Next For DCUO: Feat Unlocking!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I can finally get my 65,000 healing out feat on my main...Thats all I care about.

    The amount of times I got to 63,000 makes me want to vomit uncontrollably.

    Those 3000 replays I bought during the sale will come in handy
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The current plan would be for any unlocked feats to grant their rewards as if you had completed them naturally. This is something we're open to feedback on.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    They would be included if you use the power or movement respec tokens, just as you could now.
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  4. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    its actually very doable.
    IIRC i got it on my Troll spamming supply drops, sidekicks, healing SCs, barrles etc in a long drawn out batcave.
    though i might've been using those group healing pvp sodas you dont see much anymore... lol, i cant even remember what they were called now.

    anyway, i was excited more for this before i read they arent going to allow movement and role-specific feats.
    shame, i dont think i can buy a single feat now off any of my alts that my main doesnt already have.
    though vice-versa will be nice i guess. even though it will take alot of the fun outta grinding my alts now.

    PS- wow, super cheat prices, lol. i was thinking it would be more like 1 replay= 1 feat point, lol.
  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    Wait, you're confusing me, Mepps! What do you mean by grant rewards? I thought you were only buying the feats? So, styles for instance, you would still have to obtain.
  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I just cant do it...I, no joke, got to 64587 the other day and I remember the number exactly because of how friggen close it was.

    One convalesce, one soda (PLUS! DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO BE NEXT OR ZERO OR REMIX OR EVEN EXTREME), one shield, 2 seconds in a healing barrel, one more supply drop, one sidekick...I wanted to find a baby and punt it after that match.
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  7. Stardazer Committed Player

    Not sure if this has been addressed, but will the feature be level/tier restricted? Or could I create a new toon and unlock every possible feat I can right at the beginning, say even the new Tier 5 DLC feats?
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Some feats grant a reward when you complete it, which you receive in the mail. This will still happen.
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The current plan is not to restrict feat unlocking based on your level or tier. If your character can see the feat in the feats list, you can unlock it.
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Thanks for the timely clarification, Sir!
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  11. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    at first glance this sounds slightly counter-intuitive.
    wouldnt it make sense to somewhat throttle a lower Cr toon's SP evolution based on it's progression.
    seems slightly ridiculous (game-breaking?) to allow a fresh level 30 to have 175 SP... though i guess its really about the $$.
    • Like x 1
  12. Radium Devoted Player

    This is entirly too fair and reasonable that its sickening!

    So heres my question.

    Say I have 15 alerts done on an alt and decide to buy up to the 100# of alerts, will my counter on the next feat available(which would be 250 in this case) read 100, or would it still reflect 15 alerts done?
  13. Little Sister New Player

    I'm still a tad confused on the Movement Mode / Off-Role Style Feats.

    I have every Movement Mode Feat on my main (thanks to several Respecs). Will my Acrobat alt be able to purchase all of these, or only the Acro ones ?

    Similar question for Off-Role Styles.
  14. TheAkuma Well-Known Player

    I have been wondering this since feat unlocking was first announced. A little of the question was answered but still makes me wonder. Say i unlock the feat for all the collections in the game. Obviously I will not get all the style pieces mailed to me. Would this lock out collecting collections to get the styles? As in the collections stating already collecting. Since Mepps stated unlocking a style feat does not give you a style would you still be able to get random pieces you want and collect the style or will they show as already collected?
  15. Captain Liberty Developer

    Have you tried using R&D scanners? The feat is meant to be something that happens over time - kind of like killing 5,000 Reapers in Central City. That has to be the most time-consuming 10-Point feat in the game, and something I would not want to do again.
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  16. Radium Devoted Player

    One of us!

    One of us!

    One of us!
    • Like x 8
  17. Hero of Justice New Player

    Great move devs!
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  18. Mr Venom Active Player

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  19. Statman New Player

    Been plenty doable for quite a long time, my Ice Tank's is dated back in 2011 or 2012, can't recall (whenever Batcave arena came out!) :)

    It involves Batcave 2v2, a healer skill point spec, a partner that is a Fire Tank, and a lot of heal barrels, lol, takes about 10 minutes. With Home Turf stuff now it would be even more simplified. The key is focusing on getting the healing done rather than fighting, hehe :D
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  20. RussianSuperBoy New Player

    Good news :) This is very great pricing.
    Some of my friends with EU server interested in the question: Earned feats with EU server character, will feats unlocked on US server? And will it be possible to get the same feats with character villains side to the character of the hero, feats are "account-bound"?
    Thanks in advance for your reply.