Mental AM bugged and over-parsing?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Rokyn, Apr 19, 2016.

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  1. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    Re-read, added 1 word through skimming, point still proven. Asking for carry invalidated. btw is Cute at R15 in SM? That's supposed to be where you said it gets hard, everything else should be easy right ^_^
  2. Hillsmae Active Player

    Cute doesn't even have round 1, wym. I have two healers already with the pp.

    How's it invalidated. I said after a week of it being out. You still asked multiple times.
  3. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    Bringing up me asking to be carried is invalidated given I said f it and decided to pug it. Not only was I not doing SM before I asked, but I didn't get those free rounds anyway. I was looking for a quick 10 to prove a point at 15 but I got it anyway.

    And pug SM with Cute. We both know how easy r1-10 are.
  4. Hillsmae Active Player

    Uhh, no? I don't need the pp on my villain. 3 chars already have it. You're really doing too much now lol
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  5. Hillsmae Active Player

    Just take your L Gucci. You're really stretching it now. Goodbye
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  6. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    I don't need to say the rest, you already know where I was going xD
  7. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    *ducks* Aflac
  8. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Dudes been taking L's for like a week straight. He's like that little girl that has to get the last word in.
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