Prestige Update: Numbers and Expectations

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Aug 28, 2014.

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  1. 6000Degree New Player

    Next to the league hall teleport
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  2. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    So there's a donation box in the WT. Yesterday I had tens of thousands of prestige in my bank in the form of Strategos armor etc, took it to the box and redeemed it for less than umm yeah, thanks.
    It's pretty screwy that myself and others were shut out of that deal completely.
    Guess not screwing me out of a promised and hard earned reward was too "dangerous".
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  3. Rubber Chicken New Player

    Where are they in the Hall of Doom? These donation boxes are for leagues without halls yet, right?
  4. DRy New Player

    ...and legue PC ?

    Playstation servers are different PC servers
    to me you have not finished having complaint League pc server
    The caps individual stop !
    One active player will not play because he brings nothing in prestige?
    still make old raid, alerte :)eek: ) for former players ? again?

    for server pc your prestige its a very bad calcul

    Stop !
  5. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    What are the prestige earnings from PvP matches?
  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    You know the guy that sells soders? Look by him. It should be usable without a hall, but I can't check.
  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Overall, the prestige update makes sense for stressing gameplay over dematerialization, except for one thing --> the open world dailies. The sodas from these used to be worth something (not a lot, but something). Now the megas & below are back to 0 prestige. The turbos are worth next to nothing (3 I think?), so we get almost no prestige for completing T6 dailies (none for T4 & T5). We should get something for doing these missions whether it's having the sodas valued at the old prestige setting or get a fraction of a solo mission's prestige upon completion/turning in. Can each mission be like 33... ok 25? Call it 25 and we're even! Let's make a deal! 3 is just...:rolleyes:

    Anyway, please reevaluate the value of the reward sodas. They were not the reason leagues were capping too soon.

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  8. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

  9. omegahawk74 Committed Player

    Were do i go to post idea's and so forth that i think would be very good in the game please and thanks for your time.
  10. Rubber Chicken New Player

    Got it...thanks!
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  11. arcfussion Well-Known Player

    I am in a small league and we worked our butts off to get our league hall! Now that the tribute portion of the prestige has been so drastically cut ( 90% or more ) we doubt we will be able to maintain many , if any , proficiencies. One thing you forgot to take into account is that we all have lives outside of this game. For you it's a job , for us it's supposed to be a stress release ( not anymore). It was hard enough getting our hall , the week before update 40, now with 5 active friends in our league ,we only hope you guys put things back the way they were! We love playing this game as friends but you just deflated our enthusiasm by 90% or more.This was a very poor decision.
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  12. omegahawk74 Committed Player

    what are you trying to do dc get your paying members that worked hard to get there leagues built up to leave dc with the bullcrap prestigue drop this is trully a big mistake on your part. unless your goal is to make people dislike playing and paying for the game anymore that is.
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  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Today, there were 13 people online in our league. We got like 40k prestige. We all work hard for our lives, are studying, have families and friends, have a world that runs without a graphic card.

    Way to figure it out: Run your raids, spend a few minutes in Tier Fives and spend the marks on prestige. Non-decorators, throw all the stuff into your bases.

    I bet we hit the hard cap within the next few days - with running content, without replaying it.

    The older ones know the drill: How long did it take to get gear without replaying when there were multiple types of marks? How long did it take to get styles, to get feats? Some things will need more effort than other things, but everything is quite doable. So is hitting the cap in one week. If you struggle, get help or help others. I even took some of my alts and moved them to other leagues to get them prestige. Work together, unite, make new mates. There aren't only douches out there. I've met so many great people in game, so can you.

    If you're not capping, well you might have noticed that there are good proficiencies, those who are nice to have and those everyone can live without. Choose the right ones. Sometimes less is more.
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  14. Schimaera Devoted Player

    That are good points. I can agree with that right away!
  15. DC-Doll New Player

    They're for both. My league has a hall and we can access and use it too in the WT/Hall of Doom.
  16. EvilSnake Well-Known Player

    So if your interested in a smaller than average league kick rocks.
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  17. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I just to say wanted say I'm a kinda of a fanboy for Mepps and Spytle(I usually love those guys), I got a pm from Mepps once that was beyond explaining how much I appreciated it. I've of course had things that haven't made me very happy , but I've understood why they made the decision.

    I'm ok with the VERY obvious fact that they are bias towards walmart leagues and that they want little guys to have a rough time....OK
    I've been in bigger fell apart....I tried again despite the BS for a leader with a big heart and put up with more BS and it fell apart...there was a lot of not fun crap involved in a place I was paying money to have I started my own league and I've been a happy DCUO money spender ever since. I have imposed upon myself keeping up with the masses being a hell of a lot harder and took in stride, sometimes I fell behind and had to play catch up....OK

    But this is a kick straight in the nuts preceded by insulting and wrongfully assuming about the kind of person/player I am, and I have to say.....yeah it's just a game, but gdangit it hurts!!! WTH? What did I do to deserve this?

    It was ok for peeps that already had their league hall for how many weeks to reap the rewards of donating HARD earned gear for prestige while I a person that EARNS a set for both my roles for EVERY new set that comes out is kicked out and chastised at the same time????????????
    WTH guys????!!!
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  18. omegahawk74 Committed Player

    Ive got a league hall on both villian and hero side with alot of members yet there are many that are back in collage and dont have the time to play like they used to. so now your basically telling me that if i want to keep the league halls going i have to except people they have immature names and are just wrong for the league in order to keep it going basically. I pay for 3 dc accounts per month and also spend a fare ammount of cash on the game to play it and i dont think i should have to lower my league standers just so i can keep the base mods going. some people that could not play that much bought the armor with marks as it was a way for them to be able to help the league out and now they cant cause its worth crap prestige. I mean when you take in the effect of how much it cost just to keep your own personal base going as well you dont really have the marks to do anything els with really and the point is basically its ok to lower the gear prestige cost but to lower as much as you did that is beyond what was neeeded.
  19. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    one more reason for me to actually hate these arrogant devs...thank you, was getting to be a bit repetitive on all the OLD stuff to hate you for...
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  20. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    These new prestige changes are a joke, who cares if the larger leagues were reaching the cap in minutes that was the intent of the cap in the first place, to keep them on a leash. Now smaller leagues have to work twice as hard as they did before these changes. Should have left things the way they were was it really harming anything? not in the slightest and if anyone thinks different they're the mistaken impatient one's who want everything NOW.
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