Mirror Master - Metal Pt. 1: Scarlet Speedster

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SELENEHERONDALE, Feb 15, 2020.


    Way too difficult to defeat Mirror Master in this solo. Please tone down or eliminate prerequisite so players can get into Metal Part 1 openworld.
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    There is no need to tone down anying. Use shields, keep moving around, use soda at the right time, healing barrel and Supply drop, and you'll be fine. Just don't stand in one place. I beat it on all my characters with no problem. I like the fact It's challenging to be fair. Not everything should be super easy.
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  3. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    I agree with Zoe, there is no need to tone down anything, use strategy to beat the boss and if you can't then upgrade your gear, skill points & artifacts.
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  4. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    People often say "keep moving", however in my experience this fight is more about controlled Not Moving. At the start you have around 6 seconds from when you first hit Mirror Master until the first speed vortex forms. Once it begins to form, move away. Every time you move do 1-2 powers then wait for the next vortex to begin forming. Move away again.

    At the far side of the steps is a healing barrel. As Zoe said, use that, soder timing, and supply drop (if you have it) to heal back any damage from Mirror Master's pistol attacks. Once you get the hang of the rhythm though, you won't even need any of those refills. This fight can be a challenge to learn at first, but becomes very easy once the principle is understood.
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    One strategy, midrange Mirror Master, keep some distance between yourselves. As soon as you see the speed force trap, lunge Mirror Master and than reposition yourself to range. Rinse and repeat.
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  6. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    Don’t stand in the portal thingy, burn/counter/burn MM. Very simple.
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I made a whole series of videos showing how to complete this mission after seeing comments like this one. Reminds me I am overdue to make a new one. ;)

    Here is a small sample. ;)

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  8. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Have you tried not standing still and pew pewing? Helps alot
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  9. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    He's definitely a challenge, but nothing you can't get past. When I just made the CR minimum to enter the instance it was very hard. After ranking up a little bit more it wasn't so bad. The Speed Force traps are what you're really going to have to look out for. Focusing on avoiding those while doing range attacks on MM will get the job done. And don't pop that barrel until you need it. That and a Soda should carry you through. Just be sure to equip your Metal I augments, I found that makes a difference.
  10. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Oh look, this again. I warned you all that using such a difficult instance as a gatekeeper was gonna cause a lot of people a lot of problems. I don’t think nerfing the instance is the answer but they certainly could remove this instance as a prerequisite for the open world missions.
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  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    If I could beat him. first time, with a low level brawling alt, then anybody should be able to deal with him. No need to nerf.
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  12. Jensu Well-Known Player

    try not standing still and attacking, this whole solo and about dodging, if you stand still, you will have a bad time
  13. nawanda Loyal Player

    I agree it’s not even easiest fight, but how about you look at ways to up your game, rather than the game being reduced to your level?

    As others have said, move around a lot, but a shield on, use uplink devices and consumables in a tactical way, and practice.

    Does this whole game have to be balanced around the weakest and laziest players needs?
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  14. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Instead of toning the encounter down, tone your playing up. I'm a grandmother with Arthritis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and I was able to manage the encounter with a sub-270 CR, sub-150 SP, non-heal / non-tank character. I believe you can do it as well. Just believe in yourself and put some work into improving! ^_^
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    one of the pitfalls of many dps is trying to get one last hit in before you have to enact a defensive move. whether its just something as simple as moving out of the way or blocking you'll have an easier time in instances if you play smart. cant deal any damage if youre knocked out The fight requires a little bit of strategy as does the final boss fight with red death.

    you can do it!
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  16. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Except it's not hard o_O

    I crush it in 8 minutes 30 seconds in full healer gear when that was top DLC
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  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I suppose I should have specified that it’s hard relative to a lot of other content. I never struggled with it either. But still, I don’t see the harm in making it no longer compulsory to finish it to access the Metal I open world missions.
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    When I came back and tried this solo. I tried what I always used to do, normal damage rotation and burn. Can't do that. You have to stay moving or the vortices will get you. Destroy the mirrors. Other than that, Cold is Dual Pistols, just keeping him countered by lunging is easy enough.

    In other words, you gotta stay mobile, as other said in this thread.

    On the other hand, it's a gear check for Red Death at the end. Boy, I had trouble with him so many times. Weather Wizard's shield helps a lot there.
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  19. Jensu Well-Known Player

    i mean i am able to do this solo on my alt, who's might is the mid 40k's all you have to do is not stand in one spot, you need to learn the mechs of the fight, if you see a worm hole forming, roll out of it, attack MM and attack his mirrors. The fight takes me less than a minute to complete, it's not hard at all
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  20. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    No, no, no, no! These fights are perfect as they are. It sort of forces you to explore your abilities and change your loadout if necessary. You can put shields in your loadout, heals if your power has them and watch the pattern of the boss to defeat him.
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