New powers...Weak and lacking imagination.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GregDawe, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    I think using bane as a exp was a mistake because when you think of bane you think of steroids.
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  2. GregDawe New Player

    Yeah I think the current SC powers are a little outdated.

    Here is an idea,
    Scrap munitions and serums.
    Make Atomic a Tank role like everyone wanted.
    Then focus the effort you were going to put into serums and munitions into making another 10-15 iconic SC finishing powers.
  3. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I am underwhelmed by the title but will wait and see.

    "Munitions" is going to have a tough row to hoe to earn any props from me.

    I have been pleasantly surprised before but I feel like they are grasping at straws here.
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  4. GregDawe New Player

    Very true,
    And that is a lot of my frustration. It seems like drugs that we are constantly injecting for powers, unlike Cpt America or Deathstroke who had one offs for an enhancement.

    Now if serums is actually a exobyte version of the super soldier/mirkunu and is a powerset that is then fised with munitions renamed to "Supersoldier" I am then very VERY INTERESTED.
    A toon that has super reactions and is based on precise attacks with very intricate weapons that can only be achieved due to the superhuman powers.
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  5. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    theres a character so obscure i can't even remember her name. it was from a 'revisionist" comic in the early 90's. the watchmen was super big and "grim and gritty" comics were big. her power was basically she was a junkie. shed inject herself with a different drug to gain different abilities as she needed. nothing too far out, some minor super strength or speed primarily from what i can barely remember. can't even remember who published the mini series or if it was ever finished. Was set in a post modern USA with each state having its own hero or some such, maybe it was each country.

    thats what this serum user power makes me think of. have to look this comic up...
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  6. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    I too am really interested in seeing the experimental serums power. I've heard that it was partially inspired by Elongated Man, so I HOPE some shape shifting and body contorting is involved.
  7. Hero of Justice New Player

    It's too early to say that the new powers lack imagination. Waaaayyy to early.

    They were just announced today, and with minimal details at that. We haven't seen a first look, haven't seen the animations or names of the powers, we haven't seen the inspired weapon styles, nothing. So to say that the new powers are weak or lacking in imagination isn't warranted at this stage, IMO.
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  8. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Are there powers I would have liked to seen in game first? Yes. However, the ones they chose sound pretty interesting.

    Atomic has been long requested and was cut just before beta began if I'm correct. Munitions at first glance doesn't scream controller to me, but i'm very curious to see what the end result is as far as debuffs, cc, etc (sure we dont use them ever, but they'll still be in there). Serums sounds really cool. I envision it as a multitude of things by the way Spytle was talking about it. He brought up grappling, and plastic man, etc.

    I'm intrigued. They arent Wind controlling, Water healing and Shadow controlling, but they're new and i'll play them.
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  9. GregDawe New Player

    I also think they did the roles wrong, and it made munitions look worse.

    Atomic for Troll
    Munitions for Tank
    Serums for Healing.

    That right there paints a whole different picture.
  10. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    PS: some tanks need no support. (according to comics, anime, and movies. *previously linked gif* this is why the super character genre game creates many users that are confused by support roles.... perhaps.... 0o? (plus they fail to read) (the in-game ability descriptions and in-game cues. much less the not-in-game tutorials: :oops: Some Users are far too amazed by pressing a button and having the TV show a direct result of pressing the button. Then there are the gamers who read, are resourceful, figure out the simple puzzles that are video games, and enjoy them. Gamers have to deal with users. Users are ......*not gonna say it*)

    perhaps a NEW Blur cinematic emphasizes roles for users? (since reading ability descriptions is beyond their abilities for some users) Perhaps the new UI has better functionality and form. the very thin window scroll bar to see the lenghy descriptions (used in abilities for one window but not for loadout window) and click to present description (inventory/stats tab) has confused users.
  11. xColdFront Committed Player

    Why isnt there a dislike button for posts? All those powers are based on comic book characters so idk what youre talking about.
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  12. xColdFront Committed Player

    So youre saying banes power isnt good for a tank? I completely disagree.
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  13. GregDawe New Player

    I think Bane's "power" should not be a power at all.
    1 - it isn't a power imo
    2 - by healing, change the poster boy to anyone else and have serums be a medical, not illicit look to it. Healing through modified potions based on the science of the DCU
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  14. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    +1 thank you
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  15. John Brawler Committed Player

    so basically screw anything good that could possibly come from this and instead make a direct deathstroke power? yea, that's pretty creative.

    yea, because having super strength through a means that doesn't mean they have to deal with the lack of animations (the big reason we never had a pure physical in the first place) and isn't strictly kryptonian (thus avoiding the legal nightmare that the devs have to go through every time they try to add superman related content, hence why all kryptonian characters other then supergirl were added all at once.) is completely worthless.

    so far you're complaining, say the devs have no creativity and should have added different powers, yet add nothing to the actual content of the conversation other then powers other people mentioned and a blatant rip off of an existing character. i think the others have something to the idea that you just wanted to complain, especially since other then the "inspired by" and roles we have no actual information about the sets to base any argument on.
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  16. GregDawe New Player

    I was referring to a power that actually was a exobyte cased power, fitting the story, and something along the lines of Deathstroke and his heightened abilities, plus the SC power that someone mentioned that turns you large and OP for a short period

    Using someone else's idea as an example does not make my argument any less valid. My argument is that as it stands, a group of developers for a comic book game are using a level of creativity that is not up the standard of someone who is being paid to come up with a new superpower.

    It seems you have no understanding of why I created this thread, and If you read the whole thing, you would see a post I made that was more or less stating that this thread is asking why not the ideas that players have been actively campaigning for for a long time now. Powers that fit the theme of upcoming content and have a much higher demand than these announced powers.

    Go home and do not comment here again.
    I do not appreciate having my own mindset and opinion painted my a fool who has no actual understand of those things.
    I am all for new powers, I am just disappointed with the ones we have been shown are coming and the fact that they are not fitting with the game as it stands.

    Bane is a human when not on venom, we are meant to be 100% of the time superhuman.
    Drug are not the answer to a new powerset.
    Munitions is the ability to operate weapons.
    It does not take superhumans alone to do that.

    What I am saying is, they have set themselves a mighty task in terms of making an impressive powerset out of these.
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  17. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    If the munitions power has a shield I know the gadget trollers will rage .
  18. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Well...even though threads like these pop up, I get used to them, I have no problem anymore with people voicing their thoughts. However, the powers didn't even come out as yet, I may not follow up on literally everything in this game, however, I know whenever a DLC/power is out, you guys, well, if you're legendary, get to have the chance to run it on test server. You might change your mind when you get it and start playing around with it, you may never know. Don't ever judge a book by it's cover. Cliche saying, I know.

    & that healing one, it's suppose to be like fire right? I don't know, man, the whole thought of fire healing something seems pretty cool. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but seriously, when you think of fire, even though fire can self still is pretty amazing because
  19. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    I actually like the idea of munitions if its gonna be Deathstroke's version of gadgets. Serums im not to sure how they are gonna use this it said something about grappling , who knows when we all actually see a livestream of it we will probably change our minds how knows.
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  20. Fel1x90 New Player

    We know absolutely nothing about the new powers and people already start to complain. Typical for the forum crowd here.
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