GU39 Preview: Proficiencies

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Jun 24, 2014.

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  1. tukuan Devoted Player

    There is certainly a league cap, but I haven't seen in either thread a mention or suggestion of a player cap. Just that the contribution becomes less after the point of diminishing returns for the league is hit.

    My understanding is that a player is only limited by way of lair space utilized, hours in the day (esp for pvp), content to run and willingness to use replays. I could be wrong on the last one but I assume a replayed run is good for the same prestige and a non-replay run.
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  2. neidler New Player

    this isnt fair, the stat increases shouldnt be tied to being in a league.
    The statues, the bank, all that stuff is fine but you shouldnt punish players for not wanting to be in a league.
    Everyone one should be able to earn those stats on their own. And the bonuses should be per person not league wide.
    Everyone should have and be able to earn the stat bonuses themselfs.

    Tying a characters progression and their ability to reach their max potentiol on whether they are in a league or not is b.s.

    I know it may come as a shock but some people like to be independent and that should not be a handicap to my game experiance.
    I do not like the idea that Im being pretty muched forced to join a league if I want to be at my best and thats exactly what this is doing.

    Unless as a solo player I am able to gain the same the perks as league members in amreasonable amout of time this is excusionary.

    You can keep all the statues and cosmetic stuff for the leagues, just dont make it so I cant be as strong as them because I choose to play alone.

    Maybe I dont want to deal with the inner polotics and obligations that come with a league.
    Shoot after I learn how to beat a mission I dont even have group chat on have the time. Its not that im anti social its just when I play the game thats me time.

    But now with these changes choosing not to be in a league is making me less powerful than I could be and that doesnt seem right.
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  3. MercPony Devoted Player

    While I can understand what you mean, you can form a league of just yourself also. You don't even need another player to form one now, if I remember correctly. Building up Prestige may take longer in a lone wolf league but you can still access the Proficiencies that way.

    Edit: I also think you need Legendary to form a league this way but if you are Free/Premium you can ask a Legendary member to form with you and pass lead to you then they can leave.

    Edit 2: Also re-reading your post and another post in another thread, basically you can still get the same benefits as others but requiring more time sink. The stat boosts look marginal at best though so I don't think you should get too worried just yet.
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  4. Yolo New Player

    it is not stretching it is exactly how the mechanic works. the whole reason for this is to push people to be in a league but leagues should not be required and should only provide a convenience advantage (friends to talk to, no need for pugs, etc) not an advantage of stats. not everyone wants to find a group of like minded people and play together on a regular basis. some prefer random PUGs and being without a league. that playstyle should be respected by the devs and not put them at a disadvantage regarding their stats.
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  5. ChaosInternational New Player

    I'll just say it, that sort of playstyle deserves no preferential treatment and if such players are left out in the cold on this one, that's fine with me.
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  6. Yolo New Player

    i'm not asking for treatment i'm asking for players who prefer to be solo be on the same level as players in a league. it makes no sense to bump someone's stats simply because they are in a league.
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  7. ChaosInternational New Player

    It makes perfect sense. The collective effort and power of a league should yield higher results than a one man band. It's a mutual benefit that people who choose not to be in a league might not appreciate. If we as a league succeed as a league then we should be rewarded as a league.
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  8. Z Toons New Player

    So keep it in league. Bonuses apply on full league runs only. Your like minded league run gets the bonuses. My like minded pug groups get no bonuses but equal footing. Win win.
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  9. ChaosInternational New Player

    I'd rather those perks be carried everywhere and not just league specific runs. That's not a practical solution to the soloists grief either. Let's say there's 7 league members and one pug guy, do we get our bonus as a league in spite of it not being, in whole, a league run? What about half and half utilizing different proficiencies between the leagues?
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  10. Yolo New Player

    the reward should be getting content done faster because you communicate better not because you get stat boosts. joining a league should be up to the player not forced on those who want to be at their max potential.
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  11. ChaosInternational New Player

    Small potatoes, really small potatoes. I don't believe it's such an issue as to warrant any changes in the current purpose of the new content.
  12. Z Toons New Player

    Of course you do, because you are in a league. If your last post refers to "If we as a league succeed as a league then we should be rewarded as a league." then I'm with you my friend. Get your bonus, I'm 100% behind that. If you do not have that collective power, then you aren't at full strength, so no bonus. My suggestion keeps the bonuses where they belong, in-league and doesn't affect the pugging community.
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  13. Yolo New Player

    it still might affect the pug community in the sense that more people will want to do league only runs and we could see less pugs. taking that into consideration i am not sure if i would be okay with the bonuses being for league only runs.
  14. Yolo New Player

    any unfair stat boosts at all are not okay, no matter how little they are.
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  15. ChaosInternational New Player

    This is my last kick to this dead horse... Again, your proposed solution isn't practical in theory and therefore not so in execution. The PuG community knows the pitfalls of being soloists. With this new content, it might be time to rethink your lonewolf approach as it's never been too viable and will be even lesser once LH hits live. Asking the devs to consider leagueless players in a league specific update us simply asking too much. In the end, it might just be "sorry can't help you".
  16. ChaosInternational New Player

    What exactly makes these stats unfair? Leagues still need to put in work for these perks, it's not like they are a given if you are in a league.
  17. Z Toons New Player

    If my suggestion comes to fruition, then I suspect you are correct. A lot of current pugs would flock to leagues, which is good for both sides. Incentive for the leagues and new recruits alike to expend recruitment/teach/teamwork/etc to get those "league-only" bonuses.

    While that may make things harder for me to find a pug group, I can live with that knowing that it's my decision and it will not affect my gameplay/stats because I choose that route.

    Overall, I think this is a great move by the devs, it just needs to be tweaked a bit, not to lengthen the already sizable gap of elitism.
  18. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    I think this is a great idea now how about putting up that fire, mental, and gadgets work in progress thread ;)
  19. Z Toons New Player

    I'm sorry, I do not see where this isn't practical. Just as you said, this is a "league update". I'm with you. It gives incentives for leagues and leagueless members to "see the light" and join a league. This should make running full league runs a lot easier with the flux of members.

    And yes, there are many pitfalls of the pug life. It's definitely the "box of chocolates" scenario..."you never know what you're gonna get.."
    Part of me likes that; not knowing whether I'm going to be the "scrub" of the group (and learn) or the "l33t OMG, uR B3asT!. It makes me laugh that I can get that in back to back runs (sorry, I digress). However, through all that, I managed to make it through up to almost T6 (one more piece).

    In the end, all I'm asking for is them to truly make this a "league update" and give those members that choose that route the perks they deserve. And at the same time, not hinder any members that choose a different route.

    Thanks for hearing my side and I appreciate the adult conversations that are taking place in this thread. It is refreshing.
  20. Yolo New Player

    what work are they doing that leagueless players don't do? we all run instances. where's my stat boosts for farming the catwoman solo x million times?
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