Episode 42 ressourcse managment.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by zNot, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    I think raid centric content is ideal this episode was said to be raid focused but it wasnt.. imo.
    i would definetly cut major things out for these daily content to benefit the raids. I also get the concern for daily renown but that shouldnt be as important as raids themselves if we suffer less raid content (sux for everyone) because some people want renown on elite duo instead of doing elite raid i think the elite duo guys need to start hitting the elite raids it also depends how accessible they want elite gear to be.
  2. zNot Loyal Player

    Feats shouldnt even matter in this topic because content is number 1 importance for a episode and for a raid focused episode raid content is number 1 prirority. Sorry but because some guys want a 50 point feat to pop (without putting any meaningfull skill into getting best in slot gear) we should suffer from less raid content? No thanks. I wouldnt even mind if they sold renown on marketplace aslong as it doesnt interrupt our raid content if you want renown pay for it or be skilled and do the elite raid thats my view.
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    This is meant as no disrespect, but you do understand the words you are saying right? You are saying "I don't care about any other player than my elite group and only want elite to be able to be run by me."

    I like Elite content, I like raids, I don't like open world, but I'm not going to say "forgo X so I can have more of what I want." There needs to be a balance for all players. You focus on one type, you push away the other type.
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  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    My input in short with regard to where this conversation is going:

    Have an event, normal, elite (Stage 1 equivalent) and elite+ (Stage 5 equivalent) version of a raid, two raids would be even better.

    Scrap Stage 2-4 of elite+ raids, there just isn't the need nor the population to make these worth it, especially after the following episode launches.

    I disagree with saying elite solos/duos and elite alerts should be scrapped, or one of them removed. A lot of players do enjoy these and they are something that can be run daily. They are another form or renown alongside regular elite for those players who don't want to challenge themselves further - or don't have players to run the elite raid with during quiet periods.
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    No im saying that because if we get a raid focused episode then i actually expect the raid content be in first place, the duo shouldnt be so big (plus has elite) in a raid focused episode that it takes away development time Worth of a second raid.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Going back to what I said about one solo takes as much time as one raid does for development. I'm pretty sure this has to do with the building of the maps and boss mechanics, and less about the balance between elite and normal.

    You see the daily renown redundant. It's not when players aren't able to do the weekly renown. It's easier to get 1 player to do a daily than to get a group of 7 other players to do the raid.
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    So its not the elite version that takes so much time from the devs but the bosses mechanics right? So like i said before ok keep it but reduce the bosses for duos/alerts.
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Uh... that wouldn't change the fact the Map itself is the most time consuming... Sure less bosses could shave some time off, but doesn't change the building of it.

    They could also do the reuse of old maps to build content to save more time, but they get dinged on that too. No win, right?
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  9. zNot Loyal Player

    Well re using maps is fine for me for anything even im fine with reused maps on raids aslong as we actually get 2 decently large raids (aka 3-4 bosses per raid)

    So next episode charon said it may be one alert with two raids so i hope the alert with elite will have just 2 bosses and a reused map to save time which can then be used to give us 2 larger raids and since it wont have solo/duo we can expect a actuall raid focused episode :)
  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’d reread Charon response and manage your expectations accordingly. I do hope it’s back to 2 raids/ alert/ solo or duo and the usual amount of open world. As many complaints as players had, there seems to be a lot more complaining ever since WV dropped.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    He said:
    So it sounds like a lot of open world content, with an alert, and 2 raids. Which, unless they have renown earned from open world content, gives less for the general players that aren't able to do the raids.
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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    They will still benefit from a second raid and they can still farm daily renown from the elite alert plus more openworld content. This definetly sounds wayyy more balanced and healthier to me for a raid focused episode and benefits us raid lovers and the casuals who like openworld.
  13. Jcal Dedicated Player

    A raid focused episode would be an episode with 3 raids. Those don't exist anymore, so I don't really get the point of trying to sub-label episodes anymore. Much like small content episodes aren't a thing anymore (Sons of Trigon, Amazon Fury Part I). It's all about striking a balance now and I'd say the team has finally succeeded.

    Daily and weekly open world content, check. A solo or duo with elite version, check. An alert with elite version, check. A raid with elite and elite+ versions, check. There is literally something for everyone.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Your concept of healthy is a relative term. You think it's balanced, I think it's not.
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  15. zNot Loyal Player

    Well then you should like the current one the since it has all content pretty much? Or u dont like it? :)
  16. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Hm. Its really not looking good for me and dcuo in 2022. I see they’re working hard on new artifacts and it looks like allies have taken the recourse that could have been used to make new animations.
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  17. zNot Loyal Player

    Thats too much daily elite content.

    My ideal way would be this:
    2 raids (with elite + 1,2,3) with most of the time and ressources going into these two.

    Elite Alert (for the casuals to farm renown) with 2 bosses only ideally (without wasting too much time and ressources into it)

    Openworld map and content just 1 new boss and some old bosses from older content and plenty of feats can be put there for the casuals.
  18. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I play and complete elite content.
    I love raiding.
    That being said, I will be pissed if they remove the elite solo/duo and elite alert options.
    I’d rather have elite plus alerts than raids personally, I say this because a few reasons,
    They can be run daily, it is easier to find 3 elite ready players than it is to find 7.
    I get people want raids and elite + content, I do too.
    But not at the expense of solos and duos or at the expense of elite alerts.
    Idek how I feel about removing solo and duo for more open world content, could be really cool if done right,
    Or it could just screw people who love playing duos (me) and who get most of their renown from running duos/alerts (also me). As well as others I’m sure.

    I understand opinions are just that and the devs will do what the devs do, but I’m seeing a lot of what feels like people clambering for only raids and I’m elite raids and screw everything else and that just isn’t cool with me so here’s my two cents.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Removing small daily regular content in favor of weekly raids is in my opinion a mistake, you should be adding more daily content not more weekly.

    It's time for a DLC with a solo, duo, 2 alerts and 1 raid.

    People want things to do every day when they log in not something they can do once a week (not everyone is spamming this game with replay badges)
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  20. zNot Loyal Player

    Based on what you wrote this episode should be ur favorite one?
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