Nerf dwf getting annoying

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dragon1576, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Dragon1576 Active Player

    I've been in at least 15 groups within 5 hours no exaggeration either and we can not get past the 1 set of bosses it's annoying i've been mostly in formed groups also 170 all groups and it's always the same out come we get wiped on the first boss fight and everyone leaves group and it just repeats it's self in each other group i'm unable to Finnish this because of it do something about this devs
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You have to have support roles in that raid. You cant just 5-1-1-1 the entire thing, or perhaps in your case 6-1-1-0
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  3. Dragon1576 Active Player

    most of the groups i been in are running either 3 dps 2 healer 1 troll 2 tanks or some other kind of arrangement it's just annoying cause everyone leaves group each and every time we get wiped 1 time it's like no one has patiences and it's annoy can't even Finnish it and this is just today i have been trying for two weeks now and still haven't been in a group that even makes it passed the 1st boss
  4. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    Get a group together.. Plenty of people have completed the raid and the elite version.. If anything it's too easy with the right people.
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  5. Dragon1576 Active Player

    I have everyone leaves just after getting beat 1 time then people disband it might be easy for some but i'll never know cause every group i'm in breaks a part instead of trying again it's to difficult and everyone quits
  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It's a nightmare if you play it without a cushy 200+ sp average league to fall back on. I'm not really sure why the normal version has to be this way.
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  7. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    Join a league that looks to run it, try and find like minded people who won't give up after the first run.. It's all about trial and error and having the right roles/powers too.. If you've got low SP, no mods people who don't even understand their role or power then it will be tough.
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  8. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

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  9. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yet xbox players beat it with 50 sp. Nice try
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  10. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The SP themselves matter very little. But the process of getting them makes you a better player. I bet many of those players you mention are immigrant veterans from PC/PS.
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  11. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Well, you should try to find a league, some good friends or get more sp/exp...The raid can be easily done with most of the casual pug groups right now, even the elite version isn't hard anymore. I'm not being elitist here, but it has never been hard, it was about the players being bad...
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  12. tukuan Devoted Player

    Given that the coming content gap I can't see them nerfing it as it will have to hold up over a long period of time.
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  13. Elusian Crowd Control

    I ended up pugging it on US and EU for the past weeks with no massive problems involved. There is usually that "oh its Stompa in first room lets get another combination" mentality but thats okay, I see pugs failing on the most simple mechanics in game. The latest greatest solo last boss pretty much revealed that people cant even get such simple thing solved on their own and have to run to forums.
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  14. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    The sad truth is they're a lot of player that haven't done dwf until they reach 170, so they're going to be a good amount of 170cr player that never beat it b4
  15. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It was same for wave, hh, tod. Ppl couldnt hack it with current gear
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  16. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Lol, 2 months and people complaining? It's easy...
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  17. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    It's common sense. It pisses me off when the group wipes because they don't roll from Stompa and have the decency to blame me the tank on why I can't aggro

    I blame lazy people nothing else.
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  18. RLManuel Committed Player

    if everyone's not in chat you wont beat it, if everyone doesn't know what to do you wont beat it, if theres no communication you wont beat it, if the burn sucks some will leave and you wont beat it, and if you don't have a good group you wont beat it...

    I only leave if we have wiped a couple times and there is no communication/everyone's not in chat, or when they finally come to chat, but only to blame other people... but yea if you're group isn't on point, then you wont beat it.
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  19. Backseid Devoted Player

    You shouldn't have to join a League, or be with the tippy top players, to play the ONLY instance available.

    This is why the game fails.
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  20. TestReporter Loyal Player

    You don't have to, it just helps, in any game it works this way, communication and exp> all, the raid can be easily done by pugs, but most of them are bad players.
    This is why we need more large episodes, content for all, i hope.
    Well, at least the Kandor raid won't take more than 15minutes to be beaten :D.
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