I can´t play.start the menu,i click the play buttom and it say played but it don´t start,only appears a small window and quickly desapear and the game don´t run.HELP me please.i would uninstall the game and install again?
All servers are now online. If you are having trouble connecting, please try again or contact support so we can help troubleshoot. http://help.soe.com
Then go over the point on why DCUO is still F2P if F2P members are so unimportant. If F2P players are that negligible then why have them anymore? DCUO is relatively thriving, right?
sorry i don´t know to use the support option.i speak english bad and i don´t understand a lot of words.i can´t run the game.try to unistall and install again.thanks i am spanish
awesome Mepps, thanks for the heads up on maintenance. I will haft to say that with out these maintenance the game would have so many issues, I think SOE is doing a good job compared to other MMOs I have played, there is always going to be issues but it seems that SOE is on top of them and I want to thank you.
None taken, but unless you can tell me exactly what operating system their servers are running, what application servers they're running, what databases they're running and give an accounting of their code base I can't give specifics. But if you tell me they're running linux I could give you a good idea of why they need time this week to patch for X. Same with the DBs, app servers, etc. This isn't blowing smoke, it's just a fact of life that you're going to have to have down time to do maintenance unless you have a server farm large enough to shift the workload to other servers while you're doing maintenance on this set of servers. And believe it or not there is a significant percentage of the population that believe computers work on magick and ground up unicorns. They don't know that, like a car, occasionally you have to change the oil and put air in the tires.
I'm Legendary and I often find this game very neglected by its developers, so to be honest I don't think I'm the only one so I wouldn't say it's thriving. But either way, F2P players aren't given anywhere near as much attention as Legendary or Premium members, tech support told me themselves. When it comes to F2P support is limited.
Based on this post, https://forums.station.sony.com/dcu...oking-at-ps4-trophy-data.216415/#post-2742811 the developers may want to rethink on neglecting casual players that are F2P.
I love all colors. Each is unique. But yeah, it would be awesome to have blue, violet or indigo as a healers.