New Elite Alert on Wednesday will bring massive hate to the dps population

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Aug 31, 2015.

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  1. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Wrong because it's a mmo your friends are where most of ur fun should be. If you truly wanted to enjoy it you would run with ppl you enjoy running with and have a laugh while doing it.

    Pugging can be intense which is why I have never pugged bs. I rather enjoy the run then see ppl get upset and blame ppl.

    At the end of day running with ppl u enjoy will make the difference. I'm sure plenty of hls will get through it.
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    That was the normal alert, not the Elite. All normal alerts are designed to be technically possible with 4 dps. That's why they never put in something like a boss that has to be debuffed to beat, etc.
  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    There are epeen styles associated, though...anything an MMO player can visually show off their badassitude will be popular.
  4. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Nope. he was selfish. Gave him to many chances. U can easily say I'm lagging but he didn't. but gohead and feel sorry for the guy that didn't care about his team and only care about his weak damage.

    He isn't the only dps I have out damage either cause he had no mods. I played as a dps as well and out dpsed players 131 and me 125 cause I was modded (same power).

    Heck I played with 122 dps fully modded that weren't ice or gadget that had better burn than 127 dps.

    I hope what OP is saying is true cause there going to be a lot of butt hurt dpses, and this was a long time coming if this is true
  5. ErnieB Loyal Player

    sure we'll get through it as trolls, as dps we'll be excluded because our power is hated for some reason.
  6. ErnieB Loyal Player

    And I've out dps players 10 times my level my no mods with almost every power, mods aren't everything. And if what OP says it's true, then there is no hope for this community as I'm sure the people that make it, won't bother teaching others anything, they will only look for EXP.
  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I'll just make a video of a hl dpsing the elite and send it your way on wensday just to prove that they will be fine
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  8. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Celestial Battle Healing!!
    Hehe! Cant wait!
    (Dont know the DPS you're talking about)
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  9. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Cool story bro may I have another :p
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    If I were to guess, you were playing Earth or Sorc, the other DPS was terrible, and it was a duo. ;)
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  11. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Lets put it this way. I trust you as Celestial Dps than most pugging dps no matter what powerset. And I can't wait to play with you bud. Also I need you to whip my but in pvp so I can learn. I maybe the worst pvper in DCUO history lol
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  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, that's the testing standard. Celestial does benefit from a higher target number. Of course, other powersets scale 30+%, as well, from TT to live. Only ones that don't are Earth and Sorc. They scale about half that, due to the pet damage being unaffected by SP and mods.
  13. Ichiro Loyal Player

    This one time, in bombshells, I out DPS the tank. True story:D
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  14. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    This one time in bs I was trolling and I out dps the healer. True story
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  15. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    LMAO did I just open up a can of worms with this response lol
  16. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    U just had to do it. I ready for 20 more pages of story time with this lol
  17. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Here ya go:

    This one time, in Bombshells, I brought my toon in at 123. I got 2 drops of 112, and had enough marks to buy a piece of 118. I excused myself and bought the 118 belt. They re-invited me and I won a 120 chest on the last boss. Finished at 129. And without mods in those 4 pieces, I was highest dps. And we finished Talia first try. True story. :D
    • Like x 2
  18. Trexlight Devoted Player

    3 hours of fun > 10 mins of a quickie.

    Its how I treat my fans...and my ladies ;)

    Plus, My run, my rules, our fun #Trextatorship
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  19. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    This one time in bs I was running with someone from the top villian league on wavedox and he didn't know how to close a portal. It was funny watching himself inch over to it very slowly
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  20. Trexlight Devoted Player

    its not getting carried if you do your role

    and its god damn adorable!!!!! ;)
    • Like x 3
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