Maximum League Population

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 14, 2014.

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  1. Hippie death New Player

    Would be nice to be able to download the update 2days now
  2. Waatu Well-Known Player

    500+ heads leagues have either REALLY good league managers or league managers doesn't give a fluffy fluf about the league.
    In my opinion, most of these leagues probably have the latter, trim the dead weight.
  3. Minarum New Player

    New system works great, ty. Sounds like those mass recruiting leagues need to start clearing out their alts and one day wonder players. If you have over 500 characters in a league, Someone is purposely trying to recruit everyone they possibly can. Limit who can recruit :). This isn't a problem by a long shot.
  4. kingyeezzus New Player

    Id k were I would put this so ima put it here, I sent this same message to you already mepps but I didn't get a response so here it is again.This started mady Friday but I didn't notice it till Saturday but every time I log on when exit out the game then start the game back up I have noticed I receive 25 reply badges, at first I thought this was from you guys and every one got this for the recent problems with dcuo but I have asked my league mates and no one else got this so so I decided to let you guys know about this, I am not a hacker and I did not do this on purpose. My psn is jerocrowley, my main dcuo toon name is xKingYeezussx
  5. Villainsallday New Player

    So there are many leagues on villain side that have been glitched due to gu39. Our league only has 400 on villain side, we can still inv but we cannot remove members, so our 60 inactive members are just dead on the roster. Please fix this immediately
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