Server Downtime - February 3, 2015 - Game Update 44 + Amazon Fury Part II!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. True Lasombra Well-Known Player

    We alll went there i guess...
  2. TheBlackBond New Player

    im with you Pdart will give range load some spunk but the intimidation dot is so low i dont see me using it ....if so how? im all ears for a load with it ..
    • Like x 1
  3. Timbavati New Player

    Can you do those updates at midnight or around that time? Its just 6pm in germany the usual time when im playing. I had also Problems with that maintenance last thursday! this is the first day id be able to play. So please do those updates at midnight
  4. Odd Spierce New Player

    As well as skipped major plot points even before it strayed.
  5. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I'll give it a shot, and let you know my results.
  6. Odd Spierce New Player

    I need you on my team so I can experience that epicness.
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  7. krol el94 New Player

    have u rad one punch man? or boku no hero academia? really promising
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  8. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

  9. EctoLantern Active Player

    This is by far one of the most polite, mature threads during an update I've ever seen (generally). Daybreak.... is that you? :)
    • Like x 1
  10. Erkki Messias New Player

    what time this goes back Mepps?
  11. Odd Spierce New Player

    One Punch Man is an epic cake filled with epic ganache and topped with godly icing. And then he misses the sale and the cake explodes with flair.
  12. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    Guys I'm in ! Booyahha!:)
  13. AndiKrist Well-Known Player

    Hah people complaining about the downtime.. :DD
    • Like x 2
  14. Odd Spierce New Player

    And into the rabbit hole I go. Thanks for playing!
  15. KiddGabe New Player

    looks like u.s ps3 servers are up
  16. SectorGuardian001 New Player

    • Like x 2
  17. KiddGabe New Player

  18. krol el94 New Player

    i thought it would be boring at first, given the fact he an defeat any enemy in one punch, but the writer has vivid imaginations and knows the dos and donts, that's why it is good
  19. KiddGabe New Player

    ps3 servers are up
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All servers are now online with GU 44 and Amazon Fury Part II!
    • Like x 6