Highest DPS class atm?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Aggronator, Feb 19, 2013.

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  1. Dump Truck New Player

    The nerf brigade must not have a clue on their next target if threads like these are holding weight.

    I'll tell you guys a secret - I'm lvl 30 and sonic shout is one shotting ads outside Little Bohemia. Shhhh!
  2. ToySoldier13 New Player

    Lots of work, that's why I would never try to rank out the middle. Sore!!!! Get on it man, no one can crunch number like you can without their head exploding.

    All you need is the eye test for the top and bottom though. Gadgets - most powers 31-37ish, a handful more over 100 and up to 150, lightning fast animations and essentially non-existant cooldowns, intim and defib can clip while adding dps, heavy protection from splitting with most powers. Sorcery - nearly all 21-27 primaray exception being a DoT, stupid slow animations most of which cancel if you try to clip, long cooldowns, nothing to clip with but heals (power only, not counting trinkets etc), and immediate splits on every single AoE they have (many with objects as well).

    You don't need a crazy spreadsheet to figure that one out, the middle 5 are murky though.
  3. ToySoldier13 New Player

    Buff brigade baby!!!! Only 4 more years until the Sorcery and Nature update! The bright spot being it isn't possible for us to get worse.
    • Like x 1
  4. Berretta9x New Player

    Im gadgets now I played electric for over a year and wouldn't even put electric and gadgets on same level sorry just not happening with changes that have been made in the game. controller related powers (HL Gadgets Mental and now Quantum) seem to be top of the charts 99% of the time.
  5. zach New Player

    I was in gates and i am a hl and i hit a 7.2 crit wit one handed and almost full t3 then on the last boss i used ballistic assault and hit a 10.5crit every1 screamed cause it made it down to a half health (((((PICK HARD LIGHT )))))))<<<<<<<>>>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><<<>><><><><>><<><><>><<><><><>><<><><>><<> THE END..................................................
  6. zach New Player

    I need a troller loadout i am a quantam troller and have 130sp ANY 1 help
  7. zach New Player


  8. SUPERlVlAN New Player

    in my opinion all powersets are equal. It is the player that makes the powerset good. how they use there rotation how their geared, how they improvise for the situation. True HL can put out damage faster then other powers but you also have to put in alot more work then any other powerset to clip all your moves and theres not much room for improvision when all the guy does is snap trap ram fan snap trap ram... not saying all hard light guys do this but just putting it out there you guys are not the best power were all on equal terms it depends on the person playing the power
    • Like x 1
  9. ToySoldier13 New Player

    Nice necro. Would you care to back up your opinion with any numbers?

    They are not all equal!!! I have explained it a half dozen times already. What is it that you guys cannot understand?
  10. pnob19 New Player

    They'll find a way.
  11. GEB Lantern New Player


    Where does the recent Trigon DLC rank on this thread?

    p.s. - Whining is not tolerated, you will be hand-clapped, smacked and lashed....
  12. shaun10656 New Player

    what about celestial?
  13. Elusian Crowd Control

    Somewhere in the upper areas. However the dmg out/power in is just awesome.
  14. RamsesVIIX New Player

    So far the best seems to be Gadgets it used to be HL but it's not holding up when it comes to long range attacks as compared to Gadgets.
  15. Bandee0817 New Player

    i've changed my dps from quantum to celestial. its cool, cool, even i'm still might based except with the skill points. but it's boring to me. i always have to watch my toon to see when i have to tap meele and range buttons to do combos and thats annoying. the rotation is not that boring like the hl but im not that happy as i hoped. but i cant waste more money to buy another respec token again. so i'll stay at celestial, and wait when a station cash sale is coming, where i can buy double or triple cash. until there i'll maybe do my dps and buy might based new gears or start to increase my healer or my troll. so what is the best dps which is fun and you people loved best? not the best for score chase, i dont wanna be a score chaser, i just wanna enjoy the game. opinions?
  16. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    1. Celestial
    2. Hard Light
    3. Gadgets
    4. Fire
    5. Electricity
    6. Quantum
    7. Nature
    8. Mental
    9. Ice
    10. Sorcery
    11. Earth
  17. Toshknight Loyal Player

    Are we saying HL is the best by using clipping or not using clipping . this includes the other powersets clipping too,
  18. Alpha vermelho Committed Player

    Celestial is better and deserve be the better by far mainly because ise the only power taht you need learn to play, is most hard powerset to play, and too because in DC mythos this power is much aove other powers..
    Quantum deserve have a better dps , mainly because this power use space and graviton forces.
    Gadget dont deserve be a very good dps i see that devs are fan of batman. I love my gadget caracter but how about DCUO turn in a RPG of superheroes of DC and dont have DC only on names?!
  19. Dogico Loyal Player

    Who doesn't clip though? Every power and everyone (should, anyways) be clipping.
  20. Crackin New Player

    Hi guys , new to forum and DCUO. I initially took ice but after a t1 with 79dps weapon did about 40% more damage than my 2.5 90 dps weapon I am so switching. Almost feel obligated to In raids. I do use power but the ice set seems weak and my combos seem to crank more punch. I have Hal Jordan on Legends and his power hits pack a punch. So my question is too all you that played longer go Hard Light or celestial ? I like to play melee if that matters . Ty
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