Up-Votes Needed Known artifact swap bugs that need to be fixed/adjusted

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by appocolyps, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. appocolyps Committed Player

    I have put together a simple video demonstration of some of the known artifact swap bugs, i.e lingering affects, cool down resets etc, that need to be fixed going forward if we are going to be keeping swapping as a system.

    There are more that i haven't had time to add yet but i will in due course, namely the troll artifacts.

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  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    You should also make a post about how Pet Trinkets and Henchmen are bugged too then. It is the exact same thing you are describing in the video. You use a supply with Philosophers Stone and keep the effects when the artifact is unequipped until the supply drop ends.

    When you summon a Pet Trinket or Henchmen and then unequip the trinket do the pets disappear? or do you keep them for their entire duration despite not having it equipped? Thought so.
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  3. appocolyps Committed Player

    Its a discussion to be had for sure thanks for highlighting it.
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  4. SurprisinglySafe New Player

    Thanks Appo for posting a video highlighting just a few of the artifact swap mechanics. From seeing these, I find it hard to believe that it is intentional to proc a different artifacts effects without them overriding the swapped artifacts effect or that simply the act of swapping negates any intented cool downs. Artifact swapping is a tricky subject to tackle ( artifact swapping referring to keeping effects of swapped artifacts or resetting cds ). But, it is important that players and the devs are transparent regarding what artifact swapping interactions there are.
  5. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    At this point these people are reaching.
  6. TripleX New Player

    I actually agree with this whole heartedly, only because many of us have played this game since the beginning. To be outdone by players that exploit aspects of the game to get ahead does not sit well with me at all, that is why I stopped playing. Even got rid of membership due to dc Approving exploits like this instead of fixing. Mainly because it's a way of keeping income rather than spending.
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  7. BarrouJR New Player

    Agreed. Great video showing glitches that need to be corrected in the game. Why spend the time building up cr and skill points if you can be outdone by someone glitching arts.
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  8. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    Yup! You can walk in now with a CR skip, not even a white mod, nor have maxed arts, and you can swap your way to the top, or… you can be up there with the top. All that sp you ground out for years, all those arts/augs/allies etc you bought fully/partially to max your toon out. (Middle finger to that) buy a cr skip, rank some arts (with RLM) grab yourself a flurry shot and zoooooooooooooom! Off ya go! With your 102sp, and top the board, over players who aren’t art swapping by choice, or don’t even know about it. As long as it brings money in… who cares? DB don’t!

    But don’t listen to me! I’m just some random on the forums. Listen to the hypocrite YouTuber! The one who cried about EOG, and how it was breaking the game! but now is all for swapping. He’s on YouTube, he knows what’s best for the game

    Don’t worry about all that time you spent grinding and spending money to “git gud” (Even if you’d “got gif” before all this came out) nooooo! Help the game stay alive by using exploits (that supposedly aren’t exploits because they generate income, when the income is needed more than ever now that the games profits will be going to other games )

    Nevermind that someone can deminish and cheapen all your efforts by utilising arts “as they were intended” it’s helping keep the game “alive” and you’re doing your bit to support it (not that you haven’t already) bu buying more arts. But listen: if you don’t like it - stop playing! If you aren’t willing to blow your life savings… leave! And hey! Thanks for the support over the years!
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  9. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Hilarious you were the first to comment. So telling.

    Your comparison, is ridiculous. No players in the history of dcuo were swapping pet/henchmen trinkets 20 plus times during a boss fight. And, even if they did swap out pet trinkets, what are they putting in to stack?!? I guarantee nothing that amounts to the level of these artifacts. The devs should fix all of these, and then you'll have to come up with other exploits to monetize on your channel.
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  10. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Loooool. If you activate a pet then you swap to another pet, can you even activate the 2nd pet and they stack?
    You're a smart guy but this example has no sense...
  11. SingingCoyote Active Player

    how can i downvote a thread?
  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    We all know the artifact system is extremely broken and the fastest way to fix this problem is to introduce a Wolfpack to get us ready for the artifact clamp rework. as they do not have the team to fix artifacts one by one. the easiest and fastest way around this problem is to clamped artifacts and let us where alot more. once they are clamped which sounds like what the Wolfpack stands to achieve an extreme money grab. once this happens it is the only way to fix our problems instead of having a revamp or fixing artifacts one by one. This is 100% in the works because we all know there is not 200 developers working on this game if there was we would have gotten a better revamp then stats revamp clamp. As we can all see clearly the clamp was meant to milk you to buy ur stats back which is exactly what's about to happen again with artifact clamp. They will make you buy into more artifact to wear more then 3. thinking you'll be stronger but it's still gonna feel like 3 artifacts not 8 or even 12 cuz arts will be clamped. The jokes always on us the game truly failed at finding any balance when making stats revamp
  13. Ryll Committed Player

    This has got to be the dumbest defense I have read to date.

    Trinkets actually specify they stay for a short time.

    Why didn't you mention the artifact pets like quislet and grim? What happens to those pets when the artifact is no longer equipped?
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  14. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I don't really want to take sides or really defend him, but, you can use the bootility belt at the start of a fight and swap back to your usual loadout with the boos out, boos do a lot and then you still have your normal loadout. You can also drop henchmen and swap to orbital, or supply or consumable or w/e. These swaps aren't as effective as certain art swaps but they can still add quite a bit over a raid.

    Some of the art swaps used are bugs and should be fixed, but even if they fix some of the bugs, people will still art swap, it's just that if they use flute, they'll swap before and during the SC instead of swapping before the SC. They still swap to EoG, they could still swap to DKS if they watch the timing, they'll still swap MAM for the damage proc, they will still swap philo stone. The devs said they won't lock the inventory in combat and I'd prefer they don't lock it, I just want the bugs fixed.

    The biggest things that will be affected are the DKS swap, the amulet swaps, and flute. A lot of the troll swaps will also be affected. However, arts can provide so much of a boost that people that swap after the bugs are fixed are still going to swap and they will still do high damage. I mean, by all means fix the bugs but don't expect it to magically level the playing field for you.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I think some sensibility needs to be added here as well, earlier comments were right, if you pull out your pet, then take your pet trinket off your pet doesn't disappear, if you pull out your boos with a bootility belt then take off the belt the extra boos don't despawn.

    The reality is this game doesn't follow a blanket rule so some level of common sense must be applied here.

    For that reason I do not consider all of your examples to be exploits.

    I agree with the DKS being an exploit and the Ebon.

    Definitely don't agree with the P-stone, Mercy or EOG being exploits and probably not the Piper either, because they're following similar logic to the other examples I've mentioned above and the Mercy is the same because you're triggering it off two separate pets on two separate cool downs which controls separately controls the timing on that benefit, It's supposed to trigger of those two different spawns.

    The reason DKS and Ebon are problematic is because you're circumventing a cool down otherwise in place to limit the artifact in order to gain benefit.

    So for example resetting the cool down on the DKS orbital is extra damage you wouldn't have been getting, it should be going off once in the window specified.

    The reason this doesn't occur with the other artifacts is because they're controlled by other mechanisms, like the cool down on the supply, the cool down on the pets, the cool down on the supers, the generation of supers.

    The DKS isn't relying on your orbital cool down for example, which makes it different, it's giving you extra orbital support, if you removed the orbital support from the artifact and just left it as a buff to the orbital itself, even if you increased the original orbital damage further than the 20% I believe it already is you'd have fixed the issue as well.

    For these reasons, I can't up-vote your post, sorry.
  16. appocolyps Committed Player

    Following your logic, you obviously havent understood how the mercy bug works, it is a bug, you are resetting an internal cooldown.

    EOG and P-stone are the only instances where it could potentially be a grey area following the "pet summoning" rule.

    Pied pieper does not follow this logic at it is not instantly summoned upon execution as philly stone and eog is. It is essentially stored in the "memory" of the player so to speak for upto 30 seconds, allowing it to be used whilst not actually being slotted, that is absolutely a bug.
  17. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    When you use boos, you can take them off of your trinket or switch armory, they will stay. Now put any other pet in your trinket and try to activate. You can't until boos' cooldown lasts. So you can't activate more than 1 pet at a time (4 boos mean 1 pet). You can use henchemen, sidekicks, etc ofc. But the point is, multiple pets cannot be summoned so they don't stack. There was a time they could but they fixed that.
    So if you compare pet to art, pets don't/can't stack meanwhile artifact effects do by simply switching them.

    I agree with you the rest.
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  18. appocolyps Committed Player

    Just to be clear for those not understanding why Pied Piper is a bug and to break down why it is a problem, following its current rules it allows the player to use and proc the ability of the artifact without it being slotted which means you can have another artifact slotted to essentially "double dip".

    For example i can have the benefits of pipers damage escalated by also having EOG proc at the very same time all from pressing a SC ability, or i can have massively reduced SC cost and still get the piper damage.

    It works under its own rule set that doesn't follow in line with other mechanics, as i said above, EOG and P-stone are the only questionable "bugs" as they do follow "pet summoning" rules.....Kind of, we cant summon 2 pets, we can summon 1 backup with 1 pet or 1 set of boos.

    The next question is "should" pet summoning follow these rules? I dont believe so.
  19. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    You're getting hung up on the wrong thing when you think it's about pet stacking, no one is saying that you could summon boos and then a mother box--certain pets share cds, just as henchmen and side kick share a cd and certain trinkets share a cd, the point is more that you can swap to different equipment in the fight and keep the benefits. Boos do a lot of damage from the bootility belt the bootility also lowers your CR and stats when you make use of it, swapping it out for your normal gear lets you gain the benefit of the boo hoard while keeping all your normal stats. If I summon boos and swap to have a stat trinket and say a breakout or omac trinket and henchmen and then orbital and then i can swap one of those for a supply drop, it's like i have a utility belt with more than 4 slots. Using these items in a fight is an advantage over just using 4 items in the fight that would normally be on the utility belt. Is it as significant as an art swap? No, but arts do much more than anything we can put in our utility belt. Is it still an advantage to swap that equipment and keep the pet, stat buff, supply buff, or omac transformation active while we use something else? It certainly can be.
  20. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    I see what you're trying to say. 5 or 6 items can be used in your trinket this way, each of them has cooldown. A lot more artifacts can be swapped without cooldown. So yes, artswap is a much bigger problem. This trinket, pet, henchemen swap been here for 13 years now and is it a problem only now when artswap is in the picture? Idm if devs would lock utility belt aswell in combat, just fix artswap already. If that's the price, so be it.