I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You are so wrong that they need to come up with a new word to describe just how wrong you are. :p
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    And who exactly is telling how to spend your time in the forums? The guy said I have no idea whether you actually get on or not. So I stated that you yourself claim to not get on anymore. Just provided public information based on what you said.

    That being said, the reason I don’t believe your claims about the Xbox behaving completely differently than all other servers is that it’s just hard to believe what you claim. There is a timer before you’re even allowed to lock someone. Than there is a timer before you can kick someone again. This I’m itself plays against what you claim. People kicking others just for having low arts.

    If a run is going smoothly will Xbox players still inspect everyone to make sure everyone has high arts and then kick someone for having low arts? Or are they only kicking players in failed runs?
    If a run is failing are they kicking someone with low arts even if they are performing better than someone with higher arts? Or are they kicking the player with lowest arts even if they are doing better than someone with better arts?
    If they are kicking someone with the lowest arts just for having lower arts (like you claim) are they kicking everyone with low arts? There is a timer before you can kick again. What happens if there are more than player with low arts?
  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    We don't agree... but... G'd.... You make me laugh/
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I hope they start banning people for religious talk, which...in general...is not acceptable for general discussion boards, same as politics.

    Go stand on a street corner with your obviously delusional beliefs along with the other loonies.
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  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I would be so proud to get banned for that. The moderators themselves would have to acknowledge the legitimacy of our lord and savior "the clamp" as an actual religion in order to do so. I would be howling at the moon laughing myself to death.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Worth it.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Tbh that would really be funny thou lol
  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I know, it was in case someone decided to go off on me for that, like has happened in the past when it was brought up. You know people like to cross-reply :p

    I've already explained this, and I'm also not trying to convince you otherwise. The answer is yes; If there is a wipe, high chances are the player with the lowest artifacts is usually getting quick-judged and kicked. Happens with support roles more, as a DPS they MIGHT take the scoreboard into consideration and kick the next "runner up" with low arts. It just happens.
  9. Tros Well-Known Player

    I was about to start typing my arguments when I read this warning, and I take warnings seriously.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    But now I want to see the arguments lol
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Gotcha lol gotta stay prepared I guess xD

    The main reason I ask is cause the devs have made it extremely difficult to kick players. So much so that players opt to take the deserter penalty instead of the kick timer lock out. Not to mention the 5 minute timer before you’re even allowed to kick. As for dps getting kicked. I’ve never seen or heard of a dps with higher burn getting kicked over a lower dps just because of arts. Every single I’ve ever seen or heard about it has always been whoever the scoreboard showed was lowest dps.

    These kicks are at times mislead due to the lower dps might be the only one doing mechanics and then get blamed for lack of burn. This just makes it extremely hard to believe that a server would develop to play entirely different when the game basically leads players to the same conclusion (even bad ones as my example of a dps doing mechanics). If it really is that backwards that that just says more about the Xbox community than anything else. Not saying disregard and let Xbox out. But you can’t expect change be made because a sever has turned things into a wasteland themselves.

    Kicking a higher dps because hey have lower arts is just idiotic (sorry not sorry).
    Going through a run until the 5 minute run than kicking a single person because it’s taking to long and thinking a single new person will change things around. Hoping people vote yes and then hoping someone else who didn’t use their kick can then repeat (essentially slowing down the raid even further all for a chance that whoever comes in will somehow carry the team better).

    All of this is backwards thinking and just doesn’t have sound logic. So it’s hard to believe an entire server is this backwards
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I mostly believe the toxicity is rampant because of the lack of population to pick-and-choose.

    Obviously a server merge would fix everything entirely, but since I don't see that happening, next best thing is to suggest ideas that might work for all sides.

    That's why I try to suggest things that work for every platform, and not just Xbox. Take cross-faction grouping for example. Even finding ways to "loosen" the clamp based on the tier (or even instance itself) could benefit all sides. Increasing loot on the known longer instances. Merging tetra/cog could help all trolls be less pressured to swap. Etc etc. All of these things wouldn't merely help only Xbox.
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    While I think a platform merger or most likely out of the question there has been a bright side. Warframe which is available on multiple platforms announced that they can finally offer cross save. Doesn’t actually equate to anything in dcuo. But it’s something that shows platforms may play nice. The biggest issue I see is that unlike warframe, dcuo is tied to a very well known IP. I’m sure it cost a pretty penny to just use dc comics. But then trying to get platforms to play nice with that in mind may be asking for to much lol.

    As different possible solutions. Tbh I think the whole villain hero thing has long past its expiration. Content used to have differences based on faction. That is no longer the case. At this point it’s just a separation. Just rename villains ti anti hero’s and allow cross faction grouping. Doesn’t change instances.

    Loosening the clamp may just not be an option as much as some want it to be. A dev already stated that loosening the clamp any more would cause things to start breaking again. This is why I’ve always stated that it’s better to ask for targeted adjustments instead of a blanket adjustment which is less likely. There’s also the possibility of increasing SM from longer raids. I mean, they were willing to decrease the amount of SMs from raids that were to fast. No reason to not do the opposite.

    Arts and swapping is a whole different thing. No easy fix or way around it. The only information we do know is that arts are subject to change. Swapping is intended. Some lingering effects are not intended and subject to potential changes. Making changes to an art(s) that many have could be problematic but at the same time not doing something can be an issue too. As I’ve always recommended, don’t invest money into something that’s subject to change.
  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    That's fine, but once again they said that for the clamp as a one-size-fits-all solution, not individual instances or outliers. There could definitely be room for tweaking. So basically you said exactly what I was getting at/meant by "loosening": Targeted Adjustments.

    But yeah, I'm just saying it's all merely ideas that don't only favor one platform over the other, wether the devs take them into consideration or not. It's the thought that counts here.
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Gotcha. I read it as blanket adjustment and not as targeted adjustments. I definitely agree with the targeted adjustments. Personally I don’t think the community has put much effort into pushing for targeted adjustments.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Why are people running elite content with low artifacts? Perhaps people should be building their artifacts before running elite yea.

    If they're being kicked from regular content, it had nothing to do with their artifacts and probably everything to do with the fact they weren't doing their role.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I was referring to Omnibus, if a group wipes they just kick whom they assume is the "weakest link" by quick inspection of their artifacts. It's a very common trend on Xbox. In which makes it a catch-22 for new players trying to run old content.

    They may or may not feel pressured into getting their artifacts up after that (or even if being told to before being kicked, I've seen that happen often too). Either way, the pressure is still there and artifacts are more relied upon now than before the clamp (if even just for stat piercing alone), opening many doors (other than that one example) for more monetization.

    Artifacts are just more important now than prior.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Sorry calling bullcrap on this.

    You're not kicked because of your artifacts, you're kicked because you weren't doing your role, I think you're just often seeing the two intertwine and creating your desired narrative.

    When content fails, the first they're doing is either observing the actual problem in real time or they're looking at the scorecard and then drawing a conclusion and checking.

    They're not not just randomly inspecting people and kicking them out of artifact hatred, I'm sorry, but you're at this point just making **** up to suit your narrative Raven.

    If the burn is being perceived as bad, then they'll look at the scoreboard, look at the lowest, inspect then draw a conclusion, possibly kick.

    If the tank is failing, that's probably perceived in real time without even looking at the scorecard, or you'll also start looking at the two other support roles, healer or troll and consider a problem there,then consider who to kick.

    In Omnibus the support roles are probably where the biggest spotlight is

    But yea this narrative that people are just willfully kicked for artifacts, is not a thing, if you were doing your role in there, you'd never even be noticed and you don't need artifacts at all really to do your job in regular content, clamped or otherwise, of course they help, but they're not needed.
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  19. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Not that I don't agree a lot of the time... but you sure are giving the average DCUO player a lot of credit here. Deductive reasoning... situational awareness... consideration for others?

    I think you've been a little too cozy in that league of yours a little too long. It's cold out there. Some of the things those pugs do will have you questioning your entire existence.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    And that's the reason they're getting kicked, not their artifacts, it's cause they're idiots ;) :D