Episode 28: Another Update to Rewards

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Katnikov, May 31, 2017.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I'm grateful for this change. I understand that you want OP items to be something special, and I think that makes sense. This way we can get the rewards, and not have to spend a ton of time each day grinding. That way we have time to run other content as well for feats and such. Basically, I think this addresses a lot of reasonable expectations.

    Thanks for being willing to move things around to make things more palatable to the player base. (Also, is their a surprise 2nd set of purple gear for us waiting in the wings?) Well done.
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are primarily reducing currency earned by reducing the amount of content that can be/must be run daily. This means it is less grindy - less playtime is required each day. Additionally, you will still get to play the many missions we built, you just won't have to play every single one every single day. This further reduces how grindy it feels, since you won't be repeating the same solo missions nearly as often.

    On top of that, the OP item and style item reductions are in addition to the overall currency output/vendor cost reductions.
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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    I really dont think anyone said the last part. At least not from what i saw. I know that wasnt my concern. My concern was running the same content every day for 6 months. Just because its a little less content or a little more doesnt change anything for me. Because u still have to run that same content daily for 6 months. The 6 months was the issue, at least for me. And i thought that was the issue for the others who werent happy with this. I think many people misread what this announcement said. I know i did. I thought the reduction in cost meant a reduction in the 6 months. I see thats not really the case now. Its my fault for misreading it but i feel a little mislead too.
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  4. Cold Fusion Well-Known Player

    The vendor prices were just a symptom of the greater problem... 1 episode for 6 months worth of membership Aka $90

    A restructuring of how much content you need to run to get x amount of marks only helps people run alts easier in less time and doesn't address the real problem.

    The change is good for people with alts for sure.. and I'm glad they made the change.

    But people will still leave if the episode structure isn't changed back to 3-4 month intervals.
  5. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    So it will still take the normal 12 weeks for 1 role and a reduction in our other role after for a regular set of gear. But the required time, which i believe came out to 6 or 7 months to grind for all of the rewards by proxys math will be significantly less? Is this correct?
  6. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    And there are those of us who love the Open World stuff and we are allowed to be disappointed by that change. As I said in my OP, I think it's a change for the better. The fact that it affects me adversely is a small cold drop in the huge bucket of warm, gooey positivity they just poured over us.

    Also - while it was really just intended as a snarky comment, 'there's too much to do' really is what the playerbase has been saying: 'This is too much for me to do every single day for the next six months. Too much to Replay my way through. I'd rather be done with my gear sooner so that I can actually enjoy it for awhile (and maybe play some other games) so that this new Episode doesn't feel like quite so much of a job.'

    And that's a perfectly acceptable response too. :D
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  7. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yes, I'm hoping that happens. There comes a point where you literally can't run something anymore without feeling nauseous. UT was absolutely awesome the first month, then pretty awesome the second, then like "ugh" the third, by the fourth I was just like, let's run the raids only. That's why it took me 6 months to finally get the AFIII OP pieces, lol. Right on time! At least I have the feat.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You don't though. Here's a sample/example:
    • Previously, War-Torn and Area 51 offered you 3 daily missions each. These would be random from a total of 9 missions.
      • Daily, in War-Torn, you could/would run 3 daily missions, randomly selected from 9 total: 3/9
      • Daily, in Area 51, you could/would run 3 daily missions, randomly selected from 9 total: 3/9
        • That's 6 missions every day, out of a total of 18 (every day you see a third of the missions)
    • After our updates later this week, War-Torn and Area 51 will offer you one daily mission each. These missions would still be random from a total of 9 missions.
      • Daily, in War-Torn, you could/would run 1 daily mission, randomly selected from 9 total: 1/9
      • Daily, in Area 51, you could/would run 1 daily mission, randomly selected from 9 total: 1/9
        • That's 2 missions every day, out of a total of 18 (every day you would see one-ninth of the missions)
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  9. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    You just have to read in between the lines. ;)
    (See my post two spots up)
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  10. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    With the reduction in required daily missions, are the instances now rewarding the same amount of marks or slightly more. Ive always been a proponent of more open world. That being said. Mepps. Please. For the love of DCUO. Tell me we have an open world bounty to take down again.
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Mepps i think i understand it. Its still taking 3 months to get the gear. And 3 months to get the OP items. Me or anyone else is just running less content per day. Instead of 6 dailies per day its now 2, from the random 18 there are. Like i said doing the content at all for 6 months was the issue, at least for me. I thought that was the issue for others too. Maybe im wrong tho. The same content w/in a dlc for 6 months i personally feel is too much. Anyways thank you for explaining it more clearly. I appreciate ya staying late and clearing up the confusing part of the announcement :)
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    I read it. I guess i meant all the complaints today. Should of been more clear. I see your point on having less to do in the open world now. And yea if u were looking forward to that i get it. Like i said, running the dlc for 6 months was the issue for me. I feel it should be 3-4 months, not 6. I thought others who were unhappy w/it thought the same. I know the few i spoke privately with felt the same. But maybe others didnt. Its late tho and guess we wait til 2mor and see. I was on the fence on subbing but pulled the trigger already :oops: So i really cant complain cause it is really my fault for misunderstanding what the announcement said. Oh well, guess im playing for 3 more months :D Cant complain about that cause at the end of the day id rather play dcuo then not play it.
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  13. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Does anyone know what the OP items are going to be in the new episode? Like Neck...rings...utility belt?? Mask?
  14. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Chin up, I'm sure there will be at least one Event in there to break up the monotony. Maybe two. And they'll be getting back to Stats Revamp soon and Water powers after that and 'alternate' progression after that...

    My hope is that they will be able to return to more Episodes a year in order to make membership worthwhile once the heavy lifting of Stats Revamp is over with. Once they have 2 - 3 Events built, maybe they'll be able to return to a more quarterly cadence. They did say that a lot of this is experimental, after all...
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  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    Its head, back, and waist. Mepps confirmed this on twitter. All the reward icons for the collections are the same tho. At least they were on test. So cant tell which of the 3 collections gives which piece. Hopefully that is fixed 2mor or in a hotfix soon down the road.
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  16. Maxwill Committed Player

    Hahaha 2 missions per day?are you kidding guys? or you've done a mistake again Mepps?
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  17. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Yea that would be nice to know becouse i dont want to buy style piece 1st like i did in AFP III .
  18. Perdition Committed Player

    so we go from 6 dailies to only 2?! now i know why the prices changed lol. everything stays exactly the same as before. just less play time a day but still the same timeframe.
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  19. Maxwill Committed Player

    So from 42 weekly war bonds we were getting from daily missions , now we'll get only 14?? So 28 war bonds less per week...+ We'll have to run the same missions for loooooooooooong time coz they are attached to some feats.Why not 4 missions instead of just 2?
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  20. Saami Loyal Player

    Good changes.
    Two daily missions are somewhat doable. Six were just insane.
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