Attention players: we will perform maintenance beginning at 4:00 AM PDT* on Tuesday, August 5, 2014. We expect this maintenance to take at least four hours. This will impact the following SOE services: Game servers will be down for the following games: DC Universe Online EverQuest II Landmark PlanetSide 2 Commerce functions, including purchases for all games Game, web and forum logins for all games Thank you for your patience as we complete this maintenance. Convert to your local time - SOE Community Team Update: US PS and EU PS servers are online after today's maintenance. US PC and EU PC will require an additional 2 hours of downtime.
this would be the perfect time actually, since the servers will already be down. No need for extra down time.
I dont know if they can do both. Unlocking a DLC would require the servers to be up and running and would probably take a few hours I would think.
Can u tell me why there is maintenance ? ** i know u also can't promise nothing but there is a chance that if there is already a maintenance that u bring dlc 11 after If u guys can work though SOE maintenance and do your maintenance its really can be great , i dont mind to w8 2 hours more and get the dlc... I'll like to get an answer from u ( about the questions )
All computers require maintenance after one fashion or another. In SOE's it's to allow for operating system patches, make backups of database tables that are locked while the games are live, and make any network changes that have a reasonable chance of doing Something Bad.. installing new code is something that they could do during a maintenance window, as long as it doesn't effect something else in the process, but it's not something I would ever allow as when something goes wrong it's much harder to troubleshoot exactly what caused it, thus leading to much longer down time than you forecasted.
I do believe that they have released updates/DLC's during maintenance but I could be wrong. But im pretty sure they have though.
I'm not able to post on the forums anywhere but here. Can someone help me out here, please? Sorry about posting it in here but I contacted the Community Manager and still haven't gotten a response. :/ And if anyone can help me out. I have a PS4 and after the update, I'm no longer able to get into DCU to play. It get the DCU Online screen and then immediately an error saying 'Cannot start the application.' with (CE-34224-5) after it. I looked it up, and I did everything it says to do, but still I'm having the same issues. Is there something else I can do other than Initializing my system every time?
but usually the servers are down for when GU's & DLC's come out, & we would have to download the patch when the servers come up.
Umm Mepps? You liked that comment about releasing the DLC during Maintenance.... For why?? lolol... Does that mean what I would hope it means???
I never lag. Maybe you need to upgrade your hardware friend. You can't be mad at dcuo for playing their game on a ps3 or a crappy pc... Save your allowance and buy a ps4 or a decent gaming pc.
That's the usual restart time isn't it? If so, that works for me as it's when I usually head to bed - thank's for the forethought
Hey ya know what's funny? This announcement goes up every week, and every week people act like the sky is falling,