Nerf dwf getting annoying

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dragon1576, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    What dps was your group using? Because quantum and mental was broken because of the white hand mod. What is really wrong with the community is everyone is trying to dictate everyone else group. If i'm in a group that can 8 dps DWF, how do that effect you? The raid is almost 2 months old, nerfing it now won't make a bit of difference to the player who been beating it.
  2. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Yeah, nerf everything in the game because a few players want to beat end-game content by random queue.
    HH, UM, DWF are all about the same, bad players can't beat it, devs start "fixing" the raid, and when someone beat it:
    Light/quantum exploit, quantum too OP, they had a group full of gadgets/mental players, like having 5 mental guys will make a bad group beat it just because they have 500 damage/sec more than the others. When the players know how to play, 5 eletricity guys isn't a problem for them, ofc, it'll be harder, but they'll beat the raid anyway, because they know how to see the mechanics instead of just Pew,Pew,Pew,bip,bip,pew,pew.
    We have ONE hard raid once in a year, and it's hard for no more than 1 month, sometimes 2, because some guys won't be able to beat it and spend replays, so the "fixing" start.
    The players can be very happy with the Kandor Raid difficulty, beating it day 1 in 15 minutes won't be a problem, and it's here to last 4-8 months :D.
    Discussing about this is useless, we got a 100+ thread with "nerf dwf" and it left us no where.
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  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I can assure you that I am not random queuing it. I was staring at LFG for two hours, then spent another two hours in the raid only to disband at last battle.
  4. The Doctor Loyal Player

    I honestly don't know why they ever release "hard" content in this game. It's a casual game that seems to heavily rely on replay badge sales. There's near universal consensus that Origin Crisis hurt this game. If I was them I'd steer in a different direction. These raids just don't seem like a sound business decision.

    That being said I really don't care. I've never (seriously) called for anything to be buffed or nerfed. I really kind of hope they ignore stuff like this on the forums, at least the buff threads. Sure, the 1% of the community that wants content buffed is very vocal, the other 99% just want to have fun.
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  5. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Well keep trying. There no need to nerf it.
  6. TestReporter Loyal Player

    No, the game shouldn't be based totallyin the casual community, almost no game of success is based totally on the casual players, OR those games have a competitive mode for the veterans OR release end game content with difficulty. The replay badges focus of this game is what makes the population drop everyday, this shouldn't EVER be supported. The game just hasn't died yet because it's super hero based, and makes a lot of new guys want to play it just based on that, we also have the old time players who have love for the game, and even in the worst of the times, don't drop their subs.
    I don't know where u get the 1% from, but just in this post, we have like 3-4 guys who support the nerf, and all others are agaisn't it.
    The casual players shouldn't complain about difficulty, since EPISODE 15 we got 22 pieces of content, 2 of those 22 pieces were considerable challenging, that's almost 1 piece of challenging content per YEAR.
    I AM NOT saying the game shouldn't have casual content (actually it does, and a lot), but there MUST be a diversity and MUST always have content for the veterans players who have been here for 2-4 years, and even for the new players who started this year and want a challenge, 1/11; 1/12 of the episode content was made for the veterans, and even having 10/11;11/12 of the content, the players who can't beat something must always call for a nerf, and they are most of the times the voice of the game, since content is always nerfed to support the replay badges sell.
    *Not talking about all casuals, since most of them don't care about the difficulty, or don't come to the forums, just the few who always complain about something being hard.
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  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Its more then 1% by far
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  8. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Fine, 2%
  9. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    I absolutely do not agree the raid should be nerfed. People gotta learn and this game does hand out stuff like candy.
    I pug 90% of the time.. its not as bad as being portrayed both in game and on the forums.
    situational awareness and common sense must be a rare thing in this game. All it really requires..
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  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It really is. I ran bn today with someone who tried to blame himself dyinh the most on everyone. And behold he was chasing the score. Dps blkhand to 1%. While we were doing canister. Everyone had 0 or 1 death he had 6. Tryed to blame it on the group. So yes its getting rarer a lil
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  11. Kharhaz Committed Player

    I get what the OP is saying, however it has happened for ages. PUG a raid, first fail, every sod leaves!

    However nerf it? no, the best way to get around this without a league is to form a group, explain it will be hard and a lot of fails, and then to explain leave now or attempt it!

    It is very frustrating when you pug a group, and find most of them have left at the first hurdle.
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  12. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    just damn lol
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  13. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Its really bad when the atomic tank had to block till last canister went in o_O
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  14. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I'm kinda confused, I thought DWF was already nerfed
  15. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Its all good as long as he was on top!!! :p
  16. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Expand the Minimum role requirement to allow > 2 for specific roles. Some ppl dont mInd eating the wait time. It beats the scenario where ppl quit at the first sign of trouble. It's a nice back up option to pre-mades.

    Don't nerf the raid, or diminsh future raids' needs for support roles; give players more queue options.
  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    He was 4th though
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  18. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Im not saying DWF is a cakewalk. But it can be. All you gotta do is pay attention and pickup. Ive done this with all 170s but ive also failed miserably with 170s. Ive done it with all 160s and failed with all 160s. Is it on the tougher end of the scale, yes. Your success depends on you and your group and if they wanna do the raid how it was meant to be done. By following the mechanics.
  19. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

  20. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Been pugging and completing it since day one with a huge success rate. Had one, maybe two disbands in that time... The raid has been out long enough with enough people breezing through it that a nerf just cannot be justified at this point. I'm getting the feeling that the old saying, 'you're only as strong as your weakest link' applies here...
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