SOE Maintenance - August 5, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Ganf3rman New Player

    If you play on pc, it's 6 hours, that means 1 hour 10 minutes more from now :D
  2. thakidinc New Player

    ill just play ghost recon phantoms its a nice mmotps shooter freetoplay here are pictures [IMG]
  3. TheNord New Player

    Waiting for the day when they change the name of DC Universe to The Crying Game. Every time there is an interruption to some peoples game time there is incessant crying. Maybe DCUO should mail out pacifiers so the extremely addicted can pop one in their mouth to stop the crying. I imagine it's the same in a detoxification facility after they take away their liquor, meth, cocaine, etc. etc. etc.
  4. 5parcks Active Player

    Per the Terms of Service agreement: In the event that you have purchased any packaged goods from SOE, you may return such packaged goods to us for any reason within thirty (30) days of shipment for a full refund, less shipping and handling charges. No refunds will be made for purchases of Virtual Goods (including purchases of Station Cash), items that are downloadable or opened, that are received by us more than thirty (30) days after delivery or that were obtained using Station Cash. Downloaded products or account keys purchased to activate or unlock downloaded software are non-refundable at any time. Refused orders will be treated as a return, with the same policy that applies to returned items.

    Who's law? Which country/state? Who's going to enforce it?

    SOE/DCUO contract is pretty cut and dried... basically, playing is a privilege for which we pay.
  5. ImmortalElectro New Player

    This is stupid i was told by members op3 would be back up on villian and it hasnt ? :(
  6. thakidinc New Player

    how do u put pictures
  7. Batcatcher New Player

    I have a question and I apologize beforehand, if it has already been answered. Why does the maintenance take the extra two hours for the US Server and the EU Server? I can't seem to find an explanation for it.

    Edit: Nevermind, I read it wrong. I hadn't seen the PS and the PC in front of the US and EU.
  8. ImmortalElectro New Player

    Doubt it ever is :(
  9. Jeronan Level 30

    Go and have a look at Defiance and their maintenance today. From 6PM CET till 23:00 CET European time.
    That's pretty much the worst maintenance times I have experienced so far.

    At least SOE, unlike TRION, isn't too lazy to get out of bed early and do maintenance at more acceptable times.
  10. Markus31102 New Player

    wieso kann er nicht US und EU Einzeln machen geht doch schneller oder?
  11. LovelyAngel New Player

    My niece was watching Blues Clues the other day... now when I see Mepps I think of the stupid Map song and replace Map with Mepps.. "Here's the Mepps.. He never fails!.. He makes me want to wag my tail" lol
  12. Aufuun New Player

    It kinda sucks that the game shuts down during the day of the few days I'm off from work. Oh well.
  13. ImmortalElectro New Player

    Bring back op3 on villian
  14. chim92 Active Player

    Oh. Well what server are you on? EUPC? I'm on USPC.
  15. thakidinc New Player

    so when will this maintenace thing be over
  16. ImmortalElectro New Player

    No update no assault & battery just crap
  17. Kensama New Player

  18. John Moura New Player

    Que demora pra acabar a manutenção!!!
  19. thakidinc New Player

    i just restarted the whole download because i clicked that validate button omg
  20. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Been playing long on any SOE game? They're patching and fixing and never on time with it, not their fault , impossible to say how long its gonna take, could be in ten minutes or could be 4 hours. They gotta try to make it right with as few bugs as possible.
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