Economy Actions Taken Today

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 18, 2019.

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  1. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Really wish they would just set fixed values for items. so you could only sell said item for that amount. then nobody could whine about players setting unfair prices, it would put the devs on the spot to set prices, & if players dont like those prices, oh well.
  2. oG_JUiiC3 New Player

    Devs this fixes nothing. When the broker is back up tomorrow the economy will be even worse, all these people got glitched money still retained that dirty money and still have a few billions and will continue to juice prices.

    So many people who sold their accounts for real money remain unbanned, so many people who obtained billions plus are still free. You've done nothing and i can assure to those people who care, you devs have no clue who the people who violate TOS are. Go on YouTube and literally search DCUO Account for sale, search up people doing give aways and they show they have these absurd amounts of money out of nowhere during the money glitch and still are free.
  3. Awsome Well-Known Player

    This is literally not the root of the problem, like, at all.

    I don’t like the drop rates either, but drop rates are an entirely different issue.

    Look at all other economies on other servers to see for yourself that drop rates did not in any way cause the hyper-inflation.
  4. Samcras Tesryl New Player

    While a complete newb on the boards, I've a bit of experience in this area. Well done gentlemen. These are bad situations and no response will make/keep everyone happy.
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It becomes an issue on our server, when the super-low droprates and low supply there of results in complete bought up and controlled supply by the exploiters and hoarders during the exploit and inflation.

    All of the hard to get-OP collections and items from Metal 1, the hard to get-collections and items from the latest TC, all of those especially will continue to be pushed toward insane, inflation-type prices after this latest fix. The Neon Chroma to name an example, were mostly hoarded up by exploiters and those taking advantage of the situation caused by said exploit. Those still sitting on several Neon chromas will be able to pretty much control the pricing on it after all of this. They will continue to sell it outside of the Broker for Billions.

    The droprates aren't an entirely different issue at all, it ties in pretty obviously with the current situation at hand, and it needs to be part of their 2020-list when they further look into solutions to the Economy issues.
  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, right now, I just have one, simple question I have not seen answered yet:

    When the Broker and related functions go back online tomorrow, will the WTB/WTS/WTT Forum here be turned back on?!? :confused:
  7. Tarif Committed Player


    I am usually one of the people to speak against some of your actions the loudest when I feel its needed, but on this, I am grateful that the Dev team rid trillions of glitched money from the in game economy, while taking time to investigate, and to not punish players too much who have earned money in game legitimately.
  8. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Um... they DID lump all the cash on the account together.
  9. Regina Robin New Player

    Gold sellers did not cause the problem, I wholeheartedly agree. But they do far more then 'help it spread', they perpetuate the problem.
    I'm also a long time player, so I'm fully aware of how long these pests have plagued the game. Trying to carry on any sort of conversation in populated areas of the game is virtually impossible because of the frequency of their spam messages. Blocking them is a waste of time, since more of these bots are created everyday.
    I'm also aware that more than 1 attempt has been made to try to solve this issue. From where I sit, and again this may be over simplistic, they will continue to plague this game, regardless of the steps taken to eliminate them, as long as there is an avenue for them to exploit. And, at present, that avenue is the ability for players to exchange ingame cash via trade. As long as that avenue exists, the gold sellers will exist.

    And I like turtles :'(
  10. shadowhuke New Player

    look everyone ive been playing since 2011 and im a premium member as of 3 years now. I believe this was the best thing they could of done as of now. Everyone chill it aint the end of the world and mepps and his team did what they could for now. What has been done is done end of story. You know it could have been worce they couldve done alot worce if they truly wanted to. In the end they knew it wouldnt have been fair to the people who werent invovled. Why not everyone be happy with what they chose to do for now and move on cuz they said they will do being more on the problem in 2020 this is just a step be happy and everyone stay frosty.
  11. Guamanian New Player

    I am okay with it but we should at least get a rare drop weekend. You know when the rare items drop more frequently, as compensation for the inconvenience. Hehe I just want the bandanna ^_^
  12. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Hi Mepps and Dev Team, Thanks for tackling this problem in as fair a way as you could. I will await the results and if the behavior of exploiters returns that you will monitor and take actions. I will make a suggestion that you include warnings in your game tips that alert people to safe trading actions. We need to be smarter ourselves as players to keep in line with the TOS agreement.
  13. crap zappa New Player

    How do i send you a message on here?
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, that is where you are wrong. I am a capitalist. I like the fact that if you get lucky with a few drops, you can enter the economy game and climb your way up. Tell Jeff Bezos about how Barnes and Nobles runs the book industry...I'm sure he will laugh. Yes, it's hard, but it's far from impossible, even with inflated pricing. I like the fact that If I am unlucky I can still get what I want through hard work or savvy trading (I realize your option removes 'luck'...but it won't happen as we both know). I like that fact that if you are forward thinking and don't mind the inventory clutter, you can grind out some seasonal items now...and sell them later for a profit, or open a TC for some 'meh' items today that will be valuable later as that TC goes into the rear view. A majority of my money (at least large bulk influxes) has been made by selling Booster Bundle auras (Nimbus and Smoke to be specific), which I bought for 20-30 million, years ago...when that was a LOT of money...then sat on for years cause I knew at some point the price would rise. Those were items that have A) no SP attached and B) I never spent a nickle of RL money on.

    Right now I'm sitting on 50+ powerset Chromas from the Mega TCs. I didn't buy any from the broker or trade, but opened all of them with stabilizers I got for free. If they were not tradable, what the heck would I do with them? Same goes with all the emblems/gear/collections I'll get from all the accompanying TCs I've yet to open (wasn't opening any during all the hub-bub)? I'm guessing that even with your plan of 'pick one' menus I'll be opening a few for no reason at a point as I'll have finished whatever collections are in them.

    As far as the gold sellers go, I do not believe it would take long to snipe off a few of the whale accounts by doing some research, and more stringent rules for chat would take care of most of the 'barker' accounts as they are F2P. I find those things more of an annoyance than a real problem, but yeah...if they could be lessened, it would be nice. Go to one of the sites and look at pricing, this wipe has already hurt them pretty bad. A couple more well placed hits would hurt even more.

  15. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    ^ This was posted in reply to someone discussing the 22.1bil players who exist, how they shouldn't be allowed to list items to manipulate the economy. I will argue that avidly.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I wouldn't mind seeing a before/after from the actions. If for no other reason to know the amount of damage that was done and undone by the action....something like 'ingame cash before actions 900 Trillion dollars....ingame cash after actions 3 Trillion"....I also wouldn't mind a count (number only) of how many accounts were perma banned. If it was 1 or 2, I think they missed a few....if it was 10-20 I'd think they got most of the heavy offenders who caused the issue.

    I'm sure neither will happen, but just saying it would put the actions in perspective for most. If they removed 100's of trillions of dollars but you or I lost a few 100 Million, I think it worked as intended. If they removed 1 trillion and you or I lost a few 100 million it sounds less effective even though we might have lost the same amount either way. I'm over simplifying for examples sake.

    And no one want's rank and file names and accounts (I don't at least), so privacy should not be an issue.


    PS....Ok, fine...I wouldn't mind seeing a few of the offenders tarred and feathered through the middle of Gotham as they are railed out of town...sure. But I'm not 'asking' for that, no matter how satisfying it would be.
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  17. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    wont let me post the video link, but i wanna be able to do to the hackers what Spyro did to Moneybags, just beat them up across the map till all the money falls out
  18. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Well I can say this, a leaguemate took a screenshot of Mepps initial post as we were discussing this on Discord, which has since been edited to add new information and formatted better. They removed DOUBLE-DIGIT Trillions from the game - GAWD DANG!

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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd still liked to know an approximate before/after cash number. Just for perspective...even if they removed 99Trillion (the highest double digit possible), if it left 20 Trillion in game it's a bit more 'meh' than if there were only 100 billion in game. Also it would calm the people down who believe there are still dozens of 100 billionaires in game who divested their fake money to multiple accounts and can re-pool. Not saying that didn't also happen, but I think there is a lot of assumption going on. Some hard numbers helps offset that.

  20. GokuSSJ7 New Player

    Honestly, I was very upset about losing so much money that I made over the years through the broker. I find that hardly, by the way, I do not believe that anyone with more money than in this game earned through selling items, collections, materials, buying and reviewing items directly at the broker. Money bought directly from the broker.

    I rarely bought or sold items in the trade, always preferred to go for sale directly to the broker and will continue to do so.

    All the money I make in the game is to spend on the game itself, buying new DLC items, collections, materials, and most of all, buying resets from other players.

    Although you were upset at first, the decision of daybreak was the best, it will make the game economy more competitive and fair, of course initially because there are always those who just make money from the game and then complain that it does not.

    Congratulations to daybreak, I really enjoyed the measures taken.:eek::D
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