I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. llllDeathstroke Active Player

    This is literally a pain, it’s hell.. REMOVE IT AND BRING BACK THE OLD SYSTEM FFS.
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  2. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    I actually like the stat clamp for the most part. It's nice to be able to go back and play older content in a normal capacity, even if some of it is hard.
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

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  4. llllDeathstroke Active Player

    See the thing is, i have a life outside of this game
    I got a family to take care of and a job and some other personal things
    Running for old feats and needing an entire group with roles isn’t exactly something i have the time for, it’s ridiculous dude..
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s literally a part of every single game.
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  6. Trexlight Devoted Player

    As someone else who has a family and adult responsibilities, you gotta make time for it. If you cant, then this or other MMOs isnt going to be your cup of tea. This playerbase is certainly different than other communities ive been in and if they were more together, Im sure you wouldnt be having a problem with these feats as everyone could be on the same page.
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  7. llllDeathstroke Active Player

    For a second i forgot this is the DCUO forums, who am i kidding.. no matter what i say i’ll get comments of people defending everything that happens on this game, all i ask is for the game to be more forgiving.. enough with all this nonesense… it just doesn’t make sense for my character after all these years of grinding to be underpowered in low-tier content..
    i am not even the best at this game nor do i have a lot of time irl to grind out for hrs nonstop for old feats and such etc etc but of course you guys will still blame me for it cuz after all it is forbidden to complain or say the devs made the wrong call with certain decisions right? I just have to obey and bow down, i am getting sick of this to be honest and at some point i will leave this game behind and for good.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Except that you didn’t ask for them to be more forgiving. You asked for the complete removal of the clamp. You want forgiveness or a bit of wiggle room? That’s literally what they gave you. The clamp has been loosened multiple times. So it’s not about meeting half way to people like you. It’s about wanting everything you want virtually given to you.

    If you want gear you have to do content to get marks to buy gear. If you want feats you have to do what’s listed on the feat as requirements to get them. No amount of time you’ve played gives you any right to any feats you haven’t done.
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Or maybe they just disagree with your assessment. Personally, I've found my run times on content decreasing as I build my characters up, so it's tough for me to think my characters are underpowered in older content when it's an easy run overall and definitely easier than when I first ran it.

    The days of sleepwalking/facerolling through older content are, as best as I can see, over and done with. The devs have always wanted us to put in some effort to get rewards, which is why the CR relevancy window was in effect before the clamp. I don't see it as very likely that the devs will remove the clamp and still keep all the rewards they added (Marks in particular). And speaking personally again, I'd much rather have the whole game available to me for full rewards than being stuck in a three-to-four episode window for earning Marks to advance in the game.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It’s not just the devs of this game but people in general. If you create something you want people to actually experience it. From a creative standpoint you want people there to see everything you’ve made. From a business standpoint you want people logged in longer. It’s not about dcuo but the world in general. Asking for things like clamp removal is essential asking creators to not care about putting work into it since people don’t want to be there. It’s asking business to basically just give these things to you so that you can log off.

    It literally makes no sense
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  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Putting a leash on me that I didn't ask for does anything but make want to stay logged on longer. Stale content IS stale content and will always be stale content. It doesn't matter if it's clamped, unclamped or upscaled I don't want to play it and rebranding it as an 'event' doesn't make it look anymore appealing.

    They need to stop focusing so much on past content designed by developers that are mostly long gone. Do you think Spytle lies awake at night wondering if people are spending 2 minutes or 20 minutes in Sunstone Matrix???
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  12. GermanM Committed Player

    Well, needing a group is one of the things that make is king of games a MMO. Somethings you can do alone, but there are others you cant.
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  13. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    dood, I hate the poxey clamp, too. but it's not going away. &, yeah, I know, it sucks. but the thing is what it is. it doesn't matter what you, or I, or anyone else sez, they're not rolling that s**t back now. it's done. we either suck it up or we do one. right now, I just don't do group content unless it's endgame or open world any more. again, I know it stinks, but there it is.
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Except that no one is forcing you into older content either. EEG is literally optional. For those that want marks and/or feats than you have to work for it. Literally every game and everything in life is that way. The dcuo community just got spoiled with no clamp for years.

    Why should the clamp be lifted?
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  15. GermanM Committed Player

    Im very critical with the problem´s this game have. When there is a chance to say something about the issues we have here i do. Stat clap is not a problem. Yeah, sure some instances and some feats may need a review (like killing the final boss of the Dark Justice League Alert) But if you have decent artifacs (over 120) and the right ones, a good loadout etc. yo can do almost everything. The game will become very boring if you can kill all in one shot.

    We can talk about the power creep we have here and how i think it should be handled, but is not the topic. Stat Clap make all instances playable again and i kind of like it.
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  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I agree. Idgaf if they take it away. I'd actually praise it because I would be more willing to help folks get the feats how I WAS able to get them. After the change I seriously "cba" and all I ever hear on Xbox (with the low population), is how they can't be "cba" to help once they get the feats either!

    Edit: Trust me, I know, it's not going anywhere. I have all the feats already so it doesn't hamper me at all... It just sucks I can't help everyone else like I used to. Ah well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I don't care either way regardless.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Then you're not the target audience of EEG and you don't need to run it.

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  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I know it's optional. Everything is optional. Last year they made paying a sub especially optional. As of a couple weeks ago I've discovered logging in is optional. From a business perspective these should be red flags.
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  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Why do they need a target audience for EEG when they push everyone to end game?
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    People being able to one shot bosses get what they need and then log off isn’t a red flag? Do you really not think that maybe there is a reason why they did it? Maybe there is a reason why they haven’t removed it even thou it has divided the community?

    So again. Why should they remove it?
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