Confirmed Metal gotham...and confused...

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Gassius_Spray, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    well figured it out...need that scarlet speedster part 1 think...which roughly translates to waste of my time as i am incapable of defeating metal mirror master. Ive tried every tactic i know and the game just keeps putting them orange things on top of me. i dodge i do everything still take 12k dmg and am obliterated.

    I cant believe they would make impossible content in a a game.

    Sigh cant even farm for my turf hand blasters now :(
  2. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Oh man, yeah. He's frustrating. In my experience, he's either infuriatingly difficult for some toons or a total breeze for others. It's weird and I can't find much rhyme or reason to it besides ranged and constant lunging, rolling, and moving around seem to be best. Both gadgets toons I've done it on struggled (one dual wield, one staff), but my quantum toon with hand blast just demolished him. My atomic toon also with hand blast struggled at first, but once I went tank on her and timed my use of Soder, healing move, healing barrel, ally, etc right (and of course kept constantly moving with as little standing still as possible), she also destroyed him.
  3. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    yea well its because this now im denied content, ill never see that turf hand blaster style now. and im sitting here infuriated because of it.
  4. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

  6. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    interestingly i can get into metal gotham....theres just no mission frustrating.
  7. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    I literally just did this last week on an alt. You have to complete a mission dealing with Gordon (and then one other mission after that?) to unlock all the Metal Gotham missions.

    I forget what the mission was called but it was buried in my Journal under whatever the CR level is for Metal Gotham. The mission is tedious and boring and takes too long but once complete all the dailies and weeklies for Metal Gotham unlock. Plus, it's infuriating as **** that you HAVE to do these missions to unlock everything for that zone. Just stupid in my opinion.

    Check your Journal under the CR section that Metal Gotham falls. Your mission should be there. If not, do a quick internet search to find out where you pick it up.
  8. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    where do i get this??!!

    1. Travel to the Metal Gotham City Open World. Go and save Commissioner Gordon (Heroes)
      • Completing this mission will unlock the Dailies and Weeklies
  9. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    I ran into this before. If you skipped CR you likely haven't done the main mission where you talk to fuginaut then have to access the terminal (below time vendor) in order to get updated main quests.
  10. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    actually i did all that up to and including getting that oracle bot lady and beating the batman who laughs
  11. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Pick an online search engine (I always use Bing! but use whichever one you like.) In the search field type "DCUO Metal Gotham dailies" (without the quotation marks.) The first search result should be the answer you are looking for (the first three on Bing! were for me.)

    I'd just tell you the answer but there is more information to be had from the search which you may be of interested to you and I don't want to limit you to what may be an oversimplified response.

    I hope this helps you. If not, let us know.
  12. spikeat Well-Known Player

    You need to complete the Scarlet Speedster solo and then the missions will show up in Metal Gotham.

    From what you describe, it sounds like you are standing there spamming your powers at mirror master. I assume you're flight so you want to stay on the ground. Equip all your shields, light barrier, group shielding, HL shield. Use robot side kick and shoot Impact (the train) twice at mirror master then move.

    Keep your shields up at much as possible and range attack.
    Impact x 2 then move, Impact x 2 then move, Impact x 2 then move
    • Like x 1
  13. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    Well spikeat, thank you for the advice....used every shield i had and finally got thru it...sadly...missions still dont show up in metal gotham. Im at a loss.
  14. spikeat Well-Known Player

    That's odd. I remember running into a similar issue a long time ago on a CR skip toon.

    So I just tested it again on another cr skipped toon. First I had to complete the solo to enter Metal Gotham. Then there was one available mission from nightwing that directed me to an officer. The officer had a mission to rescue Gordon and upon completing that mission all the other missions became available. There should be a Metal mission in your journal log.

    Tested at CR350.

    What's your current CR? If you completed the mission and still see no missions, then do as Deity suggests which is to get your CR 1-2 higher.
    • Like x 1
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    When HOL's Orrery of Worlds was added, you can get into the zones now, the problem usually is that it doesn't advance the journal quest line, so it soft gates you until you do it.

    I personally hate those specific requirements to enter an area. Atlantis has the same thing too.
    • Like x 2
  16. spikeat Well-Known Player

    What BumblingB said is correct. If you warped to Metal Gotham from your base or HoL without completing the solo first, you'll be able to enter but no missions will show up. Try entering Metal Gotham from the WT and it will stop you if you haven't completed Scarlet Speedster.

    Just to double check, when you said you got through it, you also beat Red Death and not just leave after Mirror Master right?

    Look for the journal mission "Metal Part I" that's the one you want.
  17. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    yes i finished all the way to the end and beat read death got my reward then left using the provided exit. My CR is like 238 i think? I've triple checked and theres no mission from nightwing to rescue the commish. Does that mission have a name?
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Did you wait for the scoreboard to appear or did you leave before it appeared?
  19. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Don't you need to do a mission that makes you rescue Commissioner Gordon in the Police Annex at the north of the map for the other missions to appear?
  20. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    I waited to make sure on everything...all of that. And that mission ryazan is talking about is what im missing! but i cant seem to located how to get it where the mission giver is...any of that.