Test Discussion Episode 27: Loot and Rewards Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Avair, Oct 24, 2016.

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  1. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    It reminds me a lot of when OC came out and the population dropped a bit. I know these types of DLC's, with too much grind, is terrible for the game and to go back to that is insane. A lot of people wanted best gear on vendor and to an extent it is our fault for not being more specific but FFS, I didn't think we'd have to tell them every detail down to how many complex we should be using in mods. This game is already getting old and has stiff competition. Why would they persuade their players in any way to find another game to dump money on? Makes no sense, and I would be ashamed to promote this game to anyone without flat out telling them it's a cash grab money pit anymore. They slightly undermine customer convenience all for the sake of money. Bad business ethic
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  2. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    They weren't more expensive in previous DLC's. The fact they are in this one just ripped a curtain from the window, let the light in, and showed people money is their ulterior motive. At least have the audacity to be a wolf and not a wolf in sheep clothing. No one likes someone who hides their intentions especially a group of people who are supposed to be leading by example.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    I think they are resetting the OP gear with this change, but that would be conjecture. They could out class each piece with each content. Where there is no reason to go for it.

    On the subject of rewards in this release, the vendor gear is the least of the problems. Honest opinion, I think it is fine except for the Elite pieces. (I'm not against it going lower though. Maybe CJ's recommendation.) They really screw players over with Elite content.

    Anyways, I think dropped gear's attuning CR changes as well as the cost of RnD related mods is the problem. This content, they did a real good job to make players stay still for a bit before advancing. Vendor gear wont matter much in most of the content. The whole CR bracket is so convoluted and silly. You shouldn't have to get to a certain point before you can advance again. Then I find out that you can't even make mods for people anymore... That's not fun nor friendly.
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  4. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    They are destroying aspects of the game that made it amazing in the first place. They are literally tearing up the foundation the game was built on in multiple aspects, not just one or two.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    I really don't see how this is bad. It's no different from what we had before, only there is more content to pull from. T3 and T4 there was only raids for vendor gear. You could only get 25 or 14 marks a week! A WEEK! It was intended to get a full set in 6 months! There was 4 sets for T4! What's the difference? Just because people that want it faster will have to pay more? That's the fault of the player. You don't have to rush.

    The rage and concerns should be directed towards how they handle the mods and dropped gear. The way they set it is just plain convoluted and ridiculous to even think it's viable.

    I will be proud of the fact we got vendor gear as best gear. We now have something to actually look forward to do. Where running content and luck is involved, I could either get everything in 2 runs or bang my head against the wall getting the same thing in 2 runs.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    But they are not... They are undoing all the crapping last 3 years of changes. They aren't going the whole way, but it's a start. Replay badges have ruined this game and they are working around it. We don't have to rush to the end. If we don't, then they will change it based on sales. That's all it is to it.

    The worst thing they added to this game was replay badges. IT IS what destroyed the aspects of the game that made it amazing in the first place.
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  7. Abadeer Well-Known Player

    Speaking of... We will still be able to buy the regular old Purple gear on the vendor wont we? Or will the Legendary gear be the only gear available to be purchased from now on?
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    You can't compare it to those previous era's part of the problem with this episode is the rushed window. If we had 6 months to do this episode at these prices I'd have zero issue.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    You can buy old sets with MoV, going forward it's safe to assume all vendor gear will be legendary gear bought with episode specific currency.
  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    ....pretty sure the difference is, it wasn't replaced every 3 months with a brand new set. The vendor gear was the best gear for the whole tier.

    Not one DLC.
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  11. Xibo Loyal Player

    Well, if we take into consideration T3 content when the best vendor are in vendor the prices are not these that are being charged in AF3 vendor gear. So, the prices are evidently expensive and must be fixed to the T3 vendor gear prices.
  12. Leet Active Player

    The dropped gear is like -8 stat difference. Replace your gear w/ this for secondary role. Save your Coins for main role. Im saving everything for Elite gear. All i need is to max my Renown and go straight to Elite.
  13. AccelT Well-Known Player

    The problem with this is that you only run the Elite content every 2 weeks, unless you use RB.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    No, see you can compare it. They've always came up with the pricing based on how long they think they want you to acquire the gear. Vendor gear of old was launched at the start of the Tier and they gradually added more content to increase your ability to get that gear, but you started with LESS marks and content to run. Now, you have access to daily and weekly marks. These are the reason why the prices is more. If you want it to be cheaper, you would get less marks or less content.

    They want you to finish the gear in 3 months. Which, if they go by quarterly, put you into the next DLC. If not, you have more time.

    In any case, replays are the culprit. If they removed them, this would be a different conversation. It's the same with the seasonal content. It's the same with the RnD gear. If it looks like a problem, they will adjust it.

    I really do personally think that Elite, dropped, and mods are the problem in this DLC, not the normal vendor gear nor OP gear.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    It cost 400 Marks of Krypton for the T3 set when launched.
    You could ONLY get 25 marks a week.
    That's 16 weeks or 4 months to get one set.
  16. Xibo Loyal Player

    In that case, I'm referring only to the prices.
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Well while I find this amount of Coins ridiculously overpriced I just draw some consequences that aren't really that difficult to come up with:

    - gather marks for Elite gear and get all eight pieces
    - gather marks for a weapon
    - gather marks for the OP collections
    - ignore Rings, Necklace, Face, Utility Belt
    - get the normal style feat later from Vendor 22
    - second role will be done with purples
    - alts will run around in purples
    - *** that 1 CR difference

    But speaking of high prices: You didn't really expect it would be like "60 coins or less for a piece", did you? Taking the randomness out of the equation they needed to make the prices higher.

    Just remember one fact: As long as there are replay badges, there won't be a fair loot distribution. It's either "replay to get the right random drops" or "replay to get enough marks".
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

  19. Proxystar #Perception

    There's another way to fix this problem too, abolish the DPS role. ;)
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  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    For the first few years of dcuo we had best gear in vendors and time to fully gear. Not just one role but dual roles. We also had a bit of time to stay fully geared. Take t4. We were fully geared and working on our second set. I won't say we were done but we were well on our way and then hands of fate dropped. Codex gear came along with such a small stat gain We still were able to use t4 gear with no real change. Coded offered around 2 plus vit.

    Nothing earth shattering so u could mod the new gear or skip it.

    In 3 months we could have two full sets of gear and enjoy it another three months all while having something to chase and improve our gear

    Moving to rng stunk
    Quick gear turnover with high as can be costs stinks

    Green names need to understand the people who will replay will replay and those who don't won't. All this gimmick stunts cost them more then it gains them.
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