I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Grim931 Committed Player

    It's not that it was a simple reply to acknowledge it one way or the other, it was the fact that you decided to jump all over them for no other reason than you believe that's not the way it goes... you started interrogating them and picking apart what was said, ultimately trying to discover some kind of evidence that they were lying. When you couldn't, you pretty much made stuff up to discredit the person. It was insane to read, even more insane that you're defending it as "normal" behavior.

    As far as that goes, I barely play anymore, either (I would say I don't for simplicity's sake). But it doesn't mean either of us can't jump on the game, see the same thing is happening, and then log off... unless you were standing over that person's shoulder, making sure they weren't actually playing the game, then you have no clue one way or the other of when or if they played. That argument is just as shaky...

    The other issue is that it isn't even strictly an Xbox issue to begin with, it's just stated to be more prevalent on that server. That exact issue has happened before (other players, including myself, have stated this is an issue), and I've experienced it on USPS/PC.

    Players get kicked if they are not performing in the group, especially if it's obvious that they don't have the correct equipment, be it Arts/Augs/gear itself. Players also get kicked if they aren't helping the group. They get kicked if players think they're holding them back. It happens, especially in random runs. Players find the easiest person to blame, and get rid of them. If the players are in a group that's going nowhere, they're also likely to leave and try again with a different group (I do this often with almost no hesitation... I'm not going to carry runs anymore, especially if players are actively disrupting the group). Are you really going to say this doesn't ever happen? That each and every EEG random PUG run is perfect and flawless? If the answer is no, then you've lost the argument.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    And where did you admit you were wrong?
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’re right. I wouldn’t know if they were actually logging in. Except raven has stated they have not played at all. Not even logged in. That was their statement.

    As for it happens in every server. Yes players get kicked. However it’s more likely to have someone leave. Heck, unless the a person is truly being disruptive it’s rather hard to kick someone so to no one wanting to lose their kick timer. So must just leave. People will get kicked if they as a tank are not tanking, if them as a healer isn’t healing. These 2 roles are the most obvious. When burn is so low that content can’t be beat players are more likely to leave than kick the lowest dps. Kicks are more common when it’s mostly league or friends in a group.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You act as if I keep track of these things lol. I’ve stated multiple times I’m bad at going back to find specific quotes. So I just used the last time tiff was being toxic and snarky lol
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    She commented on a meme that TheLorax made as being accurate (it was btw)...a meme you ALSO made a 'snarky' remark about being in his head after. Not sure how that qualifies as 'toxic'...but I guess there are a lot of toxic MFs on these forums then.

    Just a refresher on what we are talking about:
    You can feel free to ask Tiffany. She likes making snarky remarks each time I do admit I’m wrong.

    It was not a response to you...and also was not in response for you 'admitting you were wrong'. So, not really a good example, try again.

    And if commenting on something is now 'toxic'....I'd say we all need a ban, yeah...including you.

    EDIT: And although I do appreciate the pace we are trucking towards 400 at, we are off topic now...

    Ahem....Clamp bad...remove clamp...YoU tOOk mY sTaTs!!!, and all that.
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Oh I never claimed to be saint lol. When mepps banned me it was warranted lol. At least I can admit that I’m no saint lol
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I said 'we all'.

    My point was that her comment on TheLorax's post wasn't 'toxic'....and if it is, we are all toxic....you and me included.
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  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Isn't it funny the way have to explain the already given explanation... That everybody else seems to have already understood.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    If only I knew back then what I know now... Lol
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  10. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Last night in a cte run I was in a tank got kicked for low artifacts … I just find it funny since that’s the first time I’ve seen it happen and this topic is being discussed.

    What was even funnier is the healer was talking crap about it saying his arts are too low I can’t heal through that.. even tho the healer was also low cr for the instance, tank booted and we were still having issues with health .. gee I wonder what the real problem was haha
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Just because I haven't played in 5 or so months, doesn't mean the community magically changed within that time period (the clamp also was not released 5 or so months ago). If I play the game or not has no relevance to anything, and is quite frankly none of anyone's business. I've put a lot of money into this game, and no one else put that money in for me nor paid for my subscription. So basically, no one has a say in what I do or do not do here on the forums created specifically for said game.

    Yes, players get kicked for many reasons. But that wasn't the point. It is more common now (on Xbox after clamp) for players to be quick-judged by their artifacts (or other equipment such as augment Skittles, when players are just trying to get in and out of old content or Omnibus for the loot. They are rushing, so they usually just take the simplest method of blame and apply it, get someone else in the instance, and move on.

    "Purple arts? Ain't nobody got time fo dat!"

    Like I said, it can be a total catch-22 for new players.

    Yup, that's usually what happens. Wish you got some visual proof though cuz you are probably gonna be asked for it XD
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  12. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    And it will not be provided
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  13. Mr.W Committed Player

    I know a lot of ppl may not have known what I meant but I did say he was “long winded “ with “ passionate rebuttals” XD
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  14. Mr.W Committed Player

    In regards to Raven’s mention of ppl being kicked b/c of their artifact lvl, I’ll keep it short & say there is zero reason to doubt him or her.
    People made the claim they were kicked & gate-kept from content for not having the EOG pre-nerf. Ironically the same ppl who claimed the EOG was demanded & sided with those who claimed it was a gate-kept artifact are now trying to say that artifacts have minimal impact if you can get in content or kicked.

    Either those ppl disagreeing with Raven were lying about some of the impact of EOG & it shouldn’t had been nerfed so harshly or they are purposely denying the truth the truth Raven is speaking for the sake of trolling. Neither gives that person good credibility though.
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  15. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

  16. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    Get rid of the clamp! Its BS and never should of been put in place. This is the only MMO I have ever seen do this BS.
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  17. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I hope our new community manager starts banning people for opposing the clamp.
  18. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    I also hope the new manager starts banning people for supporting the clamp.
  19. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You can't use "also" in that context. It's wrong. You're wrong. Your mother is wrong. Everyone who defies the clamp is wrong.

    May our lord clamp us tightly for all eternity.
  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I already called the Spanish Inquisition in on Raven. Don't make me name drop you too. meow