Mental AM bugged and over-parsing?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Rokyn, Apr 19, 2016.

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  1. TheDark Devoted Player

    I'm pretty sure forum regulars are aware of my credibility. You're unable to comply with understanding how you need a minimum of 30 samples because 14 is not enough. That is what is altering the average to favor your opinion. In regards to everything gadgets and overall general damage testing, base, parser, and scorecard testing, I've already shown I have tight grasp on it compared to most.

    You're unable to disclose what you're using and that alone disqualifies what you post. Unless you have actual data and follow the test steps to the letter, I will not respond to your posts. Sorry but you do not know how to actually tests. When you do, I will give you my feedback.
  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    He is fully aware of how to perform the Tunso test, have no doubt. What he is unwilling to do in this case is spill the beans on his "uber-leet you have no idea how to do this" rotation or share any knowledge of whatever loophole or "super clip" or whatever you want to call it that he is using to get those numbers. He has clicks to maintain on those channels, yo.
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  3. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    What do you not understand about it was just a quick sample to show a general baseline, you can clearly see i stay in a average of 40k. All longer testing would do would show more of that. Yes i know if i was doing a real in depth test i would want to collect more samples but for a general idea 2-1/2 min is plenty. You can do that with any power and get a decent idea of what they are doing. Pick any power right now run 2-3 min with them and you will come up with the basic baseline.

    Don't be so arrogant and say i don't know how to test just cause i didn't do it super official with 15 min of data like you would like. If you knew what you were talking about you would know a GENERAL base line can be figured out by only 2-3 min. If this was testing a actual power for a update i would go all out but just for this reasoning and petty arguing its not needed.

    And the reason i don't tell you what i'm using is so the people that use it can keep that little bit of a edge on people that don't know what it is. You think you know it all and its hard for you to believe that someone else could put up better numbers so you have to try to discredit what i did. Think what you want, put down my parses cause its not 15 min of testing don't bother me, but at the end of the day i know the guy who thinks he knows it all with gadgets and is a expert tester doesn't even know how to get the best out of his own power.
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  4. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Why you getting hurt that someone can parser better than you with a certain power? I don't understand people are often better than others on this game. People just know all on this game like a dude last night that was spamming invocation of renewal and swore it was the best heal in the game mind you this is in bbs.
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  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I'm not using any exploits I promise you but i just don't want to give out the loadout/rotation. Theres not much left in the game that gives you a edge over people and i don't wanna ruin it for those who use it.

    If gadgets was up for a update or real testing i would gladly spill the beans for balance purposes but thats not the case here.
  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Just my opinion. If most players are using a 3 burst loadout, the balance should have been done around the loadout. Every gadget dps i knew or played with used 3 emp setup. That would solve most of the inbalance imo.
    I really don't know about mental, because i haven't played in the last 2 months, but when i was, after you loose the power back, all am damage was lost. If the am still work that way, i think the risk using 3 mt match the reward.
    After weapons and nature/electric fix, shortcuts and ways to get around the tunso test should be taken out imo
  7. Fies Committed Player

    Just for you another EMPIII close range test. It should have been a total of 45 but has 1 additional 10 sec parser making it 46*10sec in total since I didnt want it to end on a 50k sequence... Full testing-specc according to "Do`s and Dont´s" was used. No trinkets/SCs.
    I marked where pictures are overlapping.
    Result: 39416/s
    As you can see I wasnt "cherry-picking" or whatever and had absolutely no bad intentions when I put up 26-27 parses previously:rolleyes:
    Normally I wouldnt even care tbh. I will try out 1 more sequence/rotation which I suspect doing a bit more Dps (around 40k/s) but Im not to sure about it until I can make sure its consistent.
    I never post my absolutely best parses around here and the total number of parses of that specific rotation should show its consistency by now (within expectable boundaries).
  8. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Dev's When you're done closing the other can of worms; someone wants you to open another.
  9. Fies Committed Player

    Im just curious what exactly you are using tbh. I cant reliably reach 40+k over several 30+*10sec parses atm (although I suspect a certain rotation and usage capable of getting these numbers). Might also be that I absolutely suck with Gadgets since I never played it on live. High ping (EU) to test server adds up too I guess as well as including obviously unideal parses. Nonetheless give out the rotation plz.
  10. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    And We're not even getting into what the pets can do either. Or what celestial can do on the dummies.

    Anyway, there's gonna need to be a round of nerf hammer eventually
  11. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Been awhile since I've stopped by but if you think Gadgets is subpar to mental you need to go over the basics again everyone can do the same exact rotation some players will do it more efficient. Ignore the parser if your shooting for numbers on the training target to hit over 40k pm me and I'll hook you up after I get off work. But Gadgets is very versatile In a raid I would switch my load out to maximize my damage potential. Mental is good sure but Gadgets is pretty wild.
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  12. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    No offense intended and you are certainly welcome to keep your cards close to the vest, but this kind of view always makes me laugh. In a game like DCUO that is so focused on PvE and cooperative play, you would think sharing information like a load out and rotation would not even come into question. After all, if my team mate is just as effective as I am then he wins, I win, the team wins, the whole community wins. Instead, some folks, and again I am not saying this is you, keep these things super secret, like they are the god dang 11 herbs and spices, and still complain about some other poor schmucks damage in a pug, doing nothing to lift up those around them. Not saying you do this, just saying that this is the most likely outcome of such a perspective.
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  13. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    I don't think you fully understand applied concepts, 14 samples is enough, you harping how him not doing 30 is trying to discredit him as a player and hoping he has errors in his rotation. Some players are better it's not a hard concept to understand.
  14. Harlequin Devoted Player

    At the very least, a PM to Tunso describing the method used along with a request to see if the behavior and results are intended would be in order. Keeping stuff like this secret just so some people can keep up their false sense of superiority in this game is laughable.
  15. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    The problem with DC how ever is when things that give players a edge get out they are often labeled is Over Powered and Broken people complain and soon a change comes often when it wasn't even needed. I try not to even ask others for their load outs when they do well cause I respect the fact they figured out something I haven't yet. The problem with DC player base mentality is many players don't try things out for themselves they go to youtuber see their load outs and when they are not effective with it they deem it underpowered and give up.
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  16. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I usually give up all the goodies and i actually was going to i was just messing with the guy in my first 2 posts but then he went all I don't know how to test and thats not credible garbage so i decided to keep my mouth shut after that. I'm not holding anything back cause i think i'm better then anyone and want to have something over them but i'm just sick of peoples attitudes on the forums why should i help them out if their just gonna be mitches.
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  17. TheDark Devoted Player

    What you don't understand is that you're not suppose to perform some quick test. Especially one sample lol. You're suppose to perform the full test to prove something. That is your general baseline. Having too few samples isn't reliable. It's basic things you learn in school. Have multiple sets of samples to show that something is consistent which is not what you did. You don't jump into a forum thread designed for providing full tests and give half the parsers & info.

    Given that you're not stating what you're using opens the doors to you suppressing possible glitches like super clipping (which still exists). It's real simple. If you're going to take testing seriously, do everything correctly. 30 samples and state the rotation, & stats. Nothing currently produces 40k+ damage for Gadgets if you're following what Tunso requests you put in your loadout (no BB).

    You resort to claiming simple math, yet it's hard for you to understand how your numbers are not credible given the damage differences between Mass Terror and EMP at melee range.

    When it comes to Gadgets, I do lol. I've always been anti glitch & upfront to prove my cases. I can call glitches when I see them. I'm also aware of all the damage loadouts possible given that I know how to perform base numbers tests and you don't. Spend an hour performing these tests & following the directions in the Do's and don'ts thread shouldn't be difficult. Perhaps spending an hour away from youtube videos should clear some things for you. It also amazes me how to this day, you don't understand the variables between raid & tunso testing. Just perform the tests correctly.
  18. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    I think this thread should be closed, while I am buying my re-spec token.

    This is, and it is not, a joke.

    The game is SO BORING ATM that anything funny, even exploits, should be left alone...

    Yeah, I dont care anymore :p
  19. TheDark Devoted Player

    ok good. Can you perform 2 more using the same spec, and 2 more with BB? Supecharges are not recommended for the tests. But for the sake of showing how it inflates, BB rotations will prove something.
  20. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Back to brass tax another damage pass regarding overpowered powers when all power have had a midrange and after the weapon pass. If any power is - / + 5% adjust accordingly.
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