I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    1). Its not a matter of being a villain or not...

    You are admitting that you are NOW being nicer... Which means that previously you weren't being nice.

    2) Getting a ban here doesn't prove that a person is a villain....
  2. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the upside of the stat clamp?

    Sure, there is used to be some satisfaction of seeing your character grow stronger, but what about the new players? They don't have the same amount of time invested in the game and without the clamp would be much weaker in comparison, and that's just not fair.

    Further, without the clamp, earlier content would just be trivial. Absolutely no one has fun rolling over old content because there is no fun without a challenge. That's why the stat clamp is necessary. It provides a brand new type of challenge. With the clamp the game developers said, "Here's a challenge: try to have fun while we stifle your progress!" Challenge accepted! Woo-hoo!

    And man oh man, who doesn't love game mechanics? Stat clamp makes the same old game mechanics you know and love relevant again, just like the developers intended! To do otherwise would really just besmirch their artistic vision. And I don't know about you, but honoring artistic vision is why I play video games at the end of a hard day's work.

    And finally, the stat clamp takes care of the twi biggest problems that keeps most us up at night: power creep and broken instances. Remember all the times you killed things too fast pre-clamp and how that ruined the whole three minutes you had invested in it? Well, those days are gone, and none of the instances ever break any more and thats all thanks to the clamp!

    Life moves too fast and the stat clamp helps slow things down a bit. Now, we have more time to focus on the important things about our characters that have nothing to do with stats or how we perform in instances. We get to emote, and that's just (if not more fun) than actually playing the game.

    Bizarro Spider out.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    There is way more non-elite content, because elite content didn't exist until well later in the games history, that being said however, it is the elite content that typically proves to be the most problematic under the clamp and the most likely to create an outlier.
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Is there some where that this rumor is being discussed ?
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I have suspected that this is what is occurring in EEG content where experienced End Game players are reduced to a level playing field with newbie low level players. If I come off as elitist then good, I don’t want to be made equal to a player of lower or much lower stats than me.

    I would like to think such as what you have described is not happening in clamped content. Progress should mean something other than “oh you progressed too much, let’s knock you down some pegs…., a little more…., ok a lot more!” It’s not called a clamp for nothing after all.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I gets me some more SM every week....so there's that.

    Ran DME 2x last night and got no Robins....but I COULD have.....so there's that.

    I don't have to worry about subbing anymore (more 'change' related than clamp) as everything is free now....so there's that.

    I've learned more about how group match making and the Omni system works, and how to avoid/take advantage of it....so there's that.

    So yes...many benefits.
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  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The disembodied voices in his head. Put him on ignore he makes stuff up all the time.
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  8. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    You make a great point about the amount of money veteran players are saving relative to what was spent pre-clamp. I probably should have listed that first!

    Pre-clamp, when progress was a thing, I used to spend an embarrassing amount of money on replays to make sure my alts had as many skill points as possible. And while the option is still there, it all kind of seems pointless now, so I don't. We really ought to thank the developers for this. Their generosity in forgoing things like raises and job security just to save us money is really unheard of in the business world, and should be commended.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I'm a villain, and I didn't get banned ^-^

    Jokes aside, the closest I got was a few years ago when I stated that the devs said we could always "go back later after when we are stronger". Like, 5+ episodes or what-not. I don't remember the exact quote. But since it wasn't in actual writing (I believe it was said during a live stream), I got a warning for "trolling" (specifically saying things the devs said that weren't "true") because they clearly were trying to take back and "erase" that statement from the history books. Now if that ain't a conspiracy and a half, idk what is.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You forgot to mention that it's the artistic vision of content that they themselves possibly didn't even create, because it's likely an entirely different team now lol
  12. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I get banned a lot. Sometimes, I wonder how many lives I got left. I hope they give you some kind of final warning or something. If not... I might just disappear one day.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    I believe they're based on a 12 month period, if you get 3 warnings in a 12 month period you get banned (sometimes just automatically) for 7 days.

    If you're permanently banned then it's usually because you aren't paying any attention to warnings or bans and just continuing with the same behavior that got you banned in the first place.
  14. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Your backwards heathenous logic is repulsive. Pre-clamp... your skill points only applied to the 5% of content that was remotely engaging. You were busting your balls to be 0.005% more effective in the 10 instances that you couldn't annihilate with your devilish inferno.

    Now? All that work applies to the entire universe. It's more worth the grind now than it ever was before. I mostly did it for obsessive completionist sake back then. I needed that extra vitalization on my dps.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, I find this '3 warnings' to be BS. I've 'gone on vacation' 2x and both times it was 0 warning either time. I had to set up a 2nd account to ask what the deal was. Both answers I got, I kind of understood and just did my time, but it wasn't a 3rd notice....one and done.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Probably considered egregious I guess, don't know, I think there's an automated warning system and then a manual one, honestly it all became a bit different when Mepps was seemingly doing most of the moderation on his own, so I guess you just displeased him.

  17. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You'd think it would be like a Captain America situation where you could trust him with power because he's never known it.

    If we can't even trust Mepps not to bully Reinfeld... what hope do the rest of us have?

    That's the real reason we need the clamp. If the game doesn't bully us... we'll just bully eachother. It's human nature, man. We define ourselves by our suffering. We just think we want to be happy. We don't need the power. It's corrupt.

    Amp up the Clamp!
  18. Mr.W Committed Player

    Personally I can’t stand it makes things take longer than they should & by default more tedious
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  19. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You don't get to decide how long something "should" take, Mr. L. You have two choices. Bow before the clamp, or become obsolete like the rest of the lazy heathens.

    Long ago... the 4 classes lived together in harmony. Elite, good, average, and the scrubs. But everything changed when the scrubs attacked. Only the clamp, master of all 4 classes could stop them, but when the world needed him most? He disappeared. Some said he would never be reborn and the cycle was broken... over a decade passed before his return. I believe the clamp will save the world.

    Side note... that show was awesome.
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  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    THIS, Proxy, is a problem with the clamp.

    And just for the record... I appreciate the new you.
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