Nature damage parser

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Evaleigh, Aug 9, 2017.

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  1. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    Same gear, but OP item levels got raised by 10 item levels. That's not exactly in my control to be honest with you.
  2. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    Also, in a raid I have no issues to farm 100% SC on adds before the boss. Might sound situational but it somehow works for me :)
  3. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    So if your also using impaling thorns your artificially inflating your numbers cause the dummies will stay in the 35% range and you will net extra damage that wouldn't happen nearly as consistent as it will at the dummies. And like i said im not denying this is good but the things your are doing are pretty situational and doesn't really represent how it plays out in content correctly.
  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    One other question, and I know you've done good providing these pictures so we can analyze them together, thanks for that. Are you parsing on single target dummy, three dummies or 8 targets?
  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Oh yea you can def use it on bosses not denying that but the 3 targets make it look better then it is.
  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Is impaling thorns single target or multiple target? If it's single target, then I think it actually is pretty close to how things go in a raid setting (at least the add portion, and a good part of the boss fights too, right?)
  7. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    In gorilla thorns is a AoE finisher and also is bugged but i wont mention what it does but it has been reported :)
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  8. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Don't you usually test your rotations on 3 targets? Or did you just skip the whole SC testing? I wonder if every 30 second parse includes the SC used. Because the numbers look pretty consistent for a 30 second parse. Now, 1 thing I am seeing is the crits are still in there. When you tested numbers Crappy, did you have crits or no crits?
  9. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    Well I always test all my loadouts on 3 targets, always have done too. Also my base might before OP item buff was 16081. That's around a 250 might increase.
  10. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Wait so crappy is saying this is only "situational" ? But all other powers don't get this high in the same situation but it's balanced ?
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  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Well, then that would probably explain what's going on with these numbers then, if it's bugged.
  12. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    if it was the same gear you would have been the same cr? The op gear was always the same level i don't get what you mean?
  13. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    OP gear now is 180 level for the neck and ring and 192 for the new back waist head. They must have increased it in this latest hotfix
  14. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    if you read my post correctly i said i cant deny this is good but it is a boss only thing and takes 100% super to do. I've actually been thinking for a week now how to bring this down a notch correctly. Theres a few things that need to be looked into.
  15. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Oh so are you on EU and thats on live server to correct?
  16. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    Here's what I mean: [IMG]

    And here's another quick parse with the targets above 35%. Had to be 3 30sec parses since they were already nearing 40% hp.
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  17. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    That's correct, EU live server.
  18. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    I wouldn't know what you mean with Impaling thorns being bugged but I do think that Carnivorous plants shouldn't be able to be refreshed by Harvest. Which would already fix a lot in this broken loadout.
  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Oh ok don't think i was coming at you i was just confused on the gear level thing. Thats actually pretty nice they did that i just hope the stats are worth it now cause the stats on the op gear was kinda low the way it was.
  20. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    YES, please do. That is the thing people start posting this is OP that is OP when they are using every buff known and then comparing it to another power with nothing.

    As you can tell some are kind of testy on the subject because there are a lot of screwed up numbers floating around about the revamp & balance.

    With stats matter IE...THE REVAMP

    You MUST have a baseline that everyone is testing with or you will get numbers all over the place. Basically like what you are/were doing. A least you are taking advice and posting numbers. The players have to start somewhere. What you are doing is a great start.
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