EoG changes binned then?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, May 3, 2023.

  1. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    Take a breath and use a paragraph my guy,

    You've confirmed exactly what I said. You think the game is good if gadgets and electricity players can get the feat with all the extra cheese and sauce on the side and you planned to stack as much of this as possible in your clickbait video edit.

    Why are you so scared of streaming a play session while going in and getting these old feats with strangers, You seemed to have all the confidence in the world, but when asked to do it unfiltered and without controls you've dodged ever since... if it's that easy what are you so afraid of? "Community Trusted" or "Community Excuses"?
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Really not the same thing, hoss. Those have cooldowns, and are in no way similar characteristics.

    So that players can play the power they like without having to worry that it's underperforming compared the the others? That's actually the issue.. and thus why so many are asking for balance changes.

    They go hand in hand, and you know it :)
    Without EoG, the focus keeps going right to the rest of the "meta", disturbing the same flow.
    However, It is true that no one will know what future tweaks will be needed until the changes actually occur.

    Perhaps, but you should have just left it at the statement previously quoted. This just looks like a whole segment of basically saying "git guud" with too many words. Takes away merit to the previous quote to end it like this.

    Nothing against you, but that was a bit out of character on your part :p
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  3. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Well... Mepps did clearly state a page or two ago that they never balanced anything with the added damage from EoG in mind. So we should all "git gud".
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Right. Feats are designed where if you can't get it at current CR you can over level and go back....... Oh wait nevermind.
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  5. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    His whole approach is about telling others to "git guud" if he really wanted to help he'd go in and see how hard it is for the average players, no matter the outcome fail or pass, do it a few times to widen the sample.

    Making a controlled edited video is to protect a certain narrative and the goal is to embarrass others with a "see you just need to git guud" mantra, I bet you can already imagine the click bait thumbnail.

    I'm not a fan of it and so I challenged him to step outside if his elite friend bubble of meta min max to see how others feel, but it's made him uncomfortable, which I guess says it all.

    What I found more intriguing were the others leaping to his defense, like my challenge was some kind of trap. If the challenge of running old content with strangers to achieve something in game is a trap, then this game has lost its way.
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  6. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    The amount of people upset that they didn't pick what they assume is the meta and not learning their actual power always baffles me. Literal laziness & complacency. It's part & parcel with the level of entitlement they have too.
  7. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    We're supposed to be able to progress and eventually find content easier when it's older.

    We shouldnt be going in to FGSE 2 years after its release and discussing who drops orbitals when, whether everyone's running certain allies and dropping nuts like desperate squirrels when the omega beam comes up like the content came out yesterday.

    That's gatekeeping and protecting a feats integrity for no reason, you're being crazy my guy.
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  8. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Ok so no coordination, no strategy, pew pew, everyone can have old feats?

  9. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    Why do some of you always jump to these ridiculous extremes.

    If everyone in the group is doing good damage, which they likely are because they over level the content, then what's the problem, why are you insisting on extra requirements?

    Elite co-ordination and communicating every last orbital and ally drop is for current elite content, not 3 year old elite content.

    You're gatekeeping old feats.

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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    The content is easier. Just not trivial.

    Why not? The whole point of difficult feats is a challenge for the best players. There's only so much to do in current EG content and not every good player was around when FGSE - or whatever other content you consider disposable - was EG. I don't see what's wrong with having a handful of challenges in the game, that skilled players can strive to complete, when they're loot-locked in the latest raids. Just because a feat is a few years old doesn't mean it should become a participation trophy.

    What gate are you talking about? Who's unable to progress without getting a couple of old Elite feats? **** retentive completionists, envious of their leaguemates' skill point counts? Nobody actually needs every feat in the game.
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  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Like the amount of people who don't care and shutting them down because they got all the hard feats already using the cheese ;p
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  13. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    The way they are set up, and when all is said and done, there is literally no other end game goal to chase. Unless you think sitting in HoL dueling is.

    Edit: "What gate are you talking about? Who's unable to progress" -- Don't forget about the population issues and toxic community that could play a huge part in gatekeeping this as well. Revelent? Probably not.
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Patiently waiting to get attacked even though I have never made a post here clarifying my stance on any of this XD
  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I like how everyone's ganging up on Obsidian. This is the same person who playtests new content with randoms while it's on test because there's only a handful of real testers on the test server. The same person who exposes speed hackers that complete near impossible feats in the same week of launch. The same person that crunches numbers on artifacts and loadouts for you because half of you failed algebra in high school. This is the same person you'll subscribe and follow on YouTube because you can't figure out how to put a proper build together. The only reason you all are even using EoG is because Obsidian recommended it. LMAO
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  16. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    You're twisting what I say. No one is asking for trivial participation trophies.

    You are right no one needs every feat in the game, but people also don't need to care who's getting 3 year old elite feats. It seems some of you do though and that's why you're gatekeeping saying "so you want anyone to get it". why do you care whether "anyone can get it", if you're not gate keeping?

    Here's a video of Omega-level Pardon in clamped content, those players are having to play to maximum meta to get a super old feat, there's more EOG circles than alligators in a Florida swamp, the person in the video is running 2 supers to trigger it twice, how many more are? Do you think EOG was just optional for that group, they were doing it, because they felt like it?

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  17. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    There are plenty of powersets outside of might and gadgets that are comparable or better on single target damage for those types of feats. You just apparently don't want to accept that fact because you see a bunch of gadgets and elec prec dps in game or on youtube and penalize them for not spending money to switch to a powerset that doesn't conform to your standards of gameplay. News Flash there are plenty of powers that aren't balanced in this game but until the root of the balance issues is resolved in EoG that type of discussion cannot even begin.

    Having these side conversations about feats being unattainable is just a joke. If players like minded to yourself had their way we would just be auto granted every feat since 2018, the launch of EoG, so that all players were equal. :rolleyes:
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  18. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    So you're not prepared to live stream some attempts to get the feats with people you don't know? Yes or No?
  19. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Lol so Pstone, DKS and Mercy swaps aren't tied to cooldowns? Inventory swapping has always been in the game. If you have an issue with players swapping arts that is an entirely separate topic of discussion. EoG presents enough balance issues and leads to extra swaps of scrap or flute. The core functionality of artifacts effects lasting their duration with or without being equipped doesn't belong in the EoG discussion.

    That is the players own problem then. I directly covered that mindset in a video already. There is no such thing as perfect balance, if you strip away artifacts and allies powersets are all very close to eachother in performance but when you have 40+ artifacts and 20 whatever allies we are at now it will lead to imbalances that can be corrected with supercharge and weapon passes primarily. Those aforementioned passes cannot happen when we have 1 single artifact that causes the supercharge imbalance.

    It is get good, it is absolutely HALRIOUS players are complaining that certain damage check feats are going to be unattainable with EoG changed. If anything that proves how ridiculous EoG is and how sad it is that players are desperately trying to cling onto the very last thread they can to keep EoG the same because they so desperately depend on it.

    Despite how players may interpret Mepps response content was NEVER DESIGNED AROUND EOG. Damage checks have always existed in the game and if content was designed around EOG you would see more mechanics like The Escape where your supercharge could be drained to make EoG more difficult. It took Survival Mode Season 3 to have an npc add introduced that could drain supercharge.
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  20. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. Are we talking about endgame, or about old feats, that - according to the post I responded to - should not require planning and coordination after a few years passed, because something... something... squirrels.

    What's "revelent"? I don't understand what a few Elite feats (I think people mentioned around 3 in this thread) have to do with population and toxic community. I asked: why not being able to get a couple of old feats without "getting gud" is a huge problem for anyone reasonable. What question were you answering?