. As of Nature's full changes we will likely see very good changes to weapons at various ranges which is going to need a clip that does not undo Poison Spores. General increases to all Nature's damage. Large increases to Impaling Thorns. Variable damage to Poison Spores likely to match Roar/Serpents Call. All of this helps every form of Nature's damage potential. So to make a suggestion/change that takes away something from these already established plans is counterproductive.

    Like I mentioned earlier Gadgets, Quantum, Fire and Celestial were all given the range, midrange and melee treatment and none of their core mechanics (or even the functionality of their traits) needed to be fundamentally changed. You need some patience and wait for changes to happen first. ;)
  4. Capt. Volcano Level 30

    Yes but all those powers play straight from the tray with no weapon combo's needed, you are saying that weapon damage will be incorporated, but the power sets that you have mentioned are all play from the tray with no weapon attacks used. The only powers that really benefit from weapon attacks in the main are Sorcery and Earth and that is because the main source of there damage is there pet.

    Like I say just suggestions, don't understand the negative reaction. Perhaps suggesting alternatives instead of straight up dismissing and belittling the suggestions may be more helpful in the long run.
  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Lol? Earth, Sorcery, Nature and Electricity all rely on weapons. Weapon damage is specifically going first in the range, midrange and melee passes so that these "compound powersets" get the direct benefit. I am simply saying that Fire, Quantum, Gadgets and Celestial did not need "something extra" in their pass. Nature shouldn't either.
  6. Capt. Volcano Level 30

    Lol? You unsure if you are laughing out loud. If you're unsure about that you might want to get yourself checked out

    I can see there is no point in discussing this with you because you are refusing to acknowledge a suggestion and the possibility for alternatives. If it doesn't suit you then you dismiss it out of hand. Perhaps if you were open to other suggestions there'd be more than you and me contributing to a suggestion. In fact someone actually did and didn't react in such a negative and dismissive way.
  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I acknowledged your suggestion. I gave a possible place to put it (Thorn Burst) pending overall usage and updates. I also showed you how it could mesh better with the DoT Advanced Mechanic (Voracious Plants) while keeping them active. I even gave you the solution to you staying in human form. However you'll need to be patient for Nature to actually get updated and this will indeed include weapons first.

    I question my "lol" because I am questioning whether you even know what is planned, why it is planned and how Nature does its damage. For example why Nature users wanted to get away from constant restacking which a removal would cause them to do. I also question whether or not you know that each trait has a place in a Nature users playstyle.

    I'm sorry if I don't think the suggestion meshes well with Nature. If I have to be detailed about why it doesn't to make that point clear I'll do so. Sorry you don't have a yes man on your side.
  8. Capt. Volcano Level 30

    Not after a yes boy but an actual discussion with other people who might not necessarily like how the suggestion would play (you) but can understand the principals behind it
  9. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I understand how an Advanced Interaction works but if you put it on Harvest a ranged DoT is not possible. If you put it Voracious Plants then a human form rotation loses a very good clip. With an enhanced Impaling Thorns you increase the viability of a human form loadout. All without changing anything. If you change Thorn Burst then you remove a very good candidate for a melee candidate for a melee range enhanced rotation in both human and Primal Wolf. I've explained all this.

    Now the alternative to your suggestion is to increase Voracious Plants damage so that it a human form rotation gets a good clip and higher damage. I've mentioned this too.

    Ideally none of this should really be done until at the very least Nature, as the powerset, is on the test server. As at that the general damage increase is in place and I can give a better alternative if one is needed at all.

    I mean my post is a rehash of what I already posted (some of them multiple times) so I'm not so sure what you want me to say in addition. My stance is we should wait until Nature actually gets updated before making mechanical changes.

    Edit: Simply put the focus of a DoT Advanced Mechanic should be that DoT not a thrown together kind of Advanced Interaction which undoes the entire DoT Advanced Mechanic or shifts focus to it "just because."
  10. Sore Steadfast Player

    My only fear of Blossom is it turning Nature into a 1234 powerset, except worse because it'd be 12345. I guess with the burst from Briar, maybe it's be more like Gadgets with Distract/Intimidation fueling a second burst.
  11. Xzotix Committed Player

    @Sore, nice to you in DUO (Corrupted Zamaron) last night.
    Next time I'll be more help with my Atomic Toon (XzSTINCT) ;) . I was shocked and not real sure it was you til the end.
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  12. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Blossom? As a removal/Advanced Interaction finisher? I don't really think we need another harmful heal as a Healer. ;)
  13. Sore Steadfast Player

    I was more referring to the mechanic of removing stacks for a big (damage) effect whether people want that from Blossom, VP, Impalimg Thorns, Snakes, or really anything. I do agree we want to keep the heals that clip beneficial.
  14. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    That would be kind of interesting ...
  15. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    This probably been discussed but I dont have patience to read 100 pages. :)

    So I was testing 1Handed today and noticed that SpinChop and FlipSlash do almost 2 times more damage when u dont spec WM.
    Is this the case for all weapons ? (Mostly interested about 2Handed, HBlasters and Shield)

    Also, Is specing WM beneficial while in Wolf form ?
  16. Rammy Well-Known Player

    Every weapon has a few attacks that are stronger if your not speced into WM. With handblasters solar flare is stronger. Not sure about the others you asked about.

    WM can't be used in wolf form and doesn't add any passive stats while in wolf form so your better off using your sp on other things.
  17. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    I know WM used to add 5% crit damage, so melee weapon would go from 15 to 20% crit damage. In description , it still says purchasing WM permanently increase critical strike damage. Is this not if effect while u are in Wolf form ?
  18. Sore Steadfast Player

    It was pretty clear as far back as GU35 that some WM version of combos were doing more damage than their non-WM version. But over time adjustments have been made and the non-WM versions are doing more damage.

    Not counting midrange yet, GU51 updated weapons to make powersets like Sorcery, Earth, Nature and Electricity have balanced sustained damage potential as other powersets at melee and range. These were massive increases to certain non-WM combos. This is especially true for your bread-and-butter 4TapHold and 6TapHold abilities.

    My Melee DPS armory doesn't spec WM and uses either DW Ultra Flurry or 1H Flip Slash. DW gives better sustained results and aligns with rotations better (can always clip it with something). 1H does better against mobs since Flip Slash has a shorter lead-up but it doesn't always have a good option to clip it with depending on your loadout.
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  19. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    Wolf seems really weak atm. Im planning to use 1H for melee and Shield for range just in Human form: 4 DoTs, Harvest and VPlants.

    Been using Shield with my Sorc toon and it seem to be doing equally good with Scissor Kick. Got a bit tired of HBlasters lately.
  20. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    this "you have a power but it relies on weapon" line is common excuse for devs who can't figure out how to get things fixed. if you have a power but it's so weak you are better off using a gun or arrow... guess what? you don't REALLY have a power. you have an illusion. a magic trick that LOOKS cool but is little more than dressing for your gun-toting ways.