Test Discussion Episode 27: Loot and Rewards Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Avair, Oct 24, 2016.

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  1. mexmex Dedicated Player

    A lot Of crying here, If Anyway The content is beatable at level entry why The obsesion for being maybe one cr lower than The best gear?
    I think The change Is a great way to keep players bussy, The grind along with stat matters will keep more Players well actually playing and Then they can Fix The whole super fast nonsense leveling issue.
    I think is an honest way from their part to Fix The Game, RB issue is On The players not in The devs, you want fast everything well pay for it, you wanna take time and enjoy without pressure and without expending more, well you can do so too. Especially true If you have a good friends or league to play with, i have done The latest raids with my 64 tanks trolls or healers with less than 60sp yea those are alts. And with my main i have help others too.
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  2. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I don't assume that the next episode will be 3 months after AF3. I'm saying that if it is, and if there is a 10CR jump in it like Mepps said, then AF3's gear will be replaced way too quickly.

    I'm also saying that if it's not, then AF3 is going to be a real test of patience since we are getting the same 6 pieces of content as we got in quarterly releases in the past. No matter how great the content looks so far, if these 6 pieces of content are supposed to be the only content for half a year then I'm looking forward to burning out on them before the next episode launches.

    Base Item boxes are currency sinks and clearly extra, I'll give you that.
    Elite gear isn't completely extra though. Since this elite gear will be obsolete with the next content release, we need to be able to obtain it until then. Granted, you can get AF3's elite gear in time if you don't buy regular gear which may be completely fair depending on how renown is handled.

    OP items are a whole different thing but we don't know enough about the stats revamp and future content yet to judge if any of this will actually be a problem.

    Really all I'm saying here is, if we can't get gear before it's obsolete then that's bad, and if there won't be new content for more than 4 months then that's bad as well.

    In general I'm not against any of this though, I have nothing to do right now on live and I like having content with more longevity.
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  3. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    It's a terrible start but I guess they deserve credit for making a change after years of begging players? Nope. They don't get any credit from me. So done with these redundant changes they constantly make. They took Marks of Krypton, Victory, Reality, Influence and so many more away because the community didn't like it and now they're doing it again but with massively inflated gear prices on a smaller time frame.

    They're not working around replays at all. Do you consider embracing replay use working around replays? It's the exact opposite..

    Vendor gear has never been this expensive. That alone is a major problem that needs to be addressed.
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  4. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Is this even a new tier?
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Nope. Still considered T8.
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  6. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Jesus, yes
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  7. warpaxio Well-Known Player

    3 raids + 7 weelky alerts = 25 marks?
    the major diference back then there was no replay badges, there was only 1 set, no elite and no op gear. there was also no SMs or gear mods. there was no rings, neck, face, trinket or weapon in the vendor either.

    so you had a whole week to do those and only 1 piece of content per day to get ur marks, and that content was random each week. with the new system, you burn out fast playing the same easy duo and solo that u can oneshot every day.

    to be fair i like the progression system with elite and op gear but the pricing is too high, and considering replays, there will be a huge gap in players who use them and those who dont.
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  8. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    Well that was a weird typo that changed the meaning of that phrase.
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  9. Elusian Crowd Control

    Someone pointed it out at some point, with the speed of how fast you can acquire Renown its not doable to get a full Elite set in time before the next content piece drops without using replays. So my question here would be what was the reason behind Elite gear? What makes it so Elite when you are forced to use replays if you want to get it before its outdated?

    Just thought over it a bit and really wonder about it now, if it isnt buried by the time Mepps or a dev reads it :(
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  10. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Exactly. It divides the community yet again. As humans, I thought we already came to the conclusion that segregation is a bad thing..
  11. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player


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  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    u realize that gear drop is low @ new content and that if u want those feats you will need to salvage every gear that drops and after salvaging 300 of those gear i can finally start saving some for my second role !

    They basically force u to choose between second role and feats and since iam a feat hunter well byebye Tank role.
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  13. Fies Committed Player

    Could you explain the process/timeframe of getting 1 (or 2) full set(s) of elite gear under the new system plz?
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    it's exactly the same, except you're still required to grind renown to progressively unlock pieces to purchase.

    the prices are the same, so if you want just one set of gear within the 12 week period, forget buying any standard vendor gear.

    If you want 2 full sets of elite vendor gear... quite frankly just forget about it, it's not happening.
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  15. Elusian Crowd Control

    You can get 100 Renown per boss in Elite (if the last boss gave more for the one group who beat OlyE earlier they should report back). That is 300 per raid. 2 raids. So 600 Renown every 2 weeks. Remember you have to unlock first week the PP and can only run it on the 2nd without replays.

    Then on top this inclines you beat it ALWAYS from the get go! Which is of course not realistic (currently noone can tell if even GoM Elite last boss is even working and if the 2nd boss got an appropriate fix as it was unbeatable by default before even with full vendor gear).

    You need 6500 Renown to access all Elite pieces (Chest and Back being the final pieces). 6500/600*2 = 21,7 weeks aka 22 weeks if you always perfectly complete the content. By that time the gear is outdated as in theory episode 28 should be there unless they plan on for AF3 lasting for more than half a year.
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  16. AccelT Well-Known Player

    This. Guess that whole "DCUO's enthusiasts" thing in the Development Update thread was just to cover up Replay Badge (insert whatever describes someone who uses tons of RBs here).
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  17. Darklord Kitty Well-Known Player

    A lot of 'no lifer talk' here, we can't make DCUO our purpose of getting up like it is for you with 65 characters.

    It's a game, not a job and the progression system is absurd and ridiculous for anyone. I have been playing this game since its launch and this is the most preposterous progression design so far.

    I know I can't give logic to Trump supporters or appeal to their zombie humanity but for love of god, stop grabbin other players' ***** cat.
  18. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    So basically you buy vendor gear for your main role and for 2nd role we use salads.
  19. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    Guys what exactly do you need to be able to start buying Elite pieces?

    Is it just coins + renown from running Elite content or you still need to complete Normal vendor set first ?
    If we have to complete Normal vendor set first, is it enough to complete just Fallen God style or vendor set is considered completed with Weapons, Neck, Ring and Face ?

    Same question for new Omnipotence items. Do we need anything else beside running content for Coins, Renown and Collections ?
    And I assume some of the collections will drop only in Elite ?
  20. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    The last boss of olye gave 200 renown.
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