Omaar's HL dps guide.

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by OMAAR, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. zickyjacks New Player

    Just to ask (maybe it has been already) I somes do the rotation claw hold claw then power into snap trap then fan. Does that seem to work/has anyone else tried it and does it work for them?
  2. Foxe Well-Known Player

    My guess with this is that the sacrifice of WT + HC splitting will mean a drop in damage?
  3. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    So what is better for pure range, WCS or Gerbal's Gh>Ghpull/St>Fan>PT?
  4. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I'm very creative in my naming.
  5. Ri0THL Level 30

    anybody on usps3 crafting precision health 5 expert? will tip. :D
  6. NlNJUTSU New Player

  7. Valor New Player

    There's a trade forum.
  8. Gerbal New Player

    I tested gh>fan jump st>fan repeat and then ram>st/power gh>fan jump repeat and on the sparring target i love the second combo the first one seems a bit easy to mess up. Im on ps3 so lag always plays a role
  9. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    When you say "ram>st/power gh>fan jump" is that including the gh pull (hold square) or just straight from the gh power to fan?
  10. Gerbal New Player

    Straight to fan no pull
  11. Gerbal New Player

    I should say my testing isnt number crunching but practical use and killing sparring target. Itd be great if omaar could run some numbers. Im also curios to why construct st is so much stronger then power st but power gh is double the dmg of construct gh
  12. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    If I'm not mistaken, power gh does the same damage as power st.

    So gh>fan jump st>fan would have the same damage as WCS.

    And ram>st/power gh>fan would have the same damage as SSS.

    You said you like the second combo better but I think it's been said a page or two ago that WCS is better than SSS.
  13. Gerbal New Player

    My understanding is in sss ram>st/pwr st fan the pwr st overrides the construct st dot. Where wit ram>st/gh>fan they would again stack with each other. Well the do i know that for sure
  14. bedovean New Player

    Lol its the only 86 I have so far, since i mostly melee its fine, when I FFF i switch to my 85 brawls.

    I cant seem to use enough power with the trolls I run with so this is ok XD I could probably use 400 and be ok. One I run with is border 1800 and the other is 1773 lol..
  15. Clip New Player

    If i run nexus with WCS i fall back in scoreboard with quantum players.
    FFF i tried to avoid so far, still too much respect and i dont want to be the one that needs to be picked up every 30seconds. :D
    Would love to see a vid how people pull FFF in nexus off.
    But with ram>snap/GH>fan>pt i can compete on single targets really well.
    Snap>fan>pt/GH>fan>pt could be even better.

    When we change FFF a bit may it work more reliable? I mean after snap the fan which dont come out means quite a big loss in DPS.
    Or something like that...

    With MG i feel a lil bit stuck, when perform a pt i can correct the distance a lil bit, with ram>whip/MG>whip i feel like pushing forward really hard(but damage seems to be nice), maybe a added backflip could work but still with FFF it looks easier to perform it without moving forward or moving only a lil bit.
  16. bedovean New Player

    Stacking dots from GH. St doesn't stack
  17. xRyujin New Player

    My thoughts about LW:

    If the people that i run with are ok, I use LW, spam or in the rotation like : RAM-st->ST->fan ->PT->LW -> lw throw (repeat). this works well on mobs. When i need to spam, i spam LW 3-4-n times, when the trollers use SC. LW is very efficient with at least 2 mobs to hit, as it does (for me with 1180 prec) anywhere in between 500-800 dmg and a small chunk 50-100 for each mob. For single target GH rotation is also good. During raids, i go and respec before each room. Nexus -> all mobs -> LW; 1st room LW, 2nd and 3rd room GH, 4th boss (the drone) LW, 5th boss (nexus guardians) GH, Final Room it's better to use LW as you want to melt all the bosses down fast. Paradox wave i switch in between tunnels. So at this point i would say LW is a great weapon as when you start spamming it, the first throw is the slowest, gaining speed as you throw more than 2 weights. the 3rd, 4th ...and so on, are so fast you can't actually see how fast the mana bar depletes. But when the LW hits the target it's the fastest succession of numbers i see on the targets since st-ST stacked.
  18. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Theoretically, IF snap trap's dots DID NOT override each other, would SSS be better WCS?
  19. Potent New Player

    power gh and st both have the same base of 18-25

    all other initial ticks besides ram/impact/whipthrash are 20-27
  20. OMAAR New Player

    One word: DEFINITELY. I am talking about precision and might ST not overriding each other.

    Dot calculations are not divided by time. Meaning near 90 dps that would put SSS=WCS but with the added bonus of SSS having more hits ( always A crit advantage on hit and go situations aka paradox )