First tease to Episode 39 Long Live The Legion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    If we were getting another "Magic" episode maybe but this is supposed to be a Legion of Superheroes episode and what we've seen doesn't tease the Legion at all . Maybe a picture of the Legion flag or maybe some Interlac on the screen would of been better.
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  2. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Definitely would like to see Batman beyond.

    I would like to see alternate solos, duos, alerts, raids like they show up randomly or different because the flash messed up or changed things. Variance is good. I like the Patchwork solos being different. The starro alert had 4 different alert places. Having random different areas really adds to longevity to play the content as it doesn't feel redundant as much. I would surely like to see a raid where things change or are not the same.
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  3. Kuno Loyal Player

    I hated that raid, lets hope you are wrong lol
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  4. Kuno Loyal Player

    Maybe just stream and reveal the episode locations, the new character models and style so we can't misunderstood any tease :p
  5. zNot Loyal Player

    True also we dont know if this is from the same raid or not Or if the 2 teasers are from 2 different raids.
  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    people who have left the game may be checking in to learn info on the Legion DLC. Its been a long time since I've seen an announcement generate this much excitement and hope in game. the last thing we need is to see potential players stay away when the first thing they see about a new dlc is a five or six year old visual.

    plus i felt my initial response was witty.
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  7. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    I concur. Tired of magic themed. I believe it's the least popular mainstream DC stories but somehow it gets more attention? The focus of story lines should run mainly around the TV shows and movies. Cross promoting would be ideal with continued story lines from show and movie into the game.

    I think I mentioned this a while back when Batman Vs Superman movie was out. A raid or alert with integrated PVP to accomplish or fail an objective changing the outcome would be really interesting.
  8. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Agreed. Doesn't seem to fit the theme. A screen shot of a new character from the legion would probably get a better response. When told future and legion stuff, and we see Trigon looking WTH?! Not what most were expecting. Especially with the track record of reused rehashed reversed areas I'm not surprised by people's intial reaction..."like this same old played out..."
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  9. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Agreed. That's a major complaint from many players I know that stop playing. They say it's the same old rinse and repeat, etc. Those players you attempt to gain back, are going to have the McKayla Maroney ‘not impressed’ face.
  10. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Would like to see the evil black Superman resurrection and a Justice League fight to correct him. Especially since Snyder Cut will be coming out.
  11. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Agreed. This certainly doesn't feel like the future. Not even an apocalyptic type vibe. When I heard Legion stuff, I was like "meh." Doesn't really intrest me, but others sem interested. When I told others about it they are like Legion what?... u know in the supergirl show... Mon El Brianic... "Oh?" This screen shot is the double "meh." 3 "mehs"... and your out. LOL! If intial dissatisfaction or poor response happens, such in test screenings of movies, if there is poor response. Listen and do a hard change as it's a warning. "We don't like... or this doesn't work." But all too often critics of content are not considered. I'm baffled by the praise of the screen shot at all.
  12. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Yeah, they could of went with the original game look (see game movie) with an apocalyptic crushed cities, burning cars and buildings, destroyed everything type of view. Old torches and the such..., boring.
  13. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    I do think they (DEV.s) should accept constructive criticism and feedback and be more flexible to make adjustments. From reading the comments alone in the post, it would seem the majority DO NOT like how it looks. Even players/posters that generally seem to disagree with me on whatever XYZ post seem to have some sort of concern. If the DEV.s don't want any criticism or feedback then yeah no teasers. The whole point is supposed to be feedback. Poor feedback means your heading in the wrong direction. That is tough to swallow and hard to scrap things. Better to scrap then have crap. Some of the greatest things created have come after many mistakes.
  14. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    While i hope that we get a floating eye accessory... I really really really hope emerald princess isnt a armor style
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  15. zNot Loyal Player

    Well i do agree but this content has already been made us giving feedback on a teaser i think wont change anything. I mostly care about the longevity of the DLC and to see a very high difficult Elite raid or 2 (if we get 2 this time)which the latest one is not what i expected it was pretty underwhelming where tanks with cr 311 are soloing the elite Raid.

    Thats why this current dlc got quickly pretty boring just 1 raid with 2 bosses.. and nothing difficult about the latest elite raid then other easy and boring dlcs..

    the bountys saved this dlc from
    Being a total dissappointment in my opinion im drifting abit with the topic but i hope you can see what im saying.. the wonderverse looked good but was still not a great dlc due to the content in it on my opinion.

    im not the type to care that much about if the legion dlc looks like people imagine it to be the bosses and content in it is much more important to me so far we cant judge the whole dlc by 2 teasers i think people should relax. We still dont know much about the content
  16. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    C'mon, folks. Check your Legion history.

    Of course we're going to get an underground-looking mystic area because we're gonna be facing off against Mordru! (Historically, for many years in Legion Lore, the only way to stop Mordru was to trap him underground.) Heck, that screenshot might be a section of the Sorcerer's World (aka Zerox) that we're seeing, and something like that could even lead us into an Amethyst/Gemworld DLC ...

    I guess what I'm saying is that there's a whole lotta potential here. :D
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  17. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I was just saying to a friend the other day, that I suspect one of the upcoming DLCs will be a Lords of Order DLC after the recent story with them becoming corporeal again. It would also fit in with Amethyst obv since she's aligned with the Lords.
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  18. Brit Loyal Player

    Canonically we did send Antimonitor to the future at the end of the anniversary event...
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, to next year. Thanks past selves.:mad:
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  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    We only send him a year ahead.