I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Mhmm. So me replying to others is me starting the conversation? You would think that the person who started the conversation is the… well.. person that started the conversation.

    As for the pressure to level arts getting increased. You don’t seem to have a comprehension on how data gathering and fact checking works in the real world. If I make a statement I am expected to provide evidence to support my claim. I can’t just make a wild statement and then put it on others to disprove it. Raven made a claim that pressure has increased. Provided absolutely no proof of this happening and you accept it because it falls in line with your hate for the clamp.

    As for the idea that anyone with lower arts keep getting kicked. This too is a ludicrous statement not based on facts and just stated to back up ravens previous claims. Raven likes to paint Xbox as this wasteland where the community is completely different to all the other servers. I highly doubt this for the simple reason that they won’t provide any proof. It’s common knowledge that if things go wrong in a raid players are quick to leave the instances as to not waste their own time. Players are less willing to kick one person in the hopes that who ever comes in next will be the savior. Why is this? Because of the kick timer. It’s normally faster to just leave an instances and take the penalty. I doubt a single community is that much more different.

    As for the portion you wrote about Raven stating Xbox has different restrictions. Another statement made simple to back up their own claims without needing to provide any proof. Raven has talked a lot about being an outcast within the Xbox community. Raven has made it well known that there is a strain between themselves and the community there. Whether it being raven leaving raids due to not needing the last boss or anything else raven has made a reputation on the community. What’s to say this isn’t the reason why it’s hard to get into things on Xbox for them?

    And no. I have no interest in being right. When I am wrong I say I’m wrong. No issue to me to say I’m wrong. I’m just not delusional enough to believe everyone someone says without any shred of evidence. Especially if it goes against what is typical behavior
  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You are the one who had a problem with my quote and perspective and decided to make a big ordeal out of it. This reply is a not even addressing what I even wrote. I was just having conversation entertaining that artifacts are more likely to be monetized when they are needed more. That's literally it. No word hidden "agenda", put your doomsday stick away.

    They don't on Xbox in Omnibus. Plain and simple. Stop pretending you know how everything works.

    Right, thus it's healthy to discuss hypothetical suggestions to figure out how to make it work on all platforms. You for one seem paranoid of any kind of change, even though I personally believe 100% zero change will occur from anything written in this thread. Relax.[/quote]
  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Easily when you purposely want them to be there by literally belittling everyone's posts, calling what they wrote "BS" or "idiotic". When you speak to people like you think your **** don't stink, they usually tend to react accordingly.
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, it would really seem they have some type of beef with me so they feel a need to rip apart every post I make heh
    Sure it might have been there before, but my entire point was that it's EVEN MORE now. At least on Xbox server, in which you have zero experience with. I do not know how you can't think artifacts aren't more relied upon now after the clamp, if even for the piercing alone. That doesn't need "proof". It is also my personal perspective, in which also doesn't need "proof".
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  5. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Seriously though, when was the last time you believed you were wrong about something?
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Don’t really signing some agreement to sugarcoat things.
    You can feel free to ask Tiffany. She likes making snarky remarks each time I do admit I’m wrong.
  7. Grim931 Committed Player

    Was the person talking to you specifically, or were they making a generalized statement and you thought you needed to jump in and correct it? If it's the second, then this is absolutely on you. No one else felt the need to correct that person, to call them out on whether or not they were true to their word on a whim, and no one else needs any extra validation on the subject. You are the only one making a big deal out of it.

    What proof are you expecting them to provide, anyway? If they are playing it, seeing it going on, and then communicating it as a problem, why do you feel you are the one to shut it down or disregard it? Shouldn't it be investigated by the Devs, not someone who thinks they're this important?

    You're entire rebuttal summarized:

    "I don't think it actually goes the way they say it goes, so they're wrong"

    You're ridiculous lol.
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Beautifully written, thank you!
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You might not start the conversations, but you sure as heck start the arguments ;)
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So now people are only allowed to reply to post directly aimed at them? lol you guys sure are funny

    Then playing it and communicating active problems. You stance is shaky. Raven has repeatedly stated multiple times they do not play the game anymore and only come to the forums lol.

    And you’re wrong yet again. My statement was not “I don’t think it goes that way so they are wrong”. I stayed (very clearly) that every single other platform works in the complete opposite way of how raven describes the Xbox community. When their own claims go against how everything else works then yes some level of proof would help support their claims. However ravens proof is just saying “the proofs in the pudding” over and over.
  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I'm not telling you not to sugarcoat things, I don't either. I'm simply explaining why people react the way they do because you seem to not understand that lol. I've explained this to you before in the past.
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  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not my fault people are sensitive lol
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    And where have I stated I didn’t understand? I’ve stated this very thing multiple times myself. Between Tiffany always playing the victim and you guys making wild accusations I don’t feel the need to not call things as I see them. I mean, if they will play the victim regardless there really is no point either way
  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, and then they act like it's because I myself am having some sort of issue when I don't even run old content lol. I've seen it happen thousands of times before I stopped playing. Yes, even before the clamp this happened. Idk how the heck the clamp wouldn't stop it from happening let alone not occuring more often heh. It wasn't just EEG either, it was all content. When I would help queue people into Omnibus, I not only saw the scoreboard with endless list of names, but I saw the chat as well. "Dude has purple arts kick him".
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Man...you lean so heavily on that single situation, you must have it engraved on a plaque above your desk or something.

    Talk about being in someone's head. Tiffany must have an entire apartment building in yours.
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  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Because you acted surprised when you were claiming you were living rent free in his head. I was just saying well, obviously lol. Usually happens when you are arguing with someone and being a jerk about it.
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    More like a penthouse.

    I mean you guys sure like bring up the past so not sure why it’s an issue when I do it lol
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Actually not surprised at all. When you have people like ghost who claim to have me on ignore but always seem to respond it makes it very obvious lol. Heck ghost said it that he was wondering where I was since I haven’t been on here much. Must give my fans their daily dose :)
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's a ratio. There are plenty of examples to pull from where you are a condescending...person...who tends to misquote or misread (or not read at all more than likely) what someone said.

    I'd wager you can't come up with more than 1 example of Tiffany's 'snarky' responses 'each time' you admit you are wrong. I mean 'each' could mean 1......so I guess technically it's true. Yet you lean on it pretty heavily.
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Hmm how about the most reason one when she replied to the meme Lorax made?